法律术语 19

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法律术语 19

帖子 royl » 周五 8月 17, 2012 8:52 pm

法律术语 19

01. non-financial bonds
定义: 非财物保释保证, 只要被告签字承诺出庭即可保释的保证
例句: To be released on a non-financial bond, the defendant is not required to place any property as security or retain the services of a professional bail bondsperson as collat​​eral. (如果以非财物保释保证取得释放, 被告不需要以任何财物作保证或雇用专业保释金代理人服务作担保)

02. non-suit
定义: 要求驳回本案的动议
例句: If a plaintiff wishes to give up on the lawsuit, he or she can file a non-suit as to all defendants with the court, and all proceedings will stop. (如果原告希望放弃这笔官司, 他或她可以到法院对所有被告提出驳回本案的要求, 所有的诉讼将会停止)

03. notarize
定义: (文件)公证
例句: Many legal documents, such as deeds and powers of attorney, must be notarized. (许多法律文件, 例如房地产所有权状与授权书, 必须被公证)

04. notice of default
定义: 违约通知, 催款通知
例句: In a lease situation, a notice of default can be sent by either the landlord or tenant, claiming that one of them has violated a condition of the lease. (在一个租赁情况下, 房东或房客任何一方可以送出宣称对方已经违反了某一租约条件的违约通知)

05. notice to produce
定义: 要求某方提交文件或举证通知书
例句: A notice of produce documents is one element in the general category of pretrial activity called discovery. (一份要求某方提交文件通知书是个被称为搜证程序的审前活动综合类中的一项基本要件.注: 意指提交文件或举证通知书是审前搜证程序中必然会发生的一道手序)

06. oath
定义: 宣誓
例句: The best known oath is probably the witness's pledge to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth during a legal proceeding. (最知名的宣誓大概是在法律诉讼程序中证人宣读的愿意说出事实,全部事实, 完全属实的宣誓词)

07. objection
定义: 异议, 反对, 抗议(法庭上的问题, 回答, 陈述或程序, 等等)
例句: Often, lawyers raise objections to questions posed to a witness by an opposing attorney because the inquiries do not meet legal standards. (经常, 由于对方律师向证人提出的质询不符合法律规范, 律师们因此提出反对)

08. objection to dischargeability
定义: (委托人或债权人对债务人)免除债务的反对
例句: Creditors are given about 90 days to file objections to dischargeability. Once the deadline has passed, the debtor's bankruptcy is finished. (债权人被给予大约90天的时间提出免除债务的反对. 一旦截止日过期, 债务人的破产保护申请就完成. 注: 意指债权人必须尽快地提出反对, 否则过时不候)

09. objection to exemptions
定义: (委托人或债权人对债务人)某些财物被免除偿债的反对
例句: After all parties have been timely served with the objection to exemptions, a hearing will be scheduled before the bankruptcy judge. (当所有当事人及时地收到债务人财物被免除偿债的反对之后, 一个由破产法官审理的听审庭将会被安排就绪)

10. obstruction of justice
定义: 妨碍司法罪
例句: The crime of obstruction of justice refers to the crime of interfering with the work of courts, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, jurors, or hiding evidence, or interfering with an arrest. (妨碍司法罪是指妨碍法院, 执法官员,检察官, 陪审员的工作, 或藏匿证据或妨碍逮捕等罪行)

11. on drug charge
定义: 被控毒品罪
例句: A man arrested in Rhode Island on drug charges is also wanted on murder charges in the Dominican Republic. (某名罗德岛州男子因被控毒品罪而遭逮捕, 他也因谋杀罪被多明尼加共和国通缉)

12. on the merits
定义: (判决)基于被提出的证据事实与适当的法律运用
例句: Decision on the merits is a decision based on evidence rather than on technical or procedural grounds. (基于证据事实与适当法律运用的判决是一个基于人证与物证的判决而非基于技术性或程序性的因素)

13. open warrant
定义: 尚未结案的逮捕令, 仍然有效的逮捕令
例句: An open warrant is a lower priority warrant on record giving police the authority to act when coming into contact with the perpetrator. (一份仍有效力的逮捕令是一份低优先的记录在案之逮捕令, 它授予警方在与罪犯相遇时采取必要行动的权力)

14. opinion
定义: 裁决说明书, 多数法官的裁决意见说明书
例句: An opinion is a legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision; opinions are usually written by a single judge. (一份裁决说明书是一份陈述某个法庭判决理由的法律文件; 这些裁决说明书通常是由某一个法官所单独撰写的)

15. opinion evidence
定义: (证人所表达的)意见性证词
例句: In certain instances, the law allows witnesses to provide opinion evidence, and such evidence is divided into two classes, lay opinion and expert opinion. (在某些情况下, 法律允许证人们提供意见性证词, 这种证词可以分为两个种类, 外行意见和专业意见)

16. oral argument
定义: 口头辩论, 律师总结辩论
例句: While an opposing brief may seek to point out such evasions, it is during oral argument that there is no avoiding a direct question by one of the justices. (虽然对方的辩护状会设法指出此类的逃避, 在口头辩论期间, 回答法官中任何一人的直接询问是不可避免)

17. order / rule to show cause
定义: 陈述理由的命令或裁决
例句: Order to show cause is an order from a judge that directs a party to come to court and convince the judge why the judge shouldn't grant an action proposed by the other side. (陈述理由令是一份由法官所签发的裁决, 命令某当事人出庭并说服这位法官为何不应准许对方提出诉讼的理由)

18. order of detention / detention order
定义: 羁留令, 扣押令
例句: If the magistrate detains your client, you may appeal this decision to the relevant District Judge. The procedure is to file a motion to revoke the magistrate's pre-trial detention order. (如果这位初审法官羁押你的委托人, 你可以向地院法官上诉这个裁决. 这道程序是提出取消初审法官审前扣押令的请求)

19. orders of temporary custody (OTC)
定义: 暂时监护指派令
例句: The Department proceeded to invoke a 96-hour hold on the children, placed them into custody, and applied for and obtained orders of temporary custody. (这个部门接下来会启用对这些儿童96小时的扣留, 将他们置于监管, 然后申请并取得暂时监护指派令)

20. overruled
定义: 否决, 驳回
例句: When an objection is raised after the opposing party asks the witness a question, before the witness can answer, the judge then makes a ruling on whether the objection is sustained or overruled. (当对方质询这名证人之后被己方抗议时, 在证人可以回答之前, 此时法官会做出这个抗议是否予以认可或否决的裁决)



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