二十笔实用成语 351

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二十笔实用成语 351

帖子 royl » 周五 5月 18, 2012 10:52 am

二十笔实用成语 351

01. ESP
定义: 超感官知觉. (注: 不通过五感官而获得知觉讯息的能力, ESP是extrasensory perception的缩写​​)
例句: The movie was about a small autistic boy who had the ability of ESP. (这部电影是有关一个具有超感官知觉能力的自闭症小男孩的故事)

02. establish contact, to
定义: 与...联络.
例句: After trying to call him and his phone had been constantly busy, I was finally able to establish contact with him. (在不断地跟他打电话但一直打不进去之后, 我终于能够跟他联络上)

03. establish the rules of ..., to
定义: 订立...准则.
例句: No matter how well you establish the rules of the game, you must have a way of keeping track and confirming that everything is going according to plan. (无论你如何把工作准则订得多么完善都没用, 你必须要拿出一套办法来追踪及核实每件事都按计划进行)

04. et al.
定义: [拉丁文]等人, 以及其他人/同伙/等一丘之貉. (注: et al.是et alii或et alia的缩写)
例句: Indeed, the US may be stuck precisely where Bush, et al. want it to be, which is why there is no exit strategy for Iraq occupation. (的确, 美国也许正如布什与其同伙所希望的一样陷于动弹不得的状态, 这也就是为什么占领伊拉克没有撤军计划的原因)

05. ETA
定义: 预定的到达时间. (注: ETA是estimated time of arrival的缩写)
例句: What will your ETA be when you return home next month? (你下个月回家的预定到达时间是何时?)

06. etc./et cetera
定义: [拉丁文]以及其他等等.
例句: If you're constantly telling Monica that she is fat, stupid, lazy, etc., they might be considered verbal abuse. (如果你不断地告诉茉妮卡说她肥胖, 愚蠢, 懒散, 等等的恶言, 这些话语可能被视为言语凌虐)

07. etched in stone, be
定义: 不可改变的, 不能破例的.
例句: But beliefs are only thoughts; they are not etched in stone. To really change your life, you have to break the mold. (但是信念只是一些想法; 它们并不是不可改变的. 要真正地改变你的生命,你必须要打破窠臼, 开创新思维)

08. eternal triangle, the
定义: 三角恋爱.
例句: I'm surprised Jenny doesn't get tired of the eternal triangle. She goes out with Peter at the weekend and Josh during the week. (我很惊讶珍妮仍然对这个三角恋爱乐此不疲. 她跟彼得周末约会, 跟乔希周一到周五出去拍拖)

09. ethical lapse, an
定义: 道德缺失.
例句: He gave a frank account of an ethical lapse that he wished he had avoided. (他坦承地叙述一个他希望当初能避免的道德缺失. 注: 这里的he wished he had avoided是一个有用的句型, 既然说"他希望当初能避免", 那就表示他当初犯下了这个道德缺失)

10. ethnic cleansing, an
定义: 种族灭绝.
例句: The mainstream media ignored the ethnic cleansing of black Libyans perpetrated by the rebels with the help of NATO. (这些主流媒体故意不报导这个由北约所协助的叛军对利比亚黑人所犯下的种族灭绝罪新闻)

11. ethnic epithet, the
定义: 种族歧视的羞辱话语.
例句: This bitter exchange of ethnic epithets on YouTube and many social networking sites must stop now. Enough is enough! (在YouTube和许多社交网站上尖锐地互相叫骂种族羞辱话语必须要停止. 够了, 该适可而止!)
编者注: Ching Chong, Chinaman, Chink或Chinky是最常听见的羞辱中国人的种族歧视语.

12. e-ticket ride, an
定义: 令人兴奋刺激的事件, 经验或兜风.
例句: I'm going to take an e-ticket ride in my boss's new 550-HP muscle car this weekend. (这个周末我要坐上我老板新买的五百五十匹马力大引擎跑车来过一下刺激的飙车瘾)

13. Eureka!
定义: [惊叹语]我找到了! 我们赢了! (注: 表达胜利或新发现的欢呼)
例句: Eureka! I finally found the name of the song I was talking about. (我找到了! 我终于找到了我所谈论的那首歌的歌名)

14. Even a 10 year old child knows it all too well.

15. even as
定义: 正当, 就在此时.
例句: It is being done even as we speak, sir—just as what you requested. (先生, 就在我们讲话的当下它被做好了—正如你要求的一样)

16. even better
定义: 还要好, 则更好, 更令人满意, 岂不更好.
例句: To keep fresh, they should be covered with plastic wrap or even better sealed in a plastic container. (要做到保鲜, 它们应该用保鲜膜盖起来或者把它们密封在一个塑胶罐子里则更好)

17. even dollar, an
定义: 整整一美元; 整数的钱.
例句: The first bid had to be an even dollar, and subsequent bids had to be in one-dollar increments. (第一个出价必须是整数的钱, 随后的喊价也必须是以一美元接一美元地往上增加)

18. Even educated fleas can manage it.
[成语句型]这件事很容易做. (注: 原译为连一只受过教育的跳蚤也能有办法做到)

19. even if
定义: 即使, 纵使, 虽然. (注: 常用于: 某人执意要做某事, 即使在不利状况之下也要做某事)
例句: Never ignore a warning, even if it doesn't make any sense to you at the time. (千万别忽视一个警讯即使在当时它对你毫无意义)

20. Even if I did believe the sky is falling. So what?



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