法律术语 14

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法律术语 14

帖子 royl » 周二 7月 24, 2012 6:05 am

法律术语 14

01. hypothetical question
定义: (对专家证人所提出的)假设性问题
例句: A hypothetical question is a mixture of assumed or established facts and circumstances, directed to an expert witness intended to elicit an opinion. (假设性问题是一个为了向专家证人取得意见而提出的一个包括假设性和已确定之事实与情况的混合问题)

02. immunity from prosecution
定义: (对证人的)起诉豁免, 免起诉
例句: It is immunity from prosecution because the prosecutor essentially agrees to never prosecute the crime that the witness might have committed in exchange for said evidence. (这是个免起诉因为检察官基本上同意不起诉这名证人可能犯下的罪行来交换上述的证据)

03. impeachment (of witness)
定义: 证明证人的证词不可信; (政府官员的)弹劾
例句: A party has the option of discrediting a witness through impeachment by cross-examining the witness about facts which reflect poorly on witness' credibility. (一方当事人可以选择利用交叉质问证人的机会反映其可信度不足的证据来证明他/她的证词不可信)

04. imperfect self-defense
定义: 防卫过当, 在采取正当防卫时造成的不必要的凶杀
例句: If a person had a good-faith belief that deadly force was necessary to repel an attack, but that belief was unreasonable, the defendant would have a claim of imperfect self-defense. (如果某人真诚地相信使用致命武器击退攻击是必要的, 然而这个看法是不合理的话, 这名被告的辩护则被视为防卫过当)

05. in camera
定义: (在法官办公室举行)不公开审讯的
例句: In camera refers to a hearing or discussions with the judge in the privacy of his chambers or when spectators and jurors have been excluded from the courtroom. (不公开审讯指的是在法官办公室与法官举行的不公开听审或讨论; 换句话说, 旁观民众与陪审员被排除在审讯室之外)

06. in camera inspection
定义: 法官私下对文件审理(来决定它们是否可以接受)
例句: To be entitled to an in camera inspection, the defendant must make a preliminary showing that the sought-after evidence is material to his/he​​r defense. (为了取得法官私下文件审理资格, 这名被告必须做出初步的展示来证明这件众人皆想取得的证据对他/她的辩护具有重要性)

07. in forma pauperis (IFP)
定义: 以贫民身分; 免收诉讼费用
例句: The IFP designation is given by both state and federal courts to someone who is without the funds to pursue the normal costs of a lawsuit or a criminal defense. (贫民身分是由州及联邦法院针对无力承担诉讼或刑事辩护正常费用的某人所给予的认定)

08. in the commission of a crime
定义: 在犯罪过程中, 在犯罪行为中
例句: An accessory is the one who aids, abets, commands, or counsels another in the commission of a crime. (一名共犯是一个在某件犯罪行为中协助, 教唆, 指挥, 提供意见给另一嫌犯的人)

09. inadmissible evidence
定义: 不予采信, 不予接受的(证据)
例句: The main reason an evidence is ruled inadmissible is because it falls into a category deemed so unreliable that a court should not consider it as part of a deciding a case. (一项证据之所以被裁定为不予接受的主要原因是由于它被列入极不可靠的类别, 法庭不应该把它列入裁定案件的考量)

10. incarceration
定义: 牢狱监禁
例句: In comparison to incarceration, home confinement allows the offender to see family members, maintain a normal job, and attend school. (与牢狱监禁相比, 有条件的自家监禁允许这名罪犯看到家人, 维持正常工作,以及上学)

11. income withholding order
定义: (法院发出)薪资扣缴命令
例句: The automatic income withholding provisions also apply to orders that combine child support and alimony, but not to orders for alimony only. (这个自动薪资扣缴命令的条款也适用于子女抚养费与赡养费合并的法庭命令, 但不适用于单纯的赡养费法庭裁定)

12. incompetent evidence
定义: 与本案无关的证据
例句: This Court has labeled such testimony as incompetent evidence, and has often held that such conclusory testimony cannot support a judgment. (这个法庭已经认定此证词为与本案无关的证据, 也经常被认为此一无证据指控的证词无法为一个裁决提供证明)

13. inculpatory evidence
定义: 证明被告有罪证据
例句: If a man is poisoned to death by an overdose of arsenic, and a bottle of arsenic is found in the purse of his wife, that bottle could be considered inculpatory evidence against his wife. (如果某人因服下过量砒霜被毒死, 而装砒霜的瓶子在他妻子皮包内被寻获的话, 这只瓶子被视为对其妻子不利的有罪证据)

14. indictment
定义: 起诉书, 起诉
例句: To proceed by way of indictment, the prosecutor will show the grand jury enough evidence to persuade them that the target of the investigation should be brought to trial. (为了进行起诉, 检方必须提出予大陪审团足够的证据来说服他们这名被调查的对象应交付审判)

15. indigent
定义: 无力负担法律费用的
例句: A defendant who is indigent has a constitutional right to court-appointed representation, according to a 1963 Supreme Court decision. (依据一项一九六三年最高法院的裁定, 一名无力负担法律费用的被告享有法院指定律师辩护的宪法保障权益)

16. information
定义: 法院文件; 正式起诉书
例句: The information must state the alleged crimes in writing and must be delivered to the defendant at the first court appearance. (这份起诉书必须以书面陈列出这些被指控的罪行, 并且必须于被告首次出庭时交付给他/她)

17. infraction
定义: (超速或停车等轻罪)违法, 违规
例句: A infraction is a minor violation of law commonly punishable by a fine – for example, a traffic or parking ticket. (违规是个轻度违法, 一般被处以罚锾– 例如, 交通或停车罚单)

18. injunction
定义: 禁止令; 强制令
例句: The landlord might apply to the court for an injunction against the tenant's continuing harmful use of the property. (这名房东可以向法院申请一份禁止其房客继续破坏性地使用承租房地产的强制令)

19. injury
定义: 造成另一方身体, 权益, 声誉或财产上受到的损害
例句: Torts are civil wrongs recognized by law as grounds for a lawsuit. These wrongs result in an injury constituting the basis for a claim by the injured party. (侵权行为是个作为诉讼依据的法律认定的民事非法行为. 这些非法行为造成了作为被伤害当事人索赔基础的权益损害)

20. insider trading
定义: 内幕交易
例句: Illegal insider trading occurs if the CEO of Company A learned, prior to a public announcement, that the company will be taken over, and bought its shares knowing that the share price would likely rise. (非法内幕交易发生于当某公司总裁于公开宣布之前得知此公司将被收购, 明知股价有可能上升情况下购买股份)



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