二十筆實用成語 350

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二十筆實用成語 350

帖子 royl » 周三 5月 16, 2012 11:14 pm

二十筆實用成語 350

01. envelop vs. envelope
定義: [易混淆字或片語]envelope是envelop的名詞; envelop(動詞)包住, 包圍, 遮蓋, 側面攻擊; envelope(名詞)信封, 封袋, 封套.

02. environmentally friendly, be
定義: 環保的, 不破壞環境的.
例句: A new type of propellant made of a mixture of water and nanoscale aluminum powder could provide a environmentally friendly way to launch rockets. (一種新式的水和納米級鋁粉混合成的推進燃料可以提供一個環保方式來發射火箭)

03. epic poetry, an
定義: 史詩, 冗長敘述詩.
例句: The Epic of Darkness is a collection of legends of primeval China in epic poetry, preserved by the inhabitants of the Shennongjia mountain area in Hubei. (《黑暗傳》是一個古老中國神話匯集的史詩, 它是由湖北省神農架山區的居民所保存流傳下來的)

04. epigram vs. epigraph vs. epitaph vs. epithet
定義: [易混淆字或片語]epigram(名詞)警句, 諷刺短詩; epigraph(名詞)刻文, 題詞, 碑文; epitaph(名詞)墓誌銘, 碑文; epithet(名詞)分類稱號, 綽號, 譭謗,辱罵.

05. equal to, be
定義: 等於, 等同的, 適當的, 稱職的, 勝任的.
例句: I'm afraid that I'm not equal to the task. I'm considering hiring a cleaning crew to do the job. (我恐怕我無法勝任這個工作. 我正考慮僱用一批清理工人來做這個工作)

06. equate A with B, to
定義: 將A事或物與B事或物視為相等, 相似或可以相比的.
例句: I tend to equate all of these stimulus programs to drinking salt water. They only quench your thirst for a brief moment. (我個人認為這些經​​濟刺激措施相比於喝鹽水. 它們只能解一時之渴)

07. ER/Emergency Room, an
定義: 急診室. (注: ER是Emergency Room的縮寫)
例句: The victims of the accident were quickly taken to the ER. (這些車禍受害者馬上被送到急診室)

08. ergo
定義: 因此, 所以.
例句: Her ego is fragile; ergo, you need to break the news gently to her. (她自尊心脆弱; 因此, 你必須要把這個消息婉轉地告訴她)

09. err on the right side, to
定義: 謹慎行事, 穩紮穩打, 寧可失之謹慎, 力求最少損失, 少輸為贏.
例句: It's a touchy subject, and we want to make sure that we err on the right side. (這是一個敏感的話題, 我們必須要謹慎行事)

10. err on the side of caution, to
定義: 謹慎行事, 穩紮穩打, 寧可失之謹慎, 力求最少損失, 少輸為贏.
例句: I decided to err on the side of caution and spend less than my net income. (我決定要穩紮穩打, 量入為出)

11. erstwhile friend/ally/enemy/lover, an
定義: 昔日的朋友/盟友/敵人/愛人.
例句: As she stares wistfully into the misty morning sea, she thinks of the day her erstwhile lover sailed away, never to be seen again. (當她凝視著晨霧籠罩的海面, 她想起那天她昔日愛人揚帆出海, 從此再也沒見他的蹤影)

12. escape clauses, the
定義: 免責條款.
例句: Borrowers are encouraged not only to read the paperwork carefully before signing, but also to make sure it includes two escape clauses favorable to the loan applicant. (借款人被敦促不僅要在簽字之前仔細閱讀文件, 並且要確定文化包含了兩條對貸款申請人有利的免責條款)

13. escape detection, to
定義: 躲過察覺, 沒有被察覺到.
例句: Cyber​​ thieves escaped detection, broke into the Dallas Police Department's website over the weekend and stole sensitive information. (電腦網路竊賊躲過察覺, 週末闖入達拉斯警察局網站並且盜取機密資料)

14. escape one's mind, to
定義: 忘了, 不記得.
例句: Because Jimmy is constantly helping other people, his own good deeds had completely escaped his mind. (由於吉米不斷地幫助別人, 他完全不記得自己的善行)

15. escape one's notice, to
定義: 沒有註意到, 忽略掉, 疏忽掉; 逃避某人的注意或觀察.
例句: Nothing that went on in the office escaped her notice. (這個辦公室所發生的事情沒有一件能逃過她的注意)

16. escape the ax, to
定義: 逃過一劫, 差點被淘汰, 削減, 刪除, 解職, 開除或被關閉.
例句: Our local post office narrowly escaped the budget cutting ax and is staying open for now. (我們本地的郵局差點因預算削減被關閉, 一時之間還能營業)

17. escape with one's life, to
定義: 九死一生逃過一劫, 僅以身免.
例句: But a tempest came on, and the ship being in danger of sinking. He threw all his merchandise overboard and barely escaped with his life in the empty ship. (然而一場風暴襲來, 這艘船正岌岌可危. 他把他所有的貨物投入海中, 在這個空船裡九死一生逃過一劫)

18. escaped convict, an
定義: 逃犯, 逃離監獄的服刑犯人.
例句: A motorist's alert helped police land an escaped convict back in prison. (一則對駕駛人發出的警報幫助了警方成功地將一名逃犯緝捕回監獄)

19. ESL
定義: 作為第二語言的英語, 非母語英語課程. (注: ESL是English as a Second Language的縮寫)
例句: A study found that the Chinese ESL students did not see classroom discussion and interaction as important but placed a heavy emphasis on teacher-directed lectures. (一項研究發現中國非母語英語課程的學生不重視課堂上的討論和互動但把重點放在老師所主導的講課)

20. esoteric purpose, an
定義: 限少數人知道的, 祕密的, 深奧難解的目的.
例句: These were just massive stone statues that were mysteriously placed here on Easter Island by a civilization gone by, for whatever esoteric purpose. (不論為了什麼深奧難解的目的, 這只是一些巨型石像被一個已消失的文明不可思議地放置在復活節島上)



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