二十笔实用成语 364

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二十笔实用成语 364

帖子 royl » 周六 6月 16, 2012 8:46 pm

二十笔实用成语 364

01. fake out, to
定义: 故意的误导, 愚弄, 骗人上当.
例句: Don't let them fake you out with a made-up invoice price. They'll get paid when you buy the new car. (别让他们拿着虚构的发票价格来误导你. 你买了这部新车他们就会赚得卖车佣金. 注: 这里的invoice price是指汽车经销商的进货价钱, 许多人以此价钱来计算购车价格)

02. fall about laughing/with laughter, to
定义: 忍不住大笑, 捧腹大笑, 狂笑不止.
例句: I fell about laughing when I saw this guy with the heavy gold chain round his neck and his teeth capped in gold. (我看见了这个脖子挂着粗重金项链和满嘴金牙的家伙忍不住大笑)

03. fall all over oneself, to
定义: 竭尽所能地表现热忱.
例句: They fell over themselves in their effort to please their clients. (他们竭尽所能地努力讨好他们的顾客)

04. fall apart at the seams, to
定义: 从连接处爆裂; 精神崩溃, 情绪失控; 无法应付或处理.
例句: After his wife died, he fell apart at the seams. He lost interest in everything. (他妻子死了之后, 他精神崩溃. 他对什么事都提不起兴趣)

05. fall apart, to
定义: (机器)失灵, 坏了; 情绪失控, 精神崩溃.
例句: The equipment fell apart about six months after I bought it. (这部机器在我买了六个月之后就坏了)

06. fall asleep, to
定义: 入睡.
例句: Don't fall asleep in church sermon. It's embarrassing. (在教堂听讲道时别睡觉. 真难堪)

07. fall away, to
定义: 逐渐地脱落/流失/倒退/远离/减少/消失; 渐行渐远; 渐渐远离既定的方针或路线.
例句: As the years went by, the public's interest in the murder case fell away. (过了几年之后, 公众对这个谋杀案件的关注渐渐地消失)

08. fall back on/upon, to
定义: (当失败后转向某人)求助; 依靠, 依赖.
例句: She had to fall back on her father's money when her business had problems. (在她的生意遇到困难的时候, 她不得不求助她父亲的金钱援助)

09. fall back, to
定义: 撤退, 后退, 向后躺.
例句: The crowd fell back when the police arrived. (当警察来的时候, 这些人群向后退)

10. fall behind, to
定义: 落后; 无法跟得上工作, 读书, 付款进度.
例句: He fell behind with his homework at the beginning of the term and had problems throughout the year. (这个学期一开始他的功课就落后, 他一整年都碰到问题)

11. fall between the cracks/stools, to
定义: 没有被检察/发现到; 被忽略; 被漏掉; 不符合两者任何一个.
例句: This vehicle is part bike and part car. It falls between two stools. (这辆交通工具部分是机车部分是汽车. 它两者都不是. 注: 意指这辆交通工具既不是机车也不是汽车)

12. fall by the wayside, to
定义: 无法完成, 半途而废, 退出, 停止.
例句: He had a good chance of winning the competition but he fell by the wayside near the end. (他本来很有可能赢得比赛, 但他在结束之前退出比赛)

13. fall down on the job, to
定义: 没把工作做好, 敷衍了事.
例句: I really fell down on the job last week but I will do everything I can to prevent a recurrence. (我上星期没把工作做好, 但我会尽力地不再犯同样的错误)

14. fall down the stairs, to
定义: 从楼梯上摔下来.
例句: I fell down the stairs the other day and hurt my knee. It's been swelling a lot and my knee hurts when I walk. (前几天我从楼梯上摔下来, 伤到我的膝部. 它肿得很大, 我走路的时候会疼痛)

15. fall down, to
定义: 跌倒, 跌落, 掉落, 倒塌, 没把工作做好, 表现落后.
例句: I had to show my apartment manager the leaking roof, and the wall that fell down from water damage. (我不得不让我公寓管理人看这个漏水房顶, 和由于受到水毁损的倒塌墙壁)

16. fall flat on one's face, to
定义: 面朝下跌倒, 摔个狗吃屎; 彻底失败, 弄得一败涂地或灰头土脸.
例句: If I were to ever perform before a live audience, I would fall flat on my face. (我只要在现场观众面前表演, 我就会做弄得一败涂地)

17. fall flat, to
定义: 彻底失败; 证明是无效果的.
例句: I think that my attempt at humor fell flat and now she doesn't like me. (我想我要表现出幽默风趣的试图彻底失败, 现在她不喜欢我了)

18. fall for hook, line and sinker, to
定义: 陷入对某人的热恋; 信而不疑地上了某人的大当.
例句: How did you fall hook, line and sinker for someone you had never seen in the flesh? (你怎么会对一个从未见过面的人信而不疑地上了大当?)

19. fall for it, to
定义: 上当.
例句: My daughter got one of these scam letters and almost fell for it. (我女儿收到了一封类似这类的诈骗信函, 差点上了当)

20. fall for, to
定义: 爱上, 陷入爱河, 被异性吸引; 陷入(被人设计的诈​​欺陷阱), 上当.
例句: He fell for the woman at the bank but he is afraid to ask her for a date. (他爱上了这个在银行上班的女郎但他有些顾忌约她出来)



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