法律术语 23

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法律术语 23

帖子 royl » 周六 9月 01, 2012 9:32 am

法律术语 23

01. reasonable doubt
定义: 合理的存疑. (注: 由于无罪推定原则要求控方所提出的证据均达到毫无疑问的程度才可将被告定罪)
例句: A reasonable doubt exists when a juror cannot say with moral certainty that a person is guilty. (合理的存疑发生于当一名陪审员无法毫无疑问地确定某人是有罪的情况下)

02. rebuttal
定义: 反驳, 举证反击
例句: In law, rebuttal is a form of evidence that is presented to contradict or nullify other evidence that has been presented by an adverse party. (依照法律, 举证反击是一种用来反驳或令对方当事人提出的其他证据失去说服力的证据形式)

03. reckless driving
定义: 危险驾车, 危害他人安全的疯狂驾驶
例句: Reckless driving is a misdemeanor when the offender operates an automobile in a dangerous manner, it includes speeding and other careless driving behavior. (危险驾车是一个违规者以危害他人安全方式驾驶汽车的轻罪, 它包括超速与其他不顾他人安全的驾驶行为)

04. record
定义: 诉状, 审判记录, 证据, 陈列物证
例句: On appeal, the court can consider only the record, unless there is a claim of newly discovered evidence. (在上诉时, 除非有人声称发现了新证据, 这个法庭只能审核既有的审判记录与证据)

05. redemption
定义: (第七章破产案件偿清债务后的)赎回财产
例句: A debtor may obtain the redemption of a car by paying the lender the amount a retail vendor would charge for the car, considering its age and condition. (债务人可以鉴于此车的年份和车子状况, 以一般零售价付款给贷款者来赎回车子的所有权)

06. redirect examination
定义: (证人被对方交叉询问以后由己方律师再度直接询问或提出反驳的)再次询问
例句: Redirect examination may question only those areas brought out on cross-examination and may not stray beyond that boundary. (再次询问的盘问范围只限于对方律师于交叉询问时所提出的争议之内并不可超出这个范围)

07. referee
定义: 仲裁法官, 助理法官
例句: As an arm of the court, divorce referees monitor every divorce case, attends divorce trials and hold hearings to set temporary child support, alimony and attorney fees. (作为法院的一个部门, 离婚仲裁法官监督每一个离婚案件, 出席离婚审理, 主持设定暂时子女抚养, 赡养与律师费用的听审)

08. release on one's own recognizance
定义: (嫌犯做出的)准时出庭承诺的释放
例句: When an accused is released on recognizance, s/he promises to the court to attend all required judicial proceedings and will not engage in illegal activity as set by the court. (当某被告做出准时出庭承诺而被释放时,他/她向法院承诺将出席所有必要的司法程序, 和不参与法院规定的非法活动)

09. remand
定义: (上诉法庭的)驳回; (被告或犯人)还押
例句: A judge might remand into custody a person accused of a crime, if there appears to be a legal reason to hold the person for trial. (如果出现了拘留此人受审的合法理由, 法官也许会将被控某罪名的某人还押收监)

10. reply
定义: (原告对被告的争辩的)答辩
例句: The reply is a response by plaintiff to defendant's answer. A reply occurs only when defendant has asserted a counterclaim or the court has ordered a reply. (答辩是原告给予被告的回答. 一份答辩只会发生于当被告提出一份反诉或法院命令的答辩)

11. reprieve
定义: 暂缓执刑, 暂缓死刑
例句: A reprieve is only a delay, not a pardon or reduction or commutation of the sentence. When the reprieve expires, the date for execution can be reset. (暂缓死刑只是一个延缓, 并不是赦免或减刑. 当暂缓执刑时间一到期时, 新的执刑日子会被重新设定)

12. respondent
定义: 被告, 答辩人
例句: The party to whom the complaint is against is the defendant; or in the case of a petition, a respondent. Case names are usually given with the plaintiff first, as in Plaintiff v. Defendant. (被原告所控诉的当事人称为被告; 于请愿案件里称为答辩人. 案件名称一般将原告名字置于前面, 例如原告对被告)
编译者注: 如果案件名称是Smith versus Jones或Smith v. Jones的话, Smith是原告, Jones是被告. 同理, Texas v. Johnson德州州政府是原告, 强森是被告.

13. rest
定义: 没有更多证据要提出; 辩护完毕; 举证完毕
例句: In a lawsuit, a party is said to "rest her case," when that party indicates that she has produced all the evidence that she intends to offer at that stage. (在一个诉讼里, 当这名当事人指出她已经在此阶段内提出所有想要提出的证据时, 这是指此名当事人"举证完毕.")

14. restitution
定义: 损失赔偿
例句: A criminal defendant may also be ordered to make restitution, such as returning stolen goods or paying the victim for harm caused. (一名刑事被告也可以被法官下令做出损失赔偿, 例如交还被盗财物或偿还造成的受害者损失)

15. restraining order / order of protection
定义: (预防对原告的暴力伤害或威胁)行为禁止令
例句: Breaches of restraining orders can be considered serious criminal offences that merit arrest and possible prison sentences. (违反禁止令可以被视为应得被逮捕以及可能监禁判刑的严重刑事罪)

16. return date / return day
定义: 返回法庭日期; 交出答辩截止日期; 等待期间截止日; 交出文件截止日
例句: Return date means the day named in a writ or other form of legal process as the date when the response to that paper must be made. (交出答辩截止日期是指法院命令或其他形式的法律程序所指定的对此文件必须做出答辩的截止日期)

17. reverse
定义: 推翻低院裁决, 驳回重审
例句: An appeals court reverses the judgment, decree, or sentence of a lower court either by substituting its own decision or by returning the case to the lower court with instructions for a new trial. (以自己的裁决取代或者驳回低院重审, 上诉法庭推翻这个低院做出的判决, 裁定, 或判刑)

18. revocation hearing
定义: 缓刑违规听审(如果此人被发现缓刑违规, 他的缓刑可能会被撤销)
例句: If a probation violation is discovered or reported, it is likely that the court will conduct a probation revocation hearing. (如过一件缓刑违规事件被发现或被告发的话, 这个法庭非常可能会举行一个缓刑违规听审)

19. right to counsel
定义: (拥有宪法保障的)律师陪伴, 咨询或辩护的权利
例句: The right to counsel applies only where the defendant faces the possibility of imprisonment, and only at trial and through the first appeal, if the defendant is convicted. (律师辩护的权利只适用于被告可能面临监禁的情况下; 如果此名被告被判有罪的话, 也只适用于审讯至首次上诉为止)

20. routine traffic stop
定义: 例行的路肩临检
例句: A routine traffic stop always begins with a law enforcement officer witnessing a violation of state or local vehicle law. (例行路肩临检永远首先发生于一名执法官员目击到一件州政府或当地交通法规被违反的情况下)



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