二十笔实用成语 329

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二十笔实用成语 329

帖子 royl » 周五 4月 06, 2012 9:22 am

二十笔实用成语 329

01. drive time, the
定义: (交通当局广播的)上/下班开车时间; 往/返开车时间; 车程.
例句: If you are taking a trip or just going to work, you always want to know what the drive time will be. (不论你外出旅行或是去上班, 你总想要知道开车时间是多久)

02. drive under the influence, to
定义: 酒醉驾车, 酒后驾车. (注: 简称DUI)
例句: Don't let anyone drive under the influence, take their keys away. They'll thank you in the morning. (别让任何人酒醉驾车, 把他们的钥匙拿走. 他们会在第二天早上感谢你)

03. drive up the price of ..., to
定义: 把...的价格推高.
例句: It is estimated that poor harvests of vanilla pods could drive up the price of ice cream by up to 10 percent. (据估计, 香草豆荚的歉收将会把冰淇淋价格推高百分之十)

04. drive-by shooting, a
定义: 开车扫射, 驱车驶过并开枪扫射受害者.
例句: Police say David, 26, fired five shots into a home in the 16000 block of Fern Street after he learned his wife was having an affair. No one was hurt during the drive-by shooting. (警方说大卫, 26岁, 得知她妻子与人私通之后射击五发子弹进入佛恩街一万六千号这段路的一栋住宅. 没有人在这个开车扫射事件中受伤)

05. drive-in bank/restaurant/theater, a
定义: (户外)汽车银行/餐厅/电影院.
例句: This drive-in restaurant is okay. It's pricey and I'm not blown away by their burgers and fries. They are quality and tasty but again I'm not wowed. (这家汽车餐厅还可以. 它价格昂贵而且他们的汉堡和薯条也不怎么样. 虽然它们的品质不错也可口但我还是不激赏)

06. driven by a motor, be
定义: 不停地活动/讲话; 不能安静下来.
例句: Children with the ADHD may be described as immature, may tend to always be on the go as driven by a motor. (患有注意力不足过动症的儿童可以被形容为冒失冲动, 可能倾向于不停地活跃​​, 不能安静下来)

07. driven out of a place, be
定义: 被人驱逐出某个地方.
例句: During the systematic ethnic cleansing of Chinese Americans, Chinese recalled being driven out of their shops, while women told of being forced into prostitution. (于有系统的对华裔美国人种族清洗期间, 华裔商人还记得被驱逐出他们的商店, 同时华裔女性诉说被强迫卖淫)
编者注: 发生于1850年至1906年的美国"排华运动"其实就是对中国人的种族清洗罪行.
作者为Jean Pfaelzer所著的美国"排华运动", 书名为"Driven Out: The Forgotten War Against Chinese Americans"的书本封面. 这本书值得一读!

08. driver's license, a
定义: 驾驶执照.
例句: Last week, I was cashing a check at the bank for my husband, and I had to show my driver's license to prove I was who I said I was. (上星期, 我正在银行把支票兑换现金的时候, 我必须要显示出我的驾照来证明我确实是我所表明的身份)

09. driveway robbery, a
定义: 家前停车道的抢劫. (注: driveway是一条私人的家前停车道)
例句: A man has been sentenced to 20 years in jail after he put a gun to the head of a 72-year-old man during an attempted driveway robbery. (在他于一个未遂的车道抢劫, 拿枪抵住一个七十二岁老人脑部之后, 一名男子被判刑二十年监禁)

10. driving force, a
定义: 主要推动力.
例句: She is the driving force behind efforts to prosecute 43 people, including American and other foreign democracy activists, for operating illegally in Egypt. (她是一个起诉四十三人努力背后的主要推动力, 这些人包括非法在埃及活动的美国和其他外国民主激进份子)

11. driving while intoxicated (DWI)
定义: 酒醉驾驶, 吸毒驾驶. (注: 简称DWI)
例句: A 21-year-old Peconic man, whose license had already been suspended after being charged with DWI was convicted of driving while ability impaired. (一名皮康尼克二十一岁男子被以酒醉驾驶起诉并被证明驾驶中能力受损罪名之后, 他的驾照被吊销)

12. drooling over, be
定义: 羡慕, 渴望.
例句: It seems like everyone was drooling over it a few years ago, but now it has fallen out of favor for some reason. (几年前, 似乎每个人都渴望它, 但现在由于某个原因它不再受人欢迎)

13. drop $10 for lunch, to
定义: 花十块钱吃中饭.
例句: I can't understand how people can afford to go out every day and drop $10 for lunch. I would rather put the money toward my 401K. (我无法了解为什么人们每天愿意花十块钱吃中饭. 我宁愿把这些钱投资在我的401K退休福利计划)

14. drop a bombshel​​l, to
定义: 发出/宣布令人震惊的消息.
例句: Her husband dropped a bomb over dinner. "I'm seeing another woman," he said. (她丈夫在晚餐中宣布令人震惊的消息. 他说, "我正在跟别的女人交往.")

15. drop a brick, to
定义: 发出/宣布令人震惊的消息; 闹笑话, 出丑, 失言, 发言不当.
例句: They must choose their words carefully when they drop a brick like that. (当他们宣布类似这种惊人消息的时候, 他们必须要谨慎地选择他们的语言)

16. drop a bundle, to
定义: [俚语]花掉或输掉一大笔钱.
例句: I dropped a bundle at the track last night. I lost every bet. (昨晚, 我在赛马场输掉一大笔钱. 我输掉每一个赌注)

17. drop a clanger, to
定义: [英国]闹笑话, 出丑, 失言, 发言不当.
例句: This bungling Prince dropped a clanger by asking a woman of 55 what she did in the Second World War. (这个笨嘴笨舌的王子由于询问一个五十五岁女子她在第二次世界大战做什么工作的失言闹出笑话)

18. drop a dime, to
定义: 告某人的密, 出卖某人. (注: 意指出自早期以一毛钱的公用电话费, 打电话到警察局告密)
例句: Tom dropped a dime on George for stealing the car. (汤姆告乔治偷窃这部车的密. 注: 意指汤姆打电话报警, 告诉警方乔治偷窃这部车)

19. drop a flea in someone's ear, to
定义: 警告, 告诫, 斥责某人.
例句: I dropped a flea in his ear regarding the proposal deadline that he had m​​issed. (我斥责他关于他错过了这个计划截止日期)

20. drop a hint, to
定义: 不经意地暗示, 露口风; 建议; 给一个手示.
例句: He dropped a hint that he wanted to transfer to a new department. (他暗示他希望被调职到一个新部门)



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