二十筆實用成語 345

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二十筆實用成語 345

帖子 royl » 周三 5月 09, 2012 9:19 pm

二十筆實用成語 345

01. elbow room, some
定義: 人與人之間充分的空間; 充分的工作空間或施展空間.
例句: We should give John as much elbow room as he needs to solve these problems. (我們應該給予約翰所需的施展空間來解決這些問題)

02. electric chair, the
定義: 電椅, 執行電殛死刑的地方.
例句: This electric chair execution was created by employees of Thomas Edison, and has been used only in the United States and in the Philippines. (這個電椅死刑是由湯瑪斯•愛迪生的員工所發明的, 長久以來只有在美國和菲律賓執行)

03. electronic superhighway, an
定義: 電子高速公路, 電腦網路.
例句: We can find more information on the electronic superhighway. (我們可以在電腦網路上找到更多的資料)

04. Elementary, my dear Watson.
[成語句型]這是基本的推理, 我親愛的華生. (注: 福爾摩斯, 虛構的偵探, 告訴華生博士以演繹法的推理破案很基本)

05. elephant in the room, an
定義: 極為明顯卻被人避而不談/拒絕面對/拒絕處理的事情或問題. (注: 意指對明顯事實視若無睹)
例句: When people get lambasted, rejected, bullied, minimized or ostracized for calling out the elephant in the room that's not a good thing. (當人們因為指出極為明顯卻被人避而不談的問題而被抨擊, 被拒絕相信, 被欺壓, 被貶低或被排擠絕不是件好事)

06. elevator music, an
定義: 電梯音樂. (注: 意指在公共場所放的輕音樂聽起來雖愉快但久了覺得乏味)
例句: In shopping mall, the elevator music adds an advantage to the business. It has a psychological effect on the customers. (在大型購物中心裡, 這種電梯音樂增加了這些商家的優勢. 它對購物顧客產生心理影響)

07. eleventh hour, the
定義: 最後一刻. (注: 常用於早點不說偏偏拖到最後一刻, 談之已晚)
例句: We only received your notice at the eleventh hour. (我們在最後一刻才收到你的通知)

08. elicit vs. illicit
定義: [易混淆字或片語]elicit(動詞)套出, 引出; illicit(形容詞)非法的, 不允許的.

定義: [情報術語]電子訊號情報. (注: ELINT是Electronic intelligence縮寫)
例句: ELINT refers to intelligence-gathering by use of electronic sensors. Its primary focus lies on non-communications signals intelligence. (電子訊號情報乃是以運用電子感測器來蒐集情報. 它主要的重點是放在蒐集非通訊訊號情報)

10. elsewhere on Planet Earth
定義: 地球的另一處或另一端.
例句: We need to be looking elsewhere on Planet Earth, a place to emigrate, where it may be not in the radarscope of the world pirates and Satanists. (我們需要尋找地球的另一處, 移居到一個不在這些全球性強盜和魔鬼門徒監視下的國外地方)

11. Elvis has left the building
定義: 這場表演已經結束, 回家吧; 別在逗留.
例句: There's nothing to see here people, Elvis has left the building! Please move along. (這裡沒什麼好看的, 別在這裡逗留! 請離開)

12. 'em
定義: 他們, 她們或它們. (注: 'em是them縮寫)
例句: Let 'em think what they want, I don't care. (他們愛怎麼想就怎麼想, 我才不在乎)

13. embark on a mission, to
定義: 著手/開始進行一個任務.
例句: These politicians have embarked on a mission to break our families apart and devastate local economies. (這些政客已經開始進行一個拆散我們家庭和摧毀本地經濟的任務)

14. embark on, to
定義: 開始進行, 著手, 起步.
例句: The explorers embarked on a journey to the South Pole. (這些探險家開始進行一個去南極點的旅程)

15. embarrassment of riches, an
定義: 富裕/富人的窘境.
例句: It's an embarrassment of riches where all five of us have our own cars but there's no room in the driveway. (我們五個人都有自己的車子但停車道卻沒有空間, 這就是富裕的窘境)

16. embodied in ..., be
定義: 體現於...
例句: The strangeness of Australia's animals is embodied in the kangaroo, with its pouch and unusual habit of hopping instead of running. (由於它身上的育兒袋以及其取代奔跑的奇異跳行, 袋鼠體現出澳洲動物的千奇百怪)

17. embody the breakthrough, to
定義: 體現這個突破.
例句: During the last week of the program, Thomas was nominated for the Spirit Torch, an award given to students who embody the breakthrough spirit. (在活動的最後一週期間, 湯瑪斯被提名接受這個精神火炬獎, 這是一個給予體現這個突破精神學生的獎勵)

18. embolden one's enemies, to
定義: 徒使(其)敵人更囂張.
例句: In many parts of the world, apologies and contrition are seen as weakness and very much embolden one's enemies. (在世界許多地方, 道歉與懺悔被視為示弱的表現, 只會鼓勵敵人更加囂張)

19. emergency brake, the
定義: [汽車術語]緊急煞車或緊急制動器, 手煞車.
例句: An emergency brake is a separate brake system in a vehicle for use in case of failure of the regular brakes and commonly used as a parking brake in automobiles. (一部車輛的手煞車是一個分別的煞車系統使用於萬一正常煞車失靈時的緊急煞車, 一般作為汽車的停車制動器)

20. emerging industry, an
定義: 新興工業/行業.
例句: Companies in an emerging industry tend to have little or no positive income while trying to raise enough money for R&D to progress growth. (新興行業的公司經常賺進少許或零實質所得, 然而試圖籌措研發資金來推動業務成長)



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