二十筆實用成語 338

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二十筆實用成語 338

帖子 royl » 周一 4月 23, 2012 6:49 pm

二十筆實用成語 338

01. Each player is dealt five cards.

02. each to his own/each to their own
定義: 各有所好, 各取所需.
例句: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion or tastes. My wife is a strict vegan. I personally could never eat meat, but each to his own. (每個人都有權力擁有他自己的看法或品味. 我太太是個嚴格的素食者​​. 我個人也決不吃肉類, 但各有所好)

03. each/every time
定義: 每當, 每次.
例句: Every time you fill up at the pump, they're making big money with their inflated gas prices. (每當你到加油站把汽油加滿的時候, 他們就以他們飛漲的汽油價格賺大錢)

04. eager beaver, an
定義: 熱心勤奮甚至於急切的人.
例句: She is a rea​​l eager beaver and I am sure she will do very well in this company. (她是個熱心勤奮的人, 我確信她會在這家公司做得很好)

05. eager to please, be
定義: 急於討好, 討人喜歡.
例句: Sycophants eager to please and an array of yes-men led him astray. They were the first to escape abroad with their ill-gotten gains. (急於討好的馬屁精以及一大堆應聲蟲把他帶入歧途. 他們卻是第一個帶著他們非法所得的財物逃到國外)

06. eagle eyes
定義: [名詞]犀利的眼力. (注: 意指可以看到細節或錯誤)
例句: We call him Eagle Eyes because he finds so many lost golf balls. (我們叫他鷹眼因為他找到許多遺失的高爾夫球)

07. ear candy, an
定義: 甜美的音樂. (注: 意指音樂雖甜美卻沒深度)
例句: The theme music in the movie "Out of Africa"​​ is ear candy. (這個"遠離非洲"電影主題曲是首甜美的音樂)

08. ear of corn, an
定義: 一條玉米. (注: 因為玉米是不可數名詞, 必須要用ear來作單位)
例句: Now I am going to show you how to shuck an ear of corn and have it silk free. (現在我要教你如何把一條玉米皮剝掉而且讓它不帶一點絲穗)

09. ear pick, an
定義: 耳掏子. (注: 意指用來清理耳朵的工具)
例句: Earwax can be removed with an ear pick, which physically dislodges the earwax and scoops it out of the ear canal. (耳垢可以使用耳掏子來清除, 使用它把耳垢從耳內剝離下來再從耳道掏出來)

10. earlier time, an
定義: 早一些時候.
例句: The first opt​​ion allows you to restore your computer to an earlier time, and the second option allows you to create a restore point. (第一個選擇讓你還原到早一些時候的電腦狀況, 第二的選擇讓你建立一個還原點)

11. early bird, an
定義: 早起的人; 早到的人; 捷足先登者.
例句: The opposite of an early bird is a night owl. Night owls like to stay up late and hate getting up early. (跟早起的人相反的是熬夜的人. 熬夜的人喜歡晚睡與厭惡早起)

12. early days (yet)
定義: [英國]早期; 還早, 為時尚早. (注: 意指斷言或知道某事結局為時尚早)
例句: It's early days yet, I just started this past Monday, but I'll be happy to share more about what I am doing as I find my feet. (現在為時尚早, 我只是從上星期一才開始做,但在我適應新工作的同時, 我很願意分享更多我現在所做的. 注: 這裡的happy=very willing to do something, 很願意做某事)

13. early in life
定義: 年輕時, 早年, 初期.
例句: My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician. (我早年的選擇是做一個妓院的鋼琴師或成為一個政客)

14. early on
定義: [副詞]早期, 初期.
例句: A person in love cannot hide his feelings forever, so don't fret if it's not obvious early on. (一個戀愛的人無法永遠隱藏他的感情, 所以別擔心他的感情在初期表露得不明顯)

15. earn a living, to
定義: 賺錢維生, 養家活口.
例句: A group of eyebrow threaders sued, seeking enforcement of their right to earn a living without having to jump through irrelevant bureaucratic hoops. (一個修眉師團體提出控告, 尋求他們賺錢維生的權利受到法律保障而不被受到莫名其妙繁文縟節的官僚幹擾)

16. earn a/one's crust, to
定義: 賺錢維生, 養家活口.
例句: I've learned that there are many photographers who truly love what they do, are good at it and should be given the chance to earn a crust from it. (我知道有許多攝影師確實喜歡他們業餘工作, 他們也精於攝影技術, 應該給予他們用此技術來賺錢維生的機會)

17. earn one's keep, to
定義: (辛勤工作所)獲得應得的工資.
例句: This nice young woman certainly earned her keep; she was busy doing pretty much anything, and everything necessary to bring it off. (這個好樣的年輕女人無疑地應得到她的工資; 她忙碌地做幾乎所有的事情以及該做的每件事來達成任務)

18. earn one's stripes, to
定義: 勤努力所贏得的地位.
例句: The country redhead who's earned her stripes on this season of 'American Idol' stuck to her guns this week, chose her own song and ended up wowing the judges. (這位在這一季的'美國偶像'贏得她地位的紅髮鄉村女郎堅持自己想法, 選擇她自己的歌曲, 最後贏得評審的贊賞)

19. ears pop, one's
定義: 耳內氣脹. (注: 意指坐飛機起降時氣壓突變造成耳內通道內脹氣, 你可以嚼口香糖或吞口水來消氣)
例句: If your ears pop, you feel a sudden change of pressure in them. This often happens when you are going up or down very quickly, for example in a plane. (如果你耳內氣脹的話, 你會感覺耳內的突然氣壓變化. 這種狀況通常發生在, 例如在一架飛機內, 當你迅速上升或下降的時候)

20. earth to (someone's name, 某人的名字)
定義: 提醒某人注意顯然事或物. (注: 直譯為地球呼叫某人)
例句: Earth to John McCain – you are toast! It is sad when someone deludes themselves into continuing a quest that is unwinnable. (地球呼叫麥凱恩– 你完蛋了! 真可憐地看到某人哄騙自己繼續一個不可能成功的追求)



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