二十筆實用成語 348

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二十筆實用成語 348

帖子 royl » 周一 5月 14, 2012 2:59 pm

二十筆實用成語 348

01. end with something, to
定義: 以某事作為結束.
例句: Finally, we ended the convention with renewed enthusiasm. (最後, 我們以重振的熱情結束這場會議)

02. end your/one's life, to
定義: 自殺, 自裁.
例句: Immediately he turned the muzzle of the gun against himself, and ended his miserable life before anyone could interfere. (在別人能夠阻止之前, 他立即把槍口對準自己, 以自殺來結束他的痛苦生命)

03. endanger other people's lives, to
定義: 危害別人的生命.
例句: Yes, there should be more crackdowns on these knuckleheads driving recklessly and endangering other people's lives. (是的, 應該對這些肆無忌憚開車以及危害他人生命的蠢人採取更多的強制取締)

04. endangered species, an
定義: 瀕臨滅亡的物種.
例句: The school bus may become an endangered species in Illinois, considering the 42% cut to state funding for public schools transportation in the past three years. (考慮到州政府過去三年來對公立學校刪減百分之四十二的交通撥款, 伊利諾州的校車也許將成為一個瀕臨滅亡的物種)

05. ended up here, be
定義: 最後到了這裡.
例句: I'm still not sure how I ended up here, but I fell in love with the city and have never left. (我還是不確定我怎麼會到這裡, 但我愛上了這座城市, 再也沒離開它)

06. endgame is near, the
定義: 決戰在即, 終局已近了.
例句: The endgame is near; the cabalists are no longer welcomed in most parts of the country and barely tolerated in the rest. (這個終局已近了; 這群陰謀小集團不再受這個國家大部分人的歡迎, 其餘的人也勉強地容忍他們)

07. ends justify the means, the
定義: 為了目的不擇手段.
例句: I agree with your goal, but the ends do not justify the means. (我同意你的目標, 但你不能為了這個目的不擇手段)

08. ends of the earth, the
定義: 地極, 天涯海角.
例句: Because of all these advances in communications technology, it has never been easier to send a message to the ends of the earth. (由於這麼大幅度的通訊科技進步, 發訊息到天涯海角從未如此更容易)

09. enfant gate, an
定義: [法語]寵壞的小孩.
例句: She was an enfant gate to whom life had been too pleasant. It was difficult for her to wish for anything that could not be obtained. (她是個寵壞的小孩, 從小就日子一直過得太順利. 想要卻不可得的東西對她來說是很難理解的)

10. enforce obedience/cooperation, to
定義: 強迫服從/合作; 逼人就範.
例句: I wouldn't use violence to enforce obedience on a woman. (我不會使用暴力逼迫一個女人就範)

11. engage in seditious activities, to
定義: 進行顛覆活動.
例句: Three Roman Catholic priests and 15 civilians were accused today of engaging in seditious activities. (三名天主教神父和十五名平民今日被依進行顛覆活動罪起訴)

12. engine runs on gasoline, the
定義: 這個引擎使用汽油作燃料.
例句: It doesn't matter if the engine runs on gasoline, diesel or cow dung, the emissions standards are the same. (不論這個引擎使用汽油, 柴油或牛糞作燃料, 廢氣排放標準都一樣)

13. enigmatic figure, an
定義: 一個迷樣的人物.
例句: Despite the richness of his burial, King Tutankhamun remains somewhat of an enigmatic figure, even though he has been the subject of much investigation. (儘管他陵寢之豪華, 圖坦卡門某種程度上仍然是個迷樣的人物雖然他一直是個被許多人研究的對象)
身為古埃及新王國時期第十八王朝的一位國王, 圖坦卡門的木乃伊面具

14. enjoy every second, to
定義: 整個遊程都玩得很愉快.
例句: This place is amazingly delicious. We have enjoyed every second. (這個地方如此驚人地讓人喜愛. 我們整個遊程都玩得很愉快)

15. enjoy someone's company, to
定義: 喜歡某人的交往或陪伴.
例句: I enjoyed her company. It was like visiting your granny who wants to know how you're doing and gives you tea from a china pot. (我喜歡跟她作伴. 就好像探望自己的祖母一樣, 她總是詢問你的近況而且用瓷壺沏茶給你喝)

16. enjoy the challenge, to
定義: 喜歡接受挑戰.
例句: I hope you are enjoying the challenge of learning English. (我希望你喜歡接受英語學習的挑戰)

17. Enjoy yourself!
[成語句型]開心享受! [餐廳用語]慢慢享用!

18. enough is enough
定義: 夠了, 夠了; 別再亂搞; 多言無益.
例句: "Enough is enough!" she said after my sixth piece of blueberry pie. (在我吃了第六片藍莓餡餅之後, 她說, "夠了, 夠了!")

19. enough said
定義: 說得夠清楚, 多言無益, 瞭解了.
例句: "How is he feeling?" "Well, he ran three miles last evening." "Enough said." ("他身體還好嗎?" "嗯, 他昨天傍晚還跑了三英哩." "瞭解了.")

20. enough to sink a battleship/ship, be
定義: 太多了, 超過足夠的.
例句: It's not so bad eating enough to sink a battleship when you're running it off each day. ​​(只要你每天用跑步把熱量消耗掉, 你飲食過量並不是一件壞事)



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