法律术语 13

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法律术语 13

帖子 royl » 周六 7月 21, 2012 12:24 pm

法律术语 13

01. first degree murder
定义: (蓄意有预谋)一级谋杀罪
例句: First degree murder is distinguished from second degree murder in which premeditation is usually absent. (一级谋杀罪与二级谋杀罪之间的差别是二级谋杀罪通常缺乏预谋)

02. flee the jurisdiction
定义: 逃避司法审判
例句: A judge may set higher bail if a defendant is likely to flee the jurisdiction before trial or has a prior criminal record. (如果某个被告被认为有可能在开审之前逃避司法审判或者他有前科的话, 法官可以提高其保释金额)

03. forbearance
定义: 债权人给予债务人还债的宽限期(债权人首先必须具有要求债务人准时偿债的合法权力, 但决定给予债务人宽限期才能符合这个定义)
例句: Forbearance is usually for temporary financial problems. If the borrower has an ARM and the interest rate becomes unaffordable, then forbearance is not a solution. (还债宽限期通常适用于暂时性财务问题的舒缓. 如果这个借款人的浮动利率贷款的利率增高至无法负担的话, 这种宽限期也无济于事)
编者注: 浮动利率抵押贷款, ARM是variable-rate mortgage的缩写

04. foreclosure
定义: (借款人无法付贷款)银行收回房地产, 法院查封拍卖
例句: To avoid foreclosure is to prevent the filing of a Notice of Default and further legal actions by calling the lender first. (想要避免房地产被查封拍卖就是主动先跟银行联络以防止银行发出违约通知书以及采取进一步的法律行动)

05. foreman
定义: (代表陪审团宣读判决的)陪审团主席
例句: The role of the foreman is to ask questions on behalf of the jury, facilitate jury discussions, and sometimes to read the verdict of the jury. (陪审团主席的工作是代表陪审团提出疑问, 促成陪审团的顺利讨论, 有时候宣读陪审团的裁决)

06. fraud
定义: 诈欺罪, 欺骗行为
例句: Frauds committed by owners and executives were more than nine times as costly as employee fraud. The industries most commonly affected are banking, manufacturing and government. (业主和管理阶层诈欺所造成的经济损失是员工诈欺的九倍之多. 一般受影响的行业是银行, 制造业与政府)

07. fraud in the execution / fraud in factum / fraud in the inducement
定义: 误导契约内容罪
例句: Fraud in factum occurs when misrepresentation causes one to enter into a transaction without accurately realizing the risks, duties, or obligations incurred. (误导契约内容罪发生于当误导造成一方当事人在不正确地了解它所带来的危险, 义务或责任之情况下进行交易)

08. fraudulent transfer / fraudulent conveyance
定义: (债务人)诈欺性财产转让
例句: Generally, fraudulent transfer occurs when a debtor transfers property without receiving "reasonably equivalent value" if the debtor is insolvent at the time of the transfer. (一般来说, 诈欺性财产转让发生于当债务人转让财产却不收"合理的同等价值"如果这名债务人此时正处于无力偿债的状况)

09. fresh start
定义: (给予债务人破产的)重新开始(无债一身轻)
例句: Fresh start in bankruptcy law is a procedure by which a debtor is relieved from personal liability on debts. This concept is embodied in Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. (破产法的重新开始是一个债务人被免除私人债务的法律程序. 这个概念体现于第七章破产法)

10. garnishment
定义: 扣缴薪水付债或付抚养金; 扣押债务人财产的通知; 扣押令; 传票
例句: Wage garnishments continue until the entire debt is paid or arrangements are made to pay off the debt. (薪水扣缴持续至整个债务被付清或清偿债务的安排被达成为止)

11. good faith
定义: (契约法)诚实, 诚信
例句: Good faith is the honest intent to fulfill a promise to act or to act without taking an unfair advantage over another person. (诚信是为了履行承诺所做出或避免做出不正当占另一人便宜之行为的诚实意图)

12. grand jury
定义: (十六至二十三人的)大陪审团
例句: Any citizen could bring a matter before a grand jury directly, and grand juries could conduct their own investigations. (任何公民都可以直接向大陪审团提出诉讼案件, 大陪审团会做他们自己的调查)

13. guardian
定义: 监护人
例句: A general guardian has responsibility for both the personal well-being and the financial interests of the ward. (一般性监护人肩负着照顾受监护人私人福祉与其财务利益的双重责任)

14. guardian ad litem
定义: 法派监护人, 法派诉讼监护人
例句: Guardians ad litem are often appointed in divorce cases or in parenting time disputes to represent the interests of the minor children, mentally ill or disabled persons. (法派监护人经常受委任于离婚案件或儿女探望权的纠纷来代表未成年子女, 精神病患或丧失能力者的利益)

15. habeas corpus
定义: (保护人犯不受过当监禁)人身保护命令; 出庭令
例句: Habeas corpus ensures that a prisoner can be released from unlawful detention, in other words, detention lacking sufficient cause or evidence. (人身保护命令确保被非法拘留的受刑人得到释放, 也就是说, 这个拘留缺乏足够的事实依据或证据)

16. hearing
定义: 听审, 聆讯
例句: In criminal law, a preliminary hearing is held before a judge to determine whether the prosecutor has presented sufficient evidence that the accused has committed a crime to hold him/her for trial. (在刑法里, 由法官主持的审前听审是用来决定是否检察官已经提出了被告的足以符合受审要求的犯罪证据)

17. hearsay
定义: 传闻证供(一般不被接受)
例句: The use of hearsay evidence in court is generally not allowed. This prohibition is called the hearsay rule. (采用法庭上的传闻证供一般不被允许. 这个禁令被称之为传闻证供法则)

18. house arrest / home confinement
定义: (受电子监控的)自家监禁
例句: Home confinement did not become a widespread alternative to imprisonment until electronic monitoring devices made it inexpensive and easy to manage. (在廉价和容易管理的电子监控器材出现之前, 作为牢狱监禁替代刑罚的自家监禁并不普遍)

19. hostile witness / adverse witness
定义: 敌对证人
例句: A hostile witness in a trial is the one who testifies for the opposing party or a witness who offers adverse testimony to the calling party during direct examination. (一名替对方当事人作证或在替己方当事人作证时提出不利己方证词的证人被称之为敌对证人)

20. hung jury
定义: (因陪审员意见不一致而)未能作出裁决的陪审团
例句: Juries in criminal cases are generally required to reach a unanimous verdict, while juries in civil cases typically have to reach a majority. (刑事案件里的陪审团一般被要求达成全体一致的裁决, 而民事的陪审团通常必须达成法定多数的决议)



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