法律术语 22

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法律术语 22

帖子 royl » 周六 8月 25, 2012 7:51 pm

法律术语 22

01. pro se divorce
定义: (不需律师)代表自己出庭的离婚
例句: You may take a class on pro se divorce to represent yourself in a simple, uncontested divorce and, for more complicated matters, you may seek help of an attorney. (你可以上一堂代表自己出庭离婚的课程来代表你自己出庭一件简单, 无争议的离婚诉讼, 至于更复杂的离婚事务, 你也许需要求助律师)

02. pro tem / pro tempore
定义: 暂时代理的
例句: A judge pro tem is not a regular judge, but someone, usually a lawyer, who is brought in to serve temporarily as a judge with the consent of the parties. (一名暂时代理法官并不是一名正式法官, 而通常是一名律师, 经过各方当事人的同意, 暂时被委任为法官)

03. probable cause
定义: 合理的根据, 合理的怀疑, 合理确信犯罪嫌疑
例句: Probable cause is the amount and quality of information police must have before they can search or arrest without a warrant. (合理的根据是警方在他们缺乏搜捕令情况下搜索或逮捕之前必须持有的一定数量与质量资料)

04. probable cause hearing
定义: (刑事案件起诉之前确定有足够法源或足够证据起诉被告)足够理由起诉听审
例句: A probable cause hearing is the preliminary hearing typically taking place before arraignment and before a serious crime goes to trial. (足够理由起诉听审是一个审前听证, 通常发生于被告被起诉与重罪受审之前)

05. probate / probate court
定义: 遗嘱确认与遗产管理的法庭; (裁决认养, 监护权, 精神健康等)有限权力的法庭
例句: In contested matters, a probate court examines the authenticity of a will and decides who is to receive the deceased person's property. (在具有争议的问题上, 一个遗产法庭检验遗嘱的真实性以及决定谁应该继承死者的遗产)

06. probation
定义: 缓刑
例句: Given one year of unsupervised probation, a probationer might be required to have completed community service, paid court costs or fines, etc., within the first six months. (给予一年无人监督的缓刑, 缓刑者也许被规定在前半年内完成社区服务, 缴付法院费用或罚款, 等等)

07. probation absconder / probation offender
定义: 违反缓刑规定的潜逃者
例句: As it is not known where s/he is, and as s/he has acted in violation of the probation conditions, s/he therefore is called as probation absconder. (由于不知道他/她的行踪, 他/她已经违反了缓刑规定, 他/她因此被称为缓刑潜逃者)

08. probation officer
定义: 缓刑犯监督官员
例句: Probation officers are usually issued a badge or some other form of credentials and, in some cases, may carry concealed weapons or pepper spray for self protection or serve arrest warrants. (缓刑犯监督官通常配发徽章或某种形式的证件, 可以携带隐藏式武器或辣椒喷洒器作为自卫或送交逮捕令之用)

09. probative value
定义: (一件证据的)证据力或证实价值
例句: In a trial of a defendant for murder, the defendant's dispute with his neighbor unrelated to the crime has a no probative value because it provides no relevant information to the trier of the fact. (在审理被控谋杀的被告中, 被告与他邻居发生的与此犯罪无关的争吵不具证据力因为它无法提供审理者有意义的资料)

10. procedure
定义: 诉讼程序法
例句: Civil procedure is the body of law that sets out the rules and standards that courts follow when adjudicating civil lawsuits as opposed to procedures in criminal law matters. (相对于刑事诉讼程序法, 民事诉讼程序法是为法院审理民事诉讼应遵循之规则与标准所设定的法律主体)

11. proceeding
定义: 诉讼, 诉讼程序
例句: There are five key steps involved in a criminal proceeding: taking suspect into custody, determining bail, preliminary hearing and trial, sentencing, and carrying out the defendant's sentence. (刑事诉讼程序包括五大步骤: 羁押嫌犯, 裁决保释金额,初审与随后之审判, 以及被告判刑的执行)

12. promise to appear
定义: (不必提出金钱财物的)出庭承诺表格
例句: When you've been arrested, you're likely to be given all sorts of forms to sign. There is only one kind of document that you can be sure is safe to sign: a “promise to appear.” (当你被逮捕时, 你有可能要在各种表格上签字. 只有一种文件你大可放心地签字: 一份“出庭承诺表格”)

13. proof of claim
定义: 索偿证明
例句: Proof of claim is a written statement that sets forth a claim against a bankrupt debtor or the probate estate of a deceased debtor. (索偿证明是一份对一名破产债务人或一名死亡债务人遗产要求赔偿之详述的书面声明)

14. property of the estate
定义: (用来清偿债务的)破产债务人合法的财产; 遗产
例句: At the time of commencement of a case, all property of the debtor that is not excluded from the estate under the Bankruptcy Code becomes property of the estate. (在某案件开庭的时候, 依据破产法, 此债务人所有不能豁免的财产将变为用来清偿债务的债务人合法财产)

15. prosecute
定义: 起诉, 提起公诉, 法办
例句: In criminal law, to prosecute is to charge a person with a crime and thereafter pursue the case through trial on behalf of the government. (依据刑法, 法办是代表政府以某一罪名起诉某人, 随后经由审判继续追究这件案子)

16. prosecutor
定义: 检察官, 公诉人
例句: Prosecutors are typically lawyers who possess a law degree, and are recognized as legal professionals by the court in which they intend to represent the state or the society. (检察官通常是拥有法律学位的律师, 由法院所确认的法律专业人士, 依此他们代表政府或社会成为公诉人)

17. protective order
定义: 保护令
例句: A protective order is a civil court order issued to prevent continuing acts of family violence. A protective order may also include orders to prohibit transfer or disposal of property. (保护令是民事法庭所签发的命令旨在防止家庭暴力的继续发生. 保护令也包括禁止财产转移或处理的命令)

18. public defender
定义: (政府等为无钱聘律师的被告指聘的)公设辩护律师
例句: A public defender refers to a lawyer appointed by a court to represent people who cannot afford to hire an attorney. (公设辩护律师是指被法院指派来代表无力雇用律师等贫困人们的律师)

19. reaffirmation agreement
定义: (为了保住担保或借款房地产继续偿债)重申协议
例句: A debtor might make a rea​​ffirmation agreement with the holder of a car note that the debtor can keep the car and must continue to pay the debt after bankruptcy. (债务人可以与车贷持有人做出一份债务人可以保留这辆车子并且必须于破产案件结束之后仍继续付款的重申协议)
注: 在美国, 车贷持有人基本上是车辆所有人, 也就是车贷的受益人. 此人不一定是银行或贷款公司, 他/她也可以是自由买卖这种车贷的一般民众.

20. real party in interest
定义: 实际受益者
例句: A trustee files a suit against a person who damaged a building owned by the trust, the real party in interest is the beneficiary of the trust. (一名财产受托人提出告诉某人毁损一栋受托人拥有的建筑物, 此案件之实际受益者是这个信托的受益人)



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