二十笔实用成语 388

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二十笔实用成语 388

帖子 royl » 周二 9月 18, 2012 6:48 am

二十笔实用成语 388

01. first out of the gate, be
定义: 首先, 一马当先, 抢先, 拔头筹.
例句: There's a rumor about a 1080p handset that keeps coming back around; perhaps HTC is interested in being first out of the gate with just such a model. (有一个关于1080p手机的谣言不停流传; 或许宏达电有意成为抢先出产此机型的制造厂)

02. first past the post, the
定义: 赢得竞赛, 首先, 一马当先, 抢先, 拔头筹; (选举)赢得简单多数.
例句: The Americans were the first past the post in the race to the moon. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969. (美国人赢得了登陆月球竞赛. 尼尔•阿姆斯壮于一九六九年漫步月球)

03. first port of call, the
定义: 第一站, 首个目的地, 第一靠港.
例句: Our first port of call was Kenting National Park. Now that is some clear water. We all brought our own snorkeling gear, so we did a little shore snorkeling. (我们第一站是垦丁国家公园. 这才是清澈如镜的水. 我们都带着自己的通气管潜水器材, 因此我们在岸边稍做了一点潜泳)

04. first runner-up
定义: 第二名, 亚军.
例句: Here is a little horn tooting of my own: I am thrilled to share that I am first runner-up to the cultural ambassador. (在这里我自我吹嘘一下: 我很兴奋地告诉大家, 我赢得了这场文化大使竞赛的第二名)

05. first step, the
定义: 第一步.
例句: The first step to blogging is recognizing why you're doing it. (撰写网志的第一步是找出你写它的目的是什么)

06. first strike
定义: 第一/首先核打击, 先下手攻击.
例句: According to the theory of nuclear deterrence and MAD, full countervalue retaliation would be the likely fate for anyone who unleashed a first strike. (依据核威摄与相互保证摧毁理论, 完全摧毁民间目标的核报复很可能是任何首先发起核打击之国家的下场)

07. first thing first
定义: 首先要做的事, 先谈/办的重要事.
例句: If you want your resume to stand out above the rest, first thing first, consult a professional. (如果你想要你履历表脱颖而出的话, 首先要做的事是请教一位专家)

08. first thing in the morning
定义: 早上/明早首先(做的事).
例句: I often find if I don't do it first thing in the morning, it's so much easier to make excuses and be "too tired" to do. (我经常发现如果我不一早把这件事先做完的话,我很容易寻找"我太累"而不想做的借口)

09. first thing
定义: 最优先的, 第一件要做的事.
例句: I can assure you that it will be the first thing we do from now on. (我跟你保证, 从今以后这是我们最优先做的事)

10. first thought
定义: 首先或原先的想法/看法/计划; 首先想到的人/事/物/地.
例句: Actually, that wasn't my first thought. It was more along the lines of, "I wonder how much it would cost?" (其实这不我是原先的想法. 我原先的想法好像是, "我不知道它要多少钱?")

11. first time ever
定义: 头一遭, 破天荒第一次.
例句: For the first time ever since Nielsen Soundscan started tracking album sales in 1991, old albums are outselling new albums. The primary catalyst for the trend is cost. (从尼尔森音乐统计于一九九一年开始追踪音乐专辑销售量以来, 旧专辑销售量头一遭卖得比新专辑还多. 它主要的诱因是价钱)

12. of the first water
定义: 最佳的, 最高品质的, 极为...的.
例句: A diamond is of the first water when it is without flaw or taint of any kind. (一个最高品质的钻石是它没有任何瑕疵或毁损)

13. first-ever
定义: 头一遭, 破天荒第一次.
例句: I know I'm not really good but please don't be too critical, it's my first ever try after all. (我知道我不是很在行但请别过份挑剔, 这毕竟是我破天荒的第一次尝试)

14. firsthand experience
定义: 亲身经验/经历/体验.
例句: I've never actually been to Bolivia but just from my first hand experience in South America in general, the currencies can be extremely volatile. (我虽然从没去过玻利维亚但光从我总体在南美洲的亲身经历来看, 他们的货币可能会波动极大)

15. first-past-the-post voting system, the
定义: [政治术语]以简单多数当选的选举制度.
例句: All US States, except Maine and Nebraska, use a winner-take-all form of simple plurality, first-past-the-post voting to determine the electors appointed to the Electoral College. (除了缅因和内布拉斯加之外, 所有州都援用赢者全拿的简单多数形式, 简单多数选举决定了担任选举团成员的选举人)

16. first-run movie, a
定义: 首映的电影.
例句: There are a lot of first-run movies that I haven't had time to see yet. (有许多首映电影我还没时间去看)

17. first-string
定义: 第一线的/首要的/一流的(成员). (注: 意指一开场就出场的; 不是后备的)
例句: A team's first-string players are always those which have the highest potential and in which the coach can depend on to get the job done. (一支球队的第一线球员永远是那些具有最高潜力以及教练所依赖将任务达成的球员)

18. fiscal conservative, a
定义: 财务保守派, 财务保守的人.
例句: If the Tea Party has any integrity at all, they will not back him for he is not a fiscal conservative by any stretch of the imagination. (如果茶党还有丝毫正义感的话, 他们不会支持他, 因为他根本不是个财务保守派)

19. fiscal responsibility, the
定义: 财务责任.
例句: To be committed to fiscal responsibility, public officials are to have a fundamental duty to make sure taxpayer money is used effectively and that each dollar can be accounted for. (为了恪尽财务责任, 政府官员必须肩负着确保纳税人钱被有效使用与每一块钱都实报实销的基本责任)

20. fish for a compliment, to
定义: 间接地寻求别人的赞美.
例句: Every time Tom mentions cars, he's fishing for a compliment on his Jaguar. (每次汤姆一谈到车子, 他总是间接地寻求别人对他捷豹车的赞美)



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