二十笔实用成语 330

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二十笔实用成语 330

帖子 royl » 周日 4月 08, 2012 12:02 am

二十笔实用成语 330

01. drop a line, to
定义: 写封(短)信.
例句: Be sure to drop us a line from Paris. Tell us about your trip. (去了巴黎之后务必要写信给我们. 告诉我们你的旅游体验)

02. drop a log, to
定义: [不雅语]排粪便.
例句: What a smell! Open a window after you drop a log, eh. (臭死了! 你便完了把窗子打开, 嗯)

03. drop a name, to
定义: 提供名字; 告发某人; 抛出显要人物的名字炫耀自己有办法.
例句: He was dropping names at the interview – Klein, Clinton, etc. (在采访的时候他抛出几个显要人物的名字– 克莱恩, 克林顿, 等等)

04. drop an idea, to
定义: 放弃某个主意或想法.
例句: She'll drop that idea like a hot potato when someone points out that it's not cool anymore. (如果有人指出它不再是个好主意的话, 她会放弃那个想法)

05. drop back, to
定义: 撤退, 减慢, 落在后面.
例句: During the hike his foot began to get sore so he decided to drop back and rest for a while. (在远足走到一半的时候他的脚开始酸疼因此他落在后面休息一阵子)

06. drop behind, to
定义: 落后.
例句: Our party has dropped behind in the polls. We're in second place. (我们政党民调落后. 我们居于第二)

07. drop by the wayside, to
定义: 无法跟得上, 停在路边休息; 放弃, 认输.
例句: Many runners dropped by the wayside as the marathon continued. (当马拉松赛跑进行时, 许多参赛者停在路边休息)

08. drop by, to
定义: 顺道来访, 临时来访.
例句: He dropped by after work for a drink. (他下班之后顺道过来喝酒)

09. drop charges, to
定义: 撤销法律诉讼, 不再指控.
例句: I realized it was an accident, so I dropped the charges. (我了解这是个意外事件, 所以我撤销诉讼)

10. drop dead, to
定义: [命令语]去死吧! 不要烦我!
例句: I told him to drop dead when he came into my room and now he is angry at me. (当他进入我的房间时候, 我告诉他别烦我, 他现在正生我的气)

11. drop everything, to
定义: 停止, 放下你现在做的事.
例句: Whenever there is a tornado warning, you must drop everything right now and head for the shelter. (不论任何龙卷风警报发出的时候, 你必须马上放下你现在做的事, 躲进避难所)

12. drop in on, to
定义: 顺道访问, 临时来访.
例句: If you're in town next month, we'd love to see you. Please try to drop in on us. (如果你下个月来我们这里, 我们很想跟你见面. 请务必顺道来看我们)

13. drop in one's tracks, to
定义: 累倒或病倒; 另, 突然死亡.
例句: Kelly almost dropped in her tracks from overwork. (凯莉因为工作过劳几乎病倒)

14. drop in someone's lap, to
定义: 撒手不管. 突然, ​​无预警的交给某人. (注: 交给别人的不一定是不好的事务, 也有可能是好的事务, 只是你不一定愿意接受)
例句: When the job of bookkeeping got dropped in my lap I was clueless with very little experience on the computer. (当这个簿记工作突然交给我的时候, 我一无所知也没有什么电脑经验)

15. drop in the bucket, a
定义: 九牛一毛; 沧海一粟; 冰山之一角; 无关紧要的微量.
例句: This donation is only a drop in the bucket, but it is appreciated. (这个捐款只是九牛一毛, 但仍感激它)

16. drop in the ocean, a
定义: 九牛一毛; 沧海一粟; 冰山之一角; 无关紧要的微量.
例句: Reducing pollution by taking the train instead of driving is just a drop in the ocean, but at least it's not adding to the problem. (以坐火车取代开车来减少污染虽然只是沧海一粟但起码它不加重问题)

17. drop in, to
定义: 顺道访问, 临时来访.
例句: I decided to drop in and visit my friend after I finished work for the day. ​​(我决定下班之后顺道访问我的朋友)

18. Drop it!
[成语句型]停止吧! 别再提它(某事)! 把武器放下来!.

19. drop knowledge, to
定义: 教导学识或技术.
例句: I'll be dropping some knowledge on techniques that you might not know. (我要教一些你们可能不知道的技术知识)

20. drop like flies, to
定义: 大量迅速晕倒, 死亡, 离去.
例句: Even the well-trained soldiers couldn't tolerate the scorching desert heat—they began to drop like flies after an hour in the sun. (即使受过精良训练的士兵也不能受得了这种沙漠的焦灼高温—在一钟头太阳晒烤之下, 他们开始大量迅速晕倒)



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