二十笔实用成语 332

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二十笔实用成语 332

帖子 royl » 周三 4月 11, 2012 10:19 am

二十笔实用成语 332

01. drop/dump something in/into/on someone's lap, to
定义: 撒手不管. 突然, ​​无预警的交给某人. (注: 交给别人的不一定是不好的事务, 也有可能是好的事务, 只是你不一定愿意接受)
例句: He attempted to dump the problem in my lap by saying that I did not call him when in fact I had. (他试图把这个问题丢给我并以我没有打电话给他作为理由尽管我确实曾打电话给他)

02. drop/fall/sink to one's knees, to
定义: 跪下来, 下跪.
例句: Overpowered by the pain, he dropped to his knees, disoriented, wheezing. (实在疼得受不了, 他跪下来, 头昏晕眩, 呼哧呼哧地喘气)

03. drop-dead gorgeous, be
定义: 令人动心地美丽, 动人, 亮丽的.
例句: Tom's girlfriend is drop-dead gorgeous. How can a twit like him hold onto a looker like that? (汤姆的女友美丽得令人心动. 像他这种傻蛋怎么可能交到这样美丽的女子?)

04. dropkick, a
定义: [运动术语]飞起双脚平踢; 抛球降地反弹后用力踢球.
例句: A dropkick is an attacking maneuver in wrestling. It is an attack where the wrestler jumps up and kicks the opponent with the soles of both feet. (飞起双脚斜踢是摔跤运动的一个攻击动作. 这是个摔跤选手跳起用双脚底面踹踢对方的攻击)

05. drown one's sorrows/fears, to
定义: 借(酒或事或物)浇愁; 借(酒或事或物)壮胆.
例句: The bourbon beckons, but he's not going to drown his fears in a bottle. Not this time. (这瓶波本威士忌酒跟着他招手, 但他不会借酒壮胆. 这次不会了)

06. drown out, be
定义: 在淹耳的噪音中无法听清楚.
例句: Twice during her 30 minute speech, she was drowned out by the cheering fans. (在她演讲的三十分钟里, 两次她的声音被热爱者的欢呼所淹没)

07. drug bust, a
定义: 毒品搜查行动, 查获逮​​捕毒品毒贩.
例句: A Bossier City man is behind bars after a drug bust that netted several pounds of cocaine and thousands in cash. (在一个查获数磅古柯碱及数千元现金的毒品搜查行动之后, 一名包西尔市男子被羁押)

08. drug kingpin/drug lord, the
定义: 毒枭, 贩毒集团首脑.
例句: Colombian drug kingpin El Socio will be released from a US prison in M​​ay, after brokering a deal with authorities. (经过与当局协商之后, 哥伦比亚毒枭埃尔索西欧将于五月被美国监狱释放)

09. drug/glut on the market, a
定义: 滞销产品, 卖不出的货品; 供过于求的货品.
例句: Twenty years ago, small tr​​ansistor radios were a glut on the market. (二十年前, 小型电晶体收音机曾是滞销产品)

10. drugstore cowboy, a
定义: 逗留在路边或杂货店的闲混者; 衣着行为假装牛仔的人; 非法取得或服用处方药的混混.
例句: Perry is a corrupt Texan. Bush was a drugstore cowboy. Obama, by comparison, is an affirmative action token. (派瑞是个腐败的德州人, 布希是个衣着行为假装牛仔的人. 欧巴马, 相比之下, 是个鼓励雇用少数民族的积极行动法的样板)

11. drugstore, a
定义: 药房, 杂货店.
例句: Drugstore is a type of store mainly featuring a pharmacy. Drugstores sell not only medicines, but also items such as candy, cosmetics, and magazines. (药房杂货店是一种主要以药品为特色的店面. 药房杂货店不只贩卖药品, 而且也贩卖例如糖果, 化妆品以及杂志等项目)

12. drum brake, a
定义: [汽车术语]鼓式煞车或制动器. (注: 较早型式的刹车, 现代汽车许多后轮刹车仍然使用鼓式制动器)
例句: A drum brake is a brake in which the friction is caused by a set of shoes or pads that press on the inner surface of the drum. (鼓式煞车是一种以煞车片紧压煞车鼓内部表面而造成摩擦的制动器)

13. drum into someone's head, to
定义: 灌输教学, 强迫别人硬记.
例句: One thing I'v​​e constantly tried to drum into his head is that no matter how careful you think you are on the road, someone else can come and screw it up for you. (有件我一直不停地试着灌输他脑袋的事是, 不论你认为你如何在旅途上谨慎地驾驶, 总会有人来帮你把事情搅得一团糟)

14. drum one's fingers, to
定义: 手指头不停地敲打.
例句: He sat alone in the parking lot, drumming his fingers on the dashboard, shifting positions in the seat with talk radio hosts babbling on in the background. (他单独地在停车场坐着车里, 谈话广播节目主持人喋喋不休为背景之下, 他手指不停地敲打仪表板, 频频地改变坐姿)

15. drum out of, to
定义: 公开的驱逐及赶走.
例句: As a result, they summarily drummed him out of the party, destroyed his career and sullied his name. (结果, 他们草率地把他赶出这个政党, 摧毁了他的生涯, 污蔑他的名声)

16. drum up, to
定义: 努力争取/招来(支持); 发明, 创作.
例句: They were able to drum up a lot of business during the summer. (他们有办法在这个夏天里招来许多生意)

17. drumstick, a
定义: 鼓棒, 禽类的小腿. (注: 当我们说drumstick鸡腿, 我们指的是小腿部分, 其形状像鼓棒)
例句: Thighs and drumsticks are dark meat, so they won't dry out as quickly as chicken breasts and are usually far more flavorful. (鸡大腿和小腿属于黑肉, 因此它们失去水份没有鸡胸肉那么快而且通常也比较有味道)

18. drunk as a lord/sailor on leave/skunk, be (as)
定义: 酩酊大醉, 烂醉如泥.
例句: After his fifth cocktail, Michael was as drunk as a lord. (喝了他第五杯鸡尾酒之后, 麦可烂醉如泥)

19. dry as a bone, be (as)
定义: 极为干燥, 很枯燥无味.
例句: Temperatures in Austin were soaring to 112°F and the drought-stricken Lone Star State was dry as a bone. (奥斯汀的气温正跃升到华氏一百一十二度, 旱灾肆虐的德州极为干燥)

20. dry as dust, be (as)
定义: 极为干燥, 很枯燥无味.
例句: This book is as dry as dust. I can hardly read it any longer. (这本书极为枯燥无味. 我根本无法读下去)



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