法律术语 17

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法律术语 17

帖子 royl » 周四 8月 09, 2012 1:56 am

法律术语 17

01. litigant
定义: 诉讼当事人
例句: The plaintiffs and defendants are called litigants and the attorneys representing them are called litigators. (原告和被告被称为诉讼当事人, 代表他们的律师们则被称为诉讼人)

02. litigation
定义: 诉讼, 官司
例句: When a person begins a civil lawsuit, the person enters into a process called litigation. It involves a series of steps that may lead to a court trial and ultimately a resolution of the matter. (当某人提出民事诉讼, 此人进入一个称为诉讼的程序. 这个程序涉及一系列步骤可能导致庭审并最终取得争议的解决)

03. lockout
定义: (非法地换锁)把房客锁在屋外
例句: Landlords' acts s​​uch as threats, utility shutoffs, lockouts, or attempts to physically remove a tenant are illegal and dangerous. (诸如威胁, 断电, 断水, 把房客锁在屋外, 或试图肉体上把房客驱除等房东的行为是非法和危险的)

04. locus delicti
定义: 侵权, 犯罪, 伤害的案发地点
例句: The plaintiff, injured in one state, is treated in his state of domicile; the state of injury would still be the locus delicti. (这名在某一州受到伤害的原告被移送到他居住的另一州治疗; 他受到伤害的这一州仍然是案发地点)

05. magistrate judge
定义: (负责初审权责有限的)预审法官, 地院助理法官
例句: In civil proceedings, magistrate judges typically manage discovery and other pretrial matters. (于民事诉讼中, 预审法官一般管理搜证程序以及其他审前事务)

06. malfeasance
定义: 渎职罪, 不法行为
例句: Malfeasance is often used when a professional or public official commits an illegal act, such as accepting a bribe, that interferes with the performance of his or her duties. (渎职罪经常被用于当一名专业人员或公职人员犯下妨碍执行他/她任务的违法行为, 诸如受贿)

07. malicious prosecution
定义: (与法无据或证据不足的)恶意起诉
例句: In some jurisdictions, "malicious prosecution" denotes the wrongful initiation of criminal proceedings, while "malicious use of process" denotes the wrongful initiation of civil proceedings. (在有些辖区内, "恶意起诉"意指非法提出刑事诉讼,而"恶意滥用法律程序"意指非法提出民事诉讼)

08. mandamus
定义: (上级法院给下级法院, 官吏, 私人公司的)执行令; 命令书
例句: In the American legal system, it must be a judicially enforceable and legally protected before one suffering a grievance can ask for a mandamus. (依据美国法律系统, 一名受到不平待遇之人在可以请求执行令之前确定这个执行令必须是司法上可执行的并且必须是法律所保护的)

09. marshal
定义: (负责法院安全或送交法院公文的)警官
例句: The US Marshals Service assists with court security and prisoner transport, asset forfeiture, serves arrest warrants and seeks fugitives. (美国联邦警察协助法院维持其安全, 运送囚犯, 查封财产, 送交拘捕令, 以及追捕逃犯)

10. material
定义: 重要的, 可证明的, 关键的
例句: An item of evidence is said to be material if it has some logical connection to a fact of consequence to the outcome of a case. (一件被视为关键的证据必须于某些程度上能够与左右某案件结局的事证具有合乎常理的关联)

11. material witness
定义: 重要/关键证人
例句: Judges usually make every reasonable effort to allow a material witness to testify, including granting a continuance to accommodate the witness. (法官们一般会做出极合理的努力以方便某位关键证人作证, 包括将审讯延后来迁就此证人)

12. means test
定义: 申请第七或第十三章破产的财力检查
例句: In 2005, the United States substantially changed its bankruptcy laws, adding a means test to prevent wealthy debtors from filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. (二零零五年, 美国大幅度修改它的破产法令, 增加了财力检查以便阻止富裕的债务人申请第七章破产保护)

13. mediation
定义: (纠纷)调解, 调停
例句: Unlike a judge, the mediator has no power to impose a solution; instead, the mediator facilitates the parties' communication and helps to develop possible solutions. (不同于法官, 调解人没有权力强制一个解决方案的执行; 相反地, 调解人的工作是促成两造交流并协助他们发展出可行性的解决方案)

14. mental anguish
定义: 精神折磨或痛苦
例句: Mental anguish is a type of suffering that can be compensated in a personal injury case. (在一件人身伤害诉讼里, 精神折磨是一种可以经由金钱赔偿的痛苦)

15. mentally incompetent
定义: 心智上无行为能力
例句: Persons having been declared mentally incompetent cannot sign contracts, wills or other binding legal agreements. (被列为心智上无行为能力的人不允许签署契约, 遗嘱或其他具有法律约束力的合同)

16. minor
定义: 未成年人
例句: A minor is someone under legal age, which is generally 18, except for certain purposes such as drinking alcoholic beverages. (除了某些特定目的诸如合法饮用酒精饮料的合法年龄之外, 一名未成年人乃是一名未达法定年龄– 一般为十八岁– 的人)

17. misdemeanor
定义: (相对于重罪的)轻罪
例句: Petty theft, first-time drunk driving, and leaving the scene of an accident are all common misdemeanors. (小额盗窃, 初犯酒驾, 以及离开事故现场皆为普通轻罪)

18. misrepresentation
定义: 误导, 欺骗, 不实的陈述
例句: In some circumstances misrepresentation can be prosecuted as a crime such as falsely claiming to represent a charity to obtain money for personal benefit. (在有些情况下, 不实的陈述也可以依刑事罪起诉, 例如, 虚假地声称代表某慈善机构来取得金钱作为私人用途)

19. mistrial
定义: (必须重审的)无效审判, 误审
例句: Mistrials in criminal cases can result in a retrial, a plea bargain, or a dismissal of the charges. (刑事案件的无效审判可以造成重审, 认罪协商, 或将指控驳回)

20. mitigating circumstances
定义: (可减轻刑罚)情有可原的情节/情况
例句: In criminal law, juries consider mitigating circumstances when deciding whether to impose the death sentence in a capital case. (依据刑法, 于死刑案件中, 当决定是否处以极刑之时, 陪审团会考量情有可原的情节)



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