二十筆實用成語 336

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二十筆實用成語 336

帖子 royl » 周四 4月 19, 2012 11:23 am

二十筆實用成語 336

01. Durn! Durn it!
定義: [驚嘆語]哎呀! 表達不滿, 失望, 厭惡之意.
例句: Durn it! I forgot to call him! (哎呀! 我忘了打電話給他!)

02. dust bowl, a
定義: 乾旱地區.
例句: Poor agricultural practices and years of sustained drought caused the Dust Bowl. The grasslands had been deeply plowed and planted to wheat. (沒效率的農業運作, 多年來的持續乾旱形成了這個乾旱地區. 這些草原早已經被深耕之後種植小麥)

03. dust bunny
定義: [名詞]灰塵茸. (注: 由靜電影響所形成由灰塵, 頭髮以及皮膚屑組成毛茸茸的坨塊)
例句: On Saturday morning, I vacuum up the dust bunnies before I go out. (星期六早晨, 我在出門之前把這些灰塵茸拿吸塵器清理乾淨)

04. dust devil, a
定義: 規模小的旋風或龍捲風.
例句: These dust devils seemed to follow us as we walked across the field. (當我們穿越這個場地的時候, 這些小旋風似乎一直跟著我們)

05. dust down, to
定義: 撣去灰塵; 斥責, 責罵.
例句: Composing himself, John stood up and dusted his suit down before pushing up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Shall we leave now?" (將心情平靜下來之後, 約翰站起來, 撣去西裝上的灰塵, 推高鼻樑上的眼鏡, 問到, "我們現在可以走了嗎?")

06. dust jacket, a
定義: 防塵書套, 包書紙.
例句: I almost always remove the dust jacket and set it aside. I then replace the jacket after I finish the book. (我幾乎毫無例外地把防塵書套拿下來先放一邊. 等我看完這本書之後再把書皮包回去)

07. dust off, to
定義: 撣去灰塵; (久不使用之後)再度使用.
例句: Tom dusted off his Spanish speaking skills and happily chatted away with his old pal Rolando. (湯姆久不使用之後再度使用西班牙語言技巧, 他愉快地跟他的老友奧蘭多閒聊)

08. dust someone's jacket, to
定義: 毆打某人.
例句: I'd dust your jacket for you if I had the time to teach you politeness. (如果我有時間的話, 我會揍你一頓教導你作人的禮節)

09. dust storm, a
定義: 沙塵風暴.
例句: The historic dust storm swept over Phoenix on Wednesday, turned day to night. (這個有史以來最大的沙塵暴星期三橫掃鳳凰城, 把白晝變成黑夜)

10. Dutch auction, a
定義: [拍賣術語]降價拍賣, 由高價向低價叫賣直到保留最低價為止.
例句: Dutch auctions are competitive because due to ever-decreasing bids, buyers must act decisively to name their price or risk losing to a lower offer. (降價拍賣具有競爭性因為由於拍賣價格不斷地降低, 買家們必須要果斷地選擇他們的價錢否則會甘冒輸給另一個出低價的風險)

11. Dutch courage, the
定義: 喝酒壯膽, 酒後之勇.
例句: Since I am personally known to the shop attendant, I ask for a beer and bided my time at the shop while gaining Dutch courage. (由於我跟這個店裡的服務生認識, 我要了一瓶啤酒, 一面喝酒壯膽一面等待我的時機)

12. Dutch treat, the
定義: 各付各, 各自付自己錢.
例句: When he goes out with his girlfriend it is always a Dutch treat as he doesn’t have much money. (他跟他女友出去約會的時候, 他們總是各付各的因為他手上沒什麼錢)

13. Dutch uncle, a
定義: 嚴厲, 直率地批評者.
例句: I would not have to lecture you like a Dutch uncle if you were not so extravagant. (如果你不是這樣地揮霍無度, 我不會像一個嚴厲批評者一樣地訓斥你)

14. Dutch wife, a
定義: 長枕頭; 納涼用的竹夫人; 睡覺取暖用的熱水袋; 性愛充氣娃娃; 娼妓.
例句: Dutch wife and their variants in other countries have their origin and use in East Asia and Southeast Asia, tropical regions with hot, humid seasons. (竹夫人以及它在其他國家的不同版本在東亞和東南亞等濕熱季節的熱帶地區共有它的起源和應用)

15. dutifully noted, be
定義: 忠實地記錄下來或注意到.
例句: As you dutifully noted, the Haitian, with no apparent motive cut the head of his employer and chopped off another bystander, with his machete. (就如你忠實地注意到的一樣, 這個海地人, 無緣無故地拿彎刀割下他雇主的頭顱, 斬下另一旁觀者的腦袋)

16. duty call, the
定義: 使命的召喚, 工作, 任務或責任的召喚; 上廁所.
例句: "Duty calls," he said, opening a book to begin his homework. ("任務的召喚,"他說, 然後打開一本書開始他的功課)

17. duty-bound, be
定義: 義不容辭的, (感覺)有責任/有義務的.
例句: The Supreme Court ruled that an attorney is duty bound to inform clients’ possible outcomes, such as deportation. (最高法院判決一個律師有義務告知客戶可能會產生的各種結果, 例如被驅逐出境)

18. duvet day, a
定義: 私人假. (注: 由於私人原因例如疲勞或壓力所請的假)
例句: You are allowed to take two duvet days, but not in a row, a year when you can play hooky with your employer's blessing. (如果你不想上班並經過雇主同意的話, 你一年可以請兩天的私人假, 但這兩天不能連續請)

19. DVD
定義: 數碼視頻光碟.
例句: DVD is much better than VHS – the disks are smaller but they hold much more information. (數碼視頻光碟比VHS錄像帶要好很多 – 這些光碟體積小但它們容納更多的資訊)

20. dweeb, a
定義: [俚語]笨拙, 怪異, 不善言辭的人.
例句: I'm a dweeb with a pen, and I don't know what to say that might pique your interest. (我是個寫作上不善言辭的人, 我不知道該寫什麼能引起你的興趣)



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