二十笔实用成语 355

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二十笔实用成语 355

帖子 royl » 周四 5月 24, 2012 6:45 pm

二十笔实用成语 355

01. everyone to their own
定义: 每个人都有自己的方式/喜好.
例句: Sorry, eating raw fish just doesn't appeal to me but everyone to their own. (抱歉, 我不喜欢吃生鱼片, 但每个人都有自己的喜好)

02. everyone-for-himself mentality, an
定义: 人人为己, 自私自利的心态.
例句: People here are rude, and have an everyone-for-himself mentality. (这里的人没礼貌又怀着自私自利的心态)

03. everything but the kitchen sink
定义: 能想到的一切物品, 许多甚至你不需要的东西.
例句: Whenever we go camping my wife wants to bring everything but the kitchen sink. (每次我们去露营, 我太太总想把家里能想到的东西都一起带走)

04. everything from A to Z/everything from soup to nuts
定义: 几乎能想到的一切事或物, 世间一切事或物.
例句: All you need is to find a couple of hours a day to read everything from A to Z whether you are beginner or advanced reader. (不论你是个阅读新手或是个进阶读者, 你所需要做的是每天腾出两个钟头阅读所有能想到的书籍. 注: 意指不要挑剔书籍, 开卷有益)

05. Everything goes your way.

06. Everything is coming up roses.

07. Everything is copacetic.
[成语句型]一切满意. (注: copacetic是非常令人满意)

08. Everything is fine and dandy.

09. Everything is hunky-dory.
[成语句型]一切满意. (注: hunky-dory是非常令人满意)

10. Everything is not alright.

11. Everything must go.

12. Everything old is new again.

13. everything under the sun
定义: 世间上的一切事或物.
例句: We talked about everything under the sun. (我们天南地北地聊)

14. everything was going well, then wham...
定义: (论及过去)情形一切顺利, 突然一个晴天霹雳.
例句: Everything was going well; then wham the global financial crisis happened and our business went down the drain. (当时情形一切顺利, 随后突然一个晴天霹雳发生了全球性金融危机, 我们生意因此一落千丈)

15. Everything was right there.

16. everything you need to know
定义: 你所需要知道的一切事情/资料.
例句: Here you will find everything you need to know about where to get help, where to eat and where to go in Taipei. (在这里你可以找到你在台北到哪儿取得协助, 去哪儿吃美食以及到哪个景点游玩所需要知道的一切资料)

17. Everything's rosy!
[成语句型]一切顺利! 一切安好!

18. everytime vs. every time
定义: [易混淆字或片语]everytime是错误的, 因为every time是两个分开的字. (注: 请注意你可以用everything或everyday, 但every time永远是分开的字)

19. evil one, the
定义: 魔鬼; 残酷邪恶的人.
例句: You call us evil, but looking at your comment with all the blind hatred coming from it, it looks like you're the evil one. (你骂我们邪恶, 但看看你自己通篇充满盲目仇恨的发言,看起来你才是个邪恶的人)

20. evil twin, an
定义: 邪恶的挛生兄弟或姊妹. (注: 戏剧或小说常用的手法, 加入一个与角色一模一样的人, 只是行事作风邪恶以增加戏剧性)
例句: Tom claimed he's innocent and that his evil twin was responsible for all the womanizing he has been accused of. (汤姆辩称他是无辜的, 他被指控一切的拈花惹草行为都是他的邪恶挛生兄弟所做的)



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