二十笔实用成语 373

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二十笔实用成语 373

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 19, 2012 4:39 am

二十笔实用成语 373

01. fault line, a
定义: 断层线, 地质裂痕, 裂缝; 潜在的分裂因素, 薄弱的环节.
例句: A major fault line in the Jamaican psyche is class and racial prejudice. It permeates the Jamaican society, retarding its progress. (牙买加人心态中的一个主要的潜在分裂因素是种族歧视. 这个问题充斥着牙买加社会, 因此也阻碍它的发展)

02. fault on the right side, a
定义: 因祸得福.
例句: A fault on the right side, the Red Cross Society of China should thank Guo Meimei for it. Another of her "contributions" is that she has improved the Red Cross's response to public relation crises. (因祸得福, 中国红十字会应该为此感谢郭美美. 另一个她的"贡献"是她改善了红十字会对公关危机的反应)

03. fault someone for something, to
定义: 因为某事指责/将责任​​归咎于某人.
例句: Thanks for not faulting me for who I support. And I respect your opinion, we just disagree. (谢谢你不因我支持的人把责任归咎于我. 我尊重你的意见, 我们只是意见不同)

04. faux pas, a
定义: 失礼行为; 失言(尤其是公众人物犯错).
例句: Propping feet up in public is a major faux pas, say etiquette experts. (礼仪专家指出, 公众前把脚翘在桌椅上是一个严重的失礼行为)

05. faux-naïf
定义: 假装天真或无辜.
例句: Your gee-whiz, faux-naif behavior is not going to fool me. (你的惊讶, 装无辜的样子骗不了我)

06. favorite son, a
定义: 受本地人拥戴的候选人; 令本地人骄傲的名人.
例句: We voted for him because he is the favorite son of our state. (我们之所以会投票给他是因为他是个受本州人拥戴的候选人)

07. faze me out, to
定义: 令我难以理解; 吓我一跳, 让我吃惊.
例句: The new expressions fazed me out. They confused me. (这些新字眼令我难以理解. 我不确定它们的意思)

08. FBI
定义: 美国联邦调查局. (注: FBI是Federal Bureau of Investigation的缩写​​)
例句: The killers were found in a nationwide search by the FBI. (这些杀人犯在全国性搜索下被联邦调查局逮获)

09. fear for ..., to
定义: 为...担忧.
例句: She feared for her husband's safety, thinking the consulate might be the next target should another attack occur. (她以为如果再一次攻击发生的话, 这个领事馆可能成为下一个目标, 因此她为他丈夫的安全担忧)

10. fear for one's life, to
定义: 担心自己生命安全, 为自己生命安危担忧.
例句: We feared for our lives as we felt the first trembles of the earthquake. (当我们察觉到这个地震第一波晃动的时候, 我们担心我们生命的安危)

11. Fear not!
[成语句型]别怕! 别担心!

12. fear of someone's expansion, the
定义: 对...扩张所产生的恐惧.
例句: The fear of American expansion northward caused Britain on 13 January 1849 to lease Vancouver Island to the HBC for 10 years. (对美国扩张所产生的恐惧造成了英国于一八四九年一月十三日把温哥华岛出租得哈得逊湾公司为期十年)

13. fear the worst, to
定义: 担心最糟糕的情况将会发生.
例句: When the doctor called, we feared the worst. (当医生打电话来的时候, 我们担心最糟糕的情况将会发生)

14. feast for one's/the eyes, a
定义: 美不胜收, 大饱眼福.
例句: Ephemeral plants provide a feast for our eyes in the spring. (短暂生命植物于春季时节给予我们美不胜收的景色)

15. feast or famine
定义: 要不就太多, 要不就太少. (注: 经常被商人所用来抱怨要不生意太忙, 要不生意太清淡)
例句: When we were in business we'd have years of profit followed by years of loss. It was feast or famine. (当我们做生意的时候, 我们有几年赚钱接着几年的赔钱. 这就是要不生意太忙, 要不生意太清淡)

16. feast your eyes on, to
定义: 让你大饱眼福.
例句: He opened a box of diamonds and said, "Feast your eyes on these!" (他打开了一盒子钻石并说, "让你大饱眼福!")

17. feather in one's cap, a
定义: 卓越的成就.
例句: Winning the speech contest was a feather in his cap and we are proud of him. (赢得演讲比赛是个他的卓越成就, 我们以他为傲)

18. feather one's own nest, to
定义: 图利自肥, 中饱私囊.
例句: He had been feathering his own nest for years so he finally was replaced in the election. (他过去多年来一直图利自肥, 因此他终于在这个选举被取代)

19. featherbrained idea, a
定义: [不尊重语]馊主意, 愚蠢的想法.
例句: Making military veterans pay for service-related injuries with their private insurance is a featherbrained idea. (强迫退伍军人以他们私人保险来支付与其服役有关的伤患是一个愚蠢的想法)

20. feathered friends, the
定义: 鸟类.
例句: During these hot, dry spells that much of North America has been experiencing, don't forget to put out water for our feathered friends. (在这些许多北美地区遭受到的炎热干燥期间里, 别忘了在室外放一点水给鸟类喝)



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