二十筆實用成語 343

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二十筆實用成語 343

帖子 royl » 周五 5月 04, 2012 1:51 am

二十筆實用成語 343

01. eavesdrop on, to
定義: (躲在暗處)偷聽, 竊聽.
例句: Some birds use information gathered from eavesdropping on their enemies to find safer areas to build their nests, scientists have found. (科學家發現, 有些鳥類利用從竊聽它們敵人蒐集來的消息來​​尋找更安全的區域建築它們的巢)

02. ebb and flow of ..., the
定義: ...的盛衰消長.
例句: This endless flow of chi is similar to the ebb and flow of the seasons from summer through to spring, and our body is believed to be like a miniature universe. (這個循環不息的氣與夏去春來的季節盛衰消長相似, 我們的身體被視為類似一個微型宇宙)

03. economic fallout, the
定義: 經濟後續效應或影響.
例句: The economic fallout on Japan and the rest of the world in the wake of last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami is only beginning to emerge. (上星期的摧毀性地震與海嘯對日本以及世界其他國家的經濟後續影響才剛開始浮現)

04. economic gains, an
定義: 經濟收益.
例句: Since 1976, the incomes of the bottom 90 percent of households have risen slightly while the economic gains of the top 1 percent have soared. (從一九七六年起, 底層的百分之九十的家庭收入只微幅地上升, 在此同時, 頂層的百分之一富人的經濟收益卻一直猛增)

05. economical with the truth, be
定義: 故意漏掉一些事實. (注: 意指不用說謊而故意漏提一些事實或資料去誤導別人)
例句: It's a complete waste of our time if you're economical with the truth or just a blatant liar. (如果你故意漏掉一些事實或是個厚顏無恥的說謊者, 你徹底地浪費我們時間)

06. economically viable, be
定義: 經濟上可行的, 能收益的, 能維持下去.
例句: If the rent for our shop goes up too much our business won't be economically viable. (如果我們店面租金漲得太多的話, 我們的生意就沒法維持下去)

07. edge out, to
定義: (漸漸地)取代, 勝出, 超越, 脫穎而出.
例句: Efficiency has edged out price as the top reason people give for buying the car. (高效率已經漸漸地取代價格成為最人們給予買這種車子的最大原因)

08. edge toward, to
定義: 向...逐漸移動.
例句: If your fuel gauge is edging toward empty and you plan to jump on an Westpark Toll Road, you might want to gas up beforehand. (如果你的燃油指示器逐漸指向油料用光而且你打算要走威斯帕收費高速公路的話, 你應該要先把汽油加滿)

09. edge upward, to
定義: 逐漸向上移動.
例句: As gasoline prices edge upward, consumers and politicians are looking for someone to blame. (當汽油價格逐漸飆升的時候, 消費者和政客正在尋找被歸咎的對象)

10. Edith has her heart set on going to Washington.

11. educated elite, an
定義: 受過教育的菁英.
例句: Our era is the age of the educated elite, it is this elite that constitutes the ruling class. (我們的時代是個受過教育的菁英的年代, 就是這些菁英份子構成了統治階級)

12. educated person, an
定義: 受過教育的人. (注: 受過教育的人應當是有知識的人, 不輕信別人者)
例句: An educated person will have a clear understanding of the difference between right and wrong and will choose to do the right thing. (一個受過教育的人應該具有一個的對是非曲直的清楚觀念, 也會選擇做出正確的事)

13. educated/informed guess, an
定義: 有一定依據的猜測.
例句: An estimate is an educated guess for an unknown quantity or outcome. (一個估計乃是一個對未知數量或結果的有一定依據的猜測)

14. Eek!
定義: [驚嘆語]表達突然恐懼, 嫌惡或驚訝.
例句: Eek! There's a roach in your chips! (呀! 有一隻蟑螂在你的洋芋片裡!)

15. eeny meeny miney mo
定義: [兒童語] 意尼—咪尼—埋尼—牟, 兒童遊戲數數來決定誰作鬼.
例句: Since I didn't know which one to choose so I started chanting "eeny meeny miney mo," and I picked the red ball. (反正我不知道該選哪一個, 所以我就開始唸著, "意尼—咪尼—埋尼—牟," 停下來之後我就選這個紅色球)

16. eff and blind, be
定義: [粗俗語]罵人的髒話. (注: eff意指fuck即操的髒話)
例句: I can't stand the way he's always effing and blinding. (我真沒法容忍他這個總是罵髒話的老毛病)

17. egg in your beer, an
定義: 紅利, 不勞而獲.
例句: So what do you want, egg in your beer? (你到底想要什麼, 不勞而獲嗎?)

18. egg on one's face, to have
定義: 讓某人感到尷尬, 丟臉或者難堪, 鬥智鬥輸了.
例句: Tom had egg on his face after boasting that the examinations were really easy, but ended up failing most of his tests. (考完幾場考試之後吹噓它們很簡單但結果大多數都考不及格弄得湯姆很難堪)

19. egg on, to
定義: 激勵, 煽動別人行動; 在旁搧風點火.
例句: At first Bob and Chuck were just having a mild argument, but Bob's friends egged them on until they started fighting. (剛開始, 鮑伯和恰克只是發生輕微爭論, 但鮑伯朋友在旁搧風點火直到他們開始打架為止)

20. egg over easy, an
定義: 煎蛋先煎一面再翻另一面輕微煎一下就好.
例句: "How would you like your eggs?" "O​​ver easy, please." ("你要吃怎樣的煎蛋?" "請你先煎一面再翻另一面輕微煎一下就好.")
over easy煎蛋



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