二十笔实用成语 382

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二十笔实用成语 382

帖子 royl » 周日 8月 26, 2012 6:53 pm

二十笔实用成语 382

01. fill in, to
定义: 填写(表格), 供给必要的消息, 告知最近的消息; 添加细节, 于设计上增加内容或修补; 暂时代理职务.
例句: Fill in the blanks, please. Then give the form to Ms. Morris. (请填写这些空格. 然后把表格交给模里斯女士)

02. fill it up/fill her up/fill up one's tank, to
定义: 把车子加满汽油.
例句: Gas thefts could pick up as gas prices continue to rise. Residents try to start their car, and all of a sudden, they have no gas, but they just filled it up the day before. (在汽油价持续上涨的同时汽油盗窃也跟着增加. 居民试图发动他们的车子, 突然之间, 他们没汽油了, 但他们前一天才把汽油加满)

03. fill/stuff one's face, to
定义: 痛快的吃, 风卷残云, 大块朵颐.
例句: Every time I see you, you are filling your face. No wonder you're overweight! (每次我见到你, 你总是大块朵颐. 难怪你体重过重!)

04. fill out, to
定义: 填写表格; 增体重, 变胖.
例句: We were asked to fill out the forms before we could have an interview for the job. (我们必须先填写表格才能得到工作面试)

05. fill someone in, to
定义: 告诉某人更多细节; 告知最近新闻.
例句: Fill me in when I get home. I'd like to hear what happened. (等我回家后再告诉我更多细节. 我想要听听发生了什么事)

06. fill someone's post, to
定义: 接任某人的职位或工作.
例句: Whoever fills his post will find that budget shortfalls resulting from the Great Recession will collide with reality. (不论谁接下他的职位之后都会发现经济大衰退所造成的短缺预算将会与现实发生冲突. 注: 意指预算只是一个开支的计划, 这个计划付诸实行之后将会出现捉襟见肘的窘境)

07. fill someone's shoes, to
定义: 接任某人的职务或工作; 承传祖业.
例句: Fortunately, whoever fills his shoes will have the luxury of easing into the job. (幸运的是, 不论谁接任他的工作都会很轻松地熟悉这个工作)

08. fill the bill, to
定义: 正符合需要, 合适.
例句: I think that the new equipment should fill the bill for us. (我认为这个新工具正符合我们的需要)

09. fill the gap, to
定义: 填补差距, 缺陷, 缺口或空缺.
例句: I think that the temp will fill the gap until a new person can be hired. (我认为这个临时雇员可以填补这个空缺直到新职员被录用为止)

10. fill the political void, to
定义: 填补这个政治真空.
例句: To fill the political void, Nasser created the Liberation Rally, which was designed to mobilize popular support for the new regime. (为了填补这个政治真空, 纳赛尔创建了解放大会党用来号召群众对新政权的拥护)
贾迈勒•阿卜杜•纳赛尔, 阿拉伯埃及共和国第二任总统, 被认为是历史上最重要的阿拉伯领导人之​​一

11. fill the void, to
定义: 填补空虚/空缺.
例句: Some men jump into new relationships quickly because they need an emotional crutch to fill the void that their ex-girlfriend left. (有些男人急于迅速地展开新恋爱关系因为他们需要一个精神寄托来填补他们前女友所留下的空虚)

12. fill to the brim, to
定义: 充满; 倒满, 斟满.
例句: When a glass is filled to the brim with water, the water appears to bulge from the sides of the glass due to the chemical makeup of a water molecule. (当一只杯子被斟满了水, 由于水分子的化学结构, 这些水看起来似乎从杯子边缘向上膨胀)

13. fill up, to
定义: 把容器填满, 吃饱或喝饱, 充满, 塞满.
例句: The dinner really filled me up. No dessert for me. (这顿晚餐我吃得真饱. 我不要甜点了)

14. filled to capacity, be
定义: 装满, 挤满, 客满.
例句: An automobile tank is filled to capacity with 14 gallons of gasoline what is the volume of the tank in liters? (这部车子汽油箱被装满了十四加仑的汽油, 这个油箱的容积是多少公升?)

15. filled with black despair, be
定义: 充满了悲伤, 满怀绝望.
例句: Finally, crushed and filled with black despair, he turned his car towards home, dialed a number on his cell phone but it still didn't go through. (最后, 带着满怀的消沉意志和绝望, 他转向开车回家, 用他的手机拨了一个号码但仍旧打不通)

16. filled with shame, be
定义: 充满羞愧.
例句: I'm filled with shame when I think of how I treated her. (当我想到我过去如何地对待她的时候, 我充满了羞愧)

17. fill-up, a
定义: 汽油加满.
例句: We got a fill-up before we left Winnipeg. The truck needed gas. (在我们离开温尼伯之前, 我们把汽油加满. 这部卡车需要加油)

18. filtered media
定义: 经过过滤的媒体.
例句: The threat of censorship is very real. Please help to prevent the internet from becoming a filtered media. (这些言论管制带来可能的危害是千真万确的. 请协助防止互联网成为一个经过过滤的媒体)

19. filthy lucre
定义: 不义之财, 臭钱, 不道德地取得的财富.
例句: He compromised his art for the pursuit of filthy lucre. (他违背自己的艺术原则去追求不道德的财富)

20. filthy/stinking rich, be
定义: 非常富有, 暴发的, 一身铜臭味的.
例句: Most of us are stinking rich compared to the average people in the Third World. (跟第三世界普通老百姓相比, 我们大多数的人们可以说是非常富有)



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