法律术语 20

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法律术语 20

帖子 royl » 周日 8月 19, 2012 11:21 pm

法律术语 20

01. panel
定义: 法官审理团; (陪审团筛选时的)陪审员后选人; (如果刑事被告无钱雇用的话)合格与可以马上工作的律师后选人
例句: Most trials in the United States District Courts are held before a single judge, but there are some circumstances where the trial itself is required to be held before a three judge panel. (大多数在美国地院的案件是由单一法官所审理, 但在有些情况下, 这个案件必须由三名法官审理团来审理)

02. parcel
定义: 一块地, 一片土地, 一笔土地
例句: A dominant estate is the parcel of real property that has an easement over another piece of property. (一块具有支配权的地产是一块拥有对另一块土地通行权的地产)

03. parole
定义: 假释
例句: A parole generally has a specific period and terms, such as reporting to a parole officer, not associating with other ex-convicts, and staying out of trouble. (假释一般带有一个特定期限和某些限制, 例如向假释官报到, 不与其他有前科的人来往, 以及不惹事生非)

04. party in interest / party
定义: 利益关系人; 诉讼案受益者
例句: For most matters, the debtor, bankruptcy administrator, case trustee, and creditors are parties in interest. (在大多数情形下, 债务人, 破产管理人, 专案受托人, 债权人都是利益关系人)

05. paternity
定义: 合法父亲身份
例句: Once paternity is established, the father has all the rights and obligations of parenthood, including the duty to support the child and the right to petition for custody or visitation. (一旦合法父亲身份被确立之后, 这名父亲拥有所有家长的权利与义务, 包括抚养子女与请求监护或探望子女的权利)

06. pendente lite order
定义: 诉讼期间的法院命令
例句: A separation agreement, also called a pendente lite order, provides for support and other financial conditions until the divorce is final. (一份分居协议, 亦称诉讼期间的法院命令, 提供经济来源和其他财务条件直到这笔离婚官司结束为止)

07. per curiam
定义: 由高等法庭共同议决的(由法庭出面, 单独法官不具名)
例句: In contrast to regular opinions, a per curiam does not list the individual judge responsible for authoring the decision, (与一般裁决说明书不同的是, 一份法庭共同议决书并不列出负责撰写这份判决书的法官名字)

08. peremptory challenge
定义: 给予双方强制性(不需要理由)地剔除陪审员后选人的权力
例句: The idea behind peremptory challenges is that if both parties have contributed in the configuration of the jury, they will find its verdict more acceptable. (给予双方强制性地剔除陪审员后选人权力的概念是, 如果双方都参与这个陪审团组成的话, 他们都会更愿意接受它的判决)

09. perjury
定义: 伪证罪
例句: It is not considered perjury to lie about one's age unless age is a factor in determining the legal result. (除非年龄是一个决定这个诉讼结果的重要因素之外, 谎报自己年龄并不视为伪证罪)

10. perpetrator
定义: 行凶者, 加害者, 犯罪者
例句: The distinction between suspect and perpetrator is that the suspect is not known to have committed the offense, while the perpetrator is the one who actually did it. (嫌犯与行凶者之间的差别是, 嫌犯是指犯下这桩刑案的人尚未确定, 而行凶者是实际犯下这桩刑案的人)

11. person of interest
定义: 涉案相关人, (警方想要约谈或调查的)与一罪案有关的人(但并不称他/她为嫌犯)
例句: Person of interest is a phrase used by law enforcement when announcing the name of someone involved in a criminal investigation who has not been arrested or formally accused of a crime. (当宣布涉及刑事调查但尚未被逮捕或正式起诉之人的名字时, 执法人员使用涉案相关人来称呼此人)

12. personal injury
定义: (包括身体, 精神以及情绪的)人身伤害
例句: If you slip and fall on a banana peel in a grocery store, personal injury covers any actual physical harm you suffered in the fall as well as the humiliation of falling in public. (如果你在食品杂货店踩到香蕉皮滑倒的话, 人身伤害适用于任何由跌倒所造成的实际身体伤害以及在公众前摔跤造成的羞辱)

13. personal property
定义: 个人动产
例句: Tangible personal property can be felt that includes furniture, cars, jewelry and artwork. In contrast, cash and checking accounts are not tangible personal property. (有形个人动产是可以触摸感觉得到的, 包括家具, 汽车, 珠宝以及艺术品. 相对地, 现金和支票帐户却是无形个人动产)

14. petit jury (or trial jury)
定义: 小陪审团
例句: In criminal cases, after it is determined that a case will proceed to trial, a separate petit jury is then convened to hear the trial. (在刑事案件里, 在决定此案应交予司法审判之后, 另一小陪审团因此成立来审理此案. 注: 意指一件刑案必须事先经过法官或陪审团做出是否起诉或不起诉的裁决)

15. petition
定义: 起诉状, 诉状, 诉请, 请愿书, 破产申请书
例句: Petition is a formal written request made to a court, asking for an ruling on a particular matter. (诉状是一份向法院提出的正式书面请求, 要求法院对某特定问题做出一份裁决)

16. petitioner
定义: 请愿者, 原告
例句: There are also simplified procedures in which the parties are termed petitioner instead of plaintiff, and respondent instead of defendant. (诉讼也有简化的程序, 涉此案的原告被称为petitioner而非plaintiff, 被告被称为respondent而非defendant)

17. petty offense / crime
定义: (服刑六月以下)轻微罪行
例句: In the United States, there are certain petty offenses that may be proceeded against summarily, and without a jury. (在美国, 某些特定的轻微罪行起诉可以速审速决, 并不需要陪审团)

18. plaintiff
定义: 原告
例句: A plaintiff, also known as a claimant or complainant, is the term used in some jurisdictions for the party who initiates a lawsuit before a court. (原告, 也可称为claimant或complainant, 是一个使用于某些司法系统内的向法院提出诉讼之当事人的词汇)

19. plan / debtor's plan
定义: (债务人的)偿还计划
例句: A debtor's plan is the debtor's detailed description of how the debtor proposes to pay creditors' claims over a fixed period of time. (一份债务人的偿还计划是债务人提出的如何在一段特定时间内偿还债权人索赔债务的详细解说)

20. plea
定义: 答辩(有罪, 无罪或不认罪的放弃辩护三者选其一)
例句: Colloquially, a plea has come to mean the assertion by a criminal defendant at arraignment, or in response to a criminal charge, whether that person pleaded guilty, not guilty, or no contest. (口语上, 一份答辩已经被意指为刑事被告于初审时的坚称, 或对一项刑事起诉的回应, 是否此人认罪, 宣称无罪, 或放弃辩护)



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