二十笔实用成语 385

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二十笔实用成语 385

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 06, 2012 10:28 am

二十笔实用成语 385

01. find true north, to
定义: 找着北, 寻找正确方向/路线, 顺着正确方向进行.
例句: There are people out there who enjoy the thrill of seeking, but who never really intend to find true north and to develop their full potential the right way. (有些人喜欢从探索中取得刺激感, 但从来不想真实地寻找正确方向和以正确方法开发他们丰富的潜能)

02. find yourself, to
定义: 了解自己, 了解你自己人生真正想要或珍惜的价值.
例句: Most people don't get serious about finding themselves until they experience a life-changing event that moves them, shakes them up, and changes their perspective. (直到他们亲历了一场感动他们, 震撼他们以及改变他们观点的生命转折的重大事件之前, 大部分人不会认真地寻求了解自己)

03. find/get one's bearings, to
定义: 找到自己的方位; 弄清/熟悉自己周遭环境与处境.
例句: Our orientation for new employees will help you find your bearings at work. (我们新职员的任职培训会帮助你熟悉你的周遭环境)

04. find/take shelter, to
定义: 避难, 躲避, 寻求庇护, 躲避在安全之处.
例句: We found shelter in a cave during the storm. (我们跑进山洞里躲避暴风雨)

05. fine as a frog's hair, be (as)
定义: [俚语](一切)安好的, 很愉快, 很纤瘦的, 很微小的(差距).
例句: Gordon never met a person he didn't like and no one met Gordon without feeling fine as a frog's hair. (戈登从来没见过他不喜欢的人, 所有见过戈登的人都会感觉如沐春风)

06. fine figure of a man/woman, a
定义: 身材雄伟的男子/身材美好的女子.
例句: He is a fine figure of a man, imposing, full of poise, and sure of himself. (他是一个雄伟男子, 仪表堂堂, 泰然自若, 充满了自信)

07. fine how-do-you-do, a
定义: 真倒楣; 令人尴尬, 不愉快的事件或情况.
例句: Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do! I tried to call Mary, and her number is disconnected! (唉, 真倒楣! 我试着打电话找玛莉, 她的号码被切断! 注: 此句的her number is disconnected是指她的电话服务被中止)

08. fine line, a
定义: 一线之隔; 分际很小.
例句: Sometimes there is a fine line between love and lust. (有时候爱和肉欲的分际只有一线之隔)

09. fine one to talk, a
定义: (指某人)还好意思说别人或论人长短.
例句: You're a fine one to talk, considering all the trouble you caused when you were young. (看看你自己小时候惹出的一大堆麻烦, 你还好意思说别人)

10. fine place to live, a
定义: 适于居住的好地方.
例句: It's a fine place to live, just a bit humid for me. (这里真是一个适于居住的好地方, 只是对我来说有点潮湿)

11. fine print, the
定义: (合约或其他文件中)以小字印刷的限制或不利条件.
例句: Read the fine print before you sign the dotted line. (在你签名之前, 你要阅读小字印刷的契约限制或不利条件)

12. fine/okay by me, be
定义: 我同意, 我接受, 我没问题.
例句: Whatever you want to do is fine by me. (不管你想要做什么我都没问题)

13. fine-feathered friend, a
定义: 长得漂亮的朋友, 好友, 老友.
例句: Now just a minute, my fine feathered friend. Haven't you got any aesthetic sense? (喂等一等, 我的漂亮朋友. 你有没有一点审美观呀?)

14. finely ground, be
定义: [形容词]研磨很细的.
例句: Finely ground nuts are usually prepared in a blender or food processor, where they are chopped into a fine, moist meal that resembles flour. (研磨很​​细的坚果一般是经由搅拌机或食物处理机来研制, 它们被打成细致, 有点潮湿的像面粉似的粉末)

15. finest hour, one's
定义: 鼎盛时期; 飞黄腾达, 英气风发, 春风得意的一刻.
例句: We're looking for that woman who best exemplifies living in her finest hour. Remember, inner beauty is what counts most. (我们正在寻找那个最能作为活在她鼎盛时期之典范的女人. 记住, 我们最重视的是内在美)

16. fine-toothed comb, a
定义: 密齿梳; 不放过细微末节地彻底搜查, 检察.
例句: She read the file carefully, went over it with a fine-toothed comb. (她仔细地研读这份档案, 一字不漏地彻底读完)

17. fine-tune, to
定义: 做细密精确地调整.
例句: Rudy fine-tuned my Peugeot. Now it purrs like a kitten. (鲁迪精密地调整了我的标致汽车引擎. 现在它跑得很平稳流畅)

18. finger the suspect, to
定义: 指认嫌犯.
例句: They fingered you as the suspect for the bank robbery, so you'd better get a lawyer right away. (他们指认你是抢银行的嫌犯, 所以你最好马上请个律师)

19. finger-licking good, be
定义: 极为可口的. (注: 意指食物)
例句: We did our best and I must say, the results were finger-licking good. (我们已经尽了全力, 我必须说, 这个成果极为可口)

20. fingers itch to do something, one's
定义: 手痒, 迫不及待想要做某事尤其苦无机会去做.
例句: Have you ever visited a museum and happened upon an object that made your fingers itch to touch it? (你有没有曾经参观一家博物馆, 正好碰到一件物品让你迫不及待地想触摸它的冲动?)



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