二十笔实用成语 386

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二十笔实用成语 386

帖子 royl » 周一 9月 10, 2012 2:31 pm

二十笔实用成语 386

01. fingers the size of bananas, one's
定义: 巨大的手掌.
例句: It's unlikely because your fingers are too big. I've seen guys with fingers the size of bananas play well. (未必是因为你的手指粗大. 我见过手掌巨大的人一样弹得很好)

02. finicky eater, a
定义: 挑食者, 挑嘴的人, 讲究食物者.
例句: Feeding dogs table scraps or too many treats can encourage them to become finicky eaters. (拿剩菜或过多的好吃东西喂狗会助长它们成为挑食者)

定义: 财务情报. (注: FININT是Financial intelligence缩写)
例句: FININT is used to detect money laundering, which is often done as part of some other criminal activity. (财务情报是用来侦查通常成为一些其他犯罪活动一部分所进行的洗钱行动)

04. finish close behind, to
定义: 紧随某人之后跑完或做完.
例句: My teammate came in third, and I finished close behind. (我队友获得第三名, 我紧随其后)

05. finish off, to
定义: 结束, 终结, 击败, 累坏, 杀死, 给予最后一击.
例句: The spider finished off the fly and began to eat it. (这只蜘蛛最后杀了这只苍蝇, 随后就开始吃它)

06. finish someone/something off, to
定义: 将某人击败, 杀死, 累坏; 将某事做完, 结束; 把某物摧毁, 给予最后一击.
例句: I finished the dinner off with a piece of tiramisu cake and a cup of aromatic dark coffee. (我最后吃了一片提拉米苏蛋糕再配上一杯浓郁的黑咖啡结束了这份大餐)

07. Finish what you started.
[成语句型]有始有终. (注: 意指敦促某人把开始做的事情做完)

08. finish with style, to
定义: 画龙点睛, 优美地画上句点.
例句: Start the new year right and finish it with style. (踏出正确的步伐开启新的一年, 再于年​​终优美地画上句点)

09. finished with something/someone, be
定义: 结束或做完某事; 与某人或某事分手, 不再有关系, 无关.
例句: He said he was finished with his wife, but his children will remain his children except his wife can keep them for now. (他说他跟他妻子分手了, 但他儿女还是他的儿女, 只是他妻子可以暂时留他们在身边)

10. finishing touch, the
定义: 最后收尾的细节工作, 最后的修饰或润色, 画龙点睛.
例句: As a finishing touch, the baker added a maraschino cherry on the cake. (这个烘焙师在蛋糕上放上一颗马拉斯奇诺樱桃作为最后的润色)

11. fink, a
定义: 令人厌恶的人; 告密者; 被雇来捣蛋罢工的人.
例句: You fink! You sat on my pizza! (你这个可恶的人! 你坐在我的披萨饼上! 注: 显然此人坐在内装披萨饼的硬盒上, 应该不会有人直接坐在披萨饼上)

12. fire a shot across the bows, to
定义: 严厉警告. (注: 意指警告某人假如不改变行为态度将采取强硬手段)
例句: Tom fired a warning shot across his employer's bows by threatening to quit if a higher pay increase is not offered. (汤姆以威胁要辞职倘若他得不到加薪来严厉警告他的雇主)

13. fire at will, to
定义: 随意开火, 放手射击.
例句: Were you told to fire at will? Did you differentiate between terrorist and civilian? (你们被命令随意开火了吗? 你们区分了恐怖份子和一般平民吗?)

14. fire away, to
定义: 开火; 说吧, 问吧.
例句: "We have some questions we'd like to ask you." "OK. Fire away." ("我们有一些问题想问你." "好. 你问吧.")

15. fire back, to
定义: 反击, 迅速忿怒地反驳.
例句: Then one day I fired back at them with a couple choice names and they ran to the principle's office and reported me. (后来有一天我发出两句辱骂来反击他们, 他们跑到校长办公室告我的状)

16. fire blanks, to
定义: 打空包弹; (幽默)男人行性交后不能使妇女怀孕—没精虫.
例句: They had a series of fertility tests done and found out that basically Tony was firing blanks. (他们做了一系列的受孕检验, 结果发现基本上东尼不能使妇女怀孕)

17. fire breaks out, the
定义: 突然起火.
例句: Dozens of people were forced from their homes after a fire broke out in an apartment building Saturday night, emergency officials say. (灾难应变官员说, 星期六晚间一栋公寓建筑突然起火, 之后数十人被迫离开他们的住所)

18. fire drill, a
定义: 救火演习.
例句: Since it was just a fire drill, I collected all my belongings and took my time to get out. However, if it was a rea​​l fire, I would get the heck out of there in a hurry. (由于这只是一个救火演习, 我收拾好我的东西, 不慌不忙地离开. 但是, 如果这是一场真火灾的话, 我会立刻冲出那里)

19. fire in the belly, the
定义: 一股热忱与决心. (注: 意指热情地, 积极地为自己的信念而战斗)
例句: I don't care. I don't have that fire in the belly anymore. (我才不关心. 我已经不再有那股热忱)

20. fire of a gem, the
定义: 宝石的明亮度或闪亮度.
例句: The fire of a gem is a consequence of the cut of the stone, coupled with its dispersion. (这个宝石明亮度是由它的切割再加上折射效果所造成的)



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