法律术语 28

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法律术语 28

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 16, 2012 12:41 pm

法律术语 28

01. venire
定义: (从合格的选民中选出一定人数的陪审后选人所发出的)征召令; 被选出的陪审后选人
例句: A death-qualified jury is one in which all members of the venire that categorically object to capital punishment are removed. (可能涉及死刑案件的陪审团是一个剔除了所有坚定反对死刑的陪审后选人的陪审团)

02. venue
定义: 审判地点
例句: In a criminal case, the proper venue is generally the judicial district or county where the crime was committed. (在刑事案件里, 适当的审判地点通常是案发地点的司法辖区或县治)

03. verdict
定义: 裁决, 裁定
例句: A verdict of guilty in a criminal case is generally followed by a judgment of conviction rendered by the judge, which in turn be followed by sentencing. (一件刑案有罪裁定之后的程序是法官做出的定罪判决, 依次才是判刑)

04. violation of probation
定义: 违反缓刑规定
例句: A probation officer may imprison a probationer and petition the court for a hearing of violation of probation, if the violation is proved, the probationer may be sentenced to jail. (缓刑犯监督官员可以关押缓刑犯并诉诸法院举行缓刑违犯听审, 如果此违犯属实, 这名缓刑犯可能被判入监服刑)

05. visitation rights
定义: (没有监护权父或母亲的)探望子女权
例句: Parents who are denied custody of their children are often entitled to generous visitation rights, unless visitation with the non-custodial parent does not serve the child's best interests. (除非此非监护父/母亲不提供其子女最佳福祉,未取得监护权之父/母亲一般被给予宽大的探望子女权)

06. voir dire
定义: 两方律师对陪审后选人的筛选
例句: When attorneys are allowed to conduct the voir dire, they often try to ask questions that will reveal individuals' personalities and political or cultural persuasions. (当律师们被允许对陪审后选人做筛选的时候, 他们经常会试图提出一些显示出此人性格与政治或文化倾向之类的问题)

07. voluntary manslaughter
定义: 故意误杀, 无预谋的故意杀人, 如情绪激动时, 激情杀人
例句: If a man were to come home seeing his wife in bed with another person and kill both of them in a jealous rage, it's considered adequate provocation and thus voluntary manslaughter. (倘若某男子回家后见其妻子与另一者同卧一床因此嫉火中烧杀害此二人, 此状况被视为合理致人失控由此产生故意误杀罪)

08. voluntary transfer
定义: (债务人的)自愿财产转让
例句: A voluntary transfer is a transfer of property by one person to another without any compensation and without any obligation. (自愿财产转让是一个从某人给予另一人的无需任何补偿和无任何回报义务的财产转​​让)

09. wage execution / wage garnishment / wage withholding
定义: (从债务人或抚养人的)薪资扣缴
例句: Common examples of debt that result in wage garnishments include: child support, defaulted student loans, taxes, and unpaid court fines. (常见的因债务被扣缴薪资的范例包括: 子女抚养, 拖欠学生贷款, 欠税,以及未付清的法院罚锾)

10. waive / waiver of rights
定义: 放弃(权利或索赔)
例句: To waive is to voluntarily give up a right, including knowingly giving up a legal right, or not enforcing a term of a contract. (弃权是指自愿放弃包括在知情情况下放弃某合法权益或不执行某契约条款的权利)

11. waiver of immunity
定义: 放弃豁免权(放弃拒绝做出对自己不利证词的权利)
例句: Waiver of immunity is a means authorized by statute by which a witness, before testifying or producing evidence, may relinquish the right to refuse to testify against themselves. (放弃豁免权是指由证人于出庭作证或提供证据之前,愿意放弃拒绝做出对己不利证词权利之依法授权手段)

12. ward
定义: 被监护人
例句: A court may take responsibility for the legal protection of an individual, usually either a child or incapacitated person, in which case the ward is known as a ward of the court. (法院可以为通常是儿童或无行为能力者提供的法律保护负责, 在此情况下, 此名被监护人被称为被法院监护人)

13. weight of evidence
定义: 对某一方有利的证词价值或说服力
例句: Weight of evidence is the measure of credible proof on one side of a dispute versus the one on the other, particularly the probative evidence considered by a judge/jury during a trial. (证词价值是争辩中某方与另一方所持之可信证明相比之下的评估, 尤其是指审讯中被法官/陪审团所重视的证据力)

14. willful tort
定义: 蓄意伤害
例句: If your neighbor builds an ugly new fence and you intentionally mow it down with your truck, that's a willful tort. (倘若你邻居搭了一片丑陋的新篱笆而你故意地用你卡车将它撞毁, 此即称之为蓄意伤害)

15. willful violation
定义: 蓄意违法
例句: A willful violation may mean a deliberate intent to violate the law, an intent to perform an act that the law forbids, or an intent to refrain from performing an act that the law requires. (蓄意违法是指明知故犯, 有意做出法律禁止的行为, 或故意不做法定应做之行为)

16. witness
定义: 证人
例句: A percipient witness or eyewitness is one who testifies what they perceived through his or her senses such as seeing, hearing, smelling, or touching. (一名知觉敏锐的证人或目击证人是一个经由他/她的感官例如视觉, 听觉, 嗅觉或触觉所察觉到的事物出庭作证)

17. writ of certiorari
定义: (最高法院授权的)复审令
例句: By statute, the Supreme Court of the United States uses the writ of certiorari to review cases from the United States courts of appeals or from the state courts. (依据法律, 美国最高法院使用复审令来复查美国上诉法庭或州法院的案件)

18. writ of mandamus
定义: 职务执行令
例句: A court might issue a writ of mandamus forcing a public school to admit certain students on the grounds that the school illegally discriminated against them when it denied them admission. (当此校拒绝他们的入学时, 法庭可能发出职务执行令, 基于此校非法歧视他们, 强制此公立学校接纳这些学生)

19. Your Honor
定义: 庭上
例句: "Your Honor" is the proper way to address a judge in court. (在法庭内, 以"庭上"称呼法官是适当的)

20. youthful offender
定义: (十六岁到十八岁之间)少年犯
例句: A youthful offender is someone under the age of 18 accused of a crime, who is processed through a juvenile court and juvenile detention or prison facilities instead of regular ones. (少年犯乃是被控某罪之未满十八岁者, 他/她被交由少年法院与少年拘留所或监狱处理而非一般法院, 拘留所或监狱)



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