二十笔实用成语 394

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二十笔实用成语 394

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 30, 2012 4:25 am

二十笔实用成语 394

01. fleabag, a
定义: 廉价低劣的旅社; 狗猫的昵称.
例句: They found her in a fleabag motel some place, coked out of her gourd. (他们在某地的一个廉价汽车旅馆里找到她, 当时她因吸食古柯碱而昏迷不省人事)

02. fleabite compared to/with, a
定义: 跟...比算不了什么.
例句: This new problem is a fleabite compared to his other troubles. (这个新出现的问题比起他别的一些麻烦算不了什么)

03. fleecing of the flock, the
定义: 诈取民众, 大众或信众的钱财.
例句: The fleecing of the flock will continue until all incumbents have been voted out of office and new responsible elected officials can clean house. (这个诈取民众钱财的问题将会持续下去直到所有的现任官员被选民唾弃以及新选上的负责任官员做出全面改革为止)

04. fleet of foot
定义: 跑得快, 健步如飞的, 移动迅速的.
例句: Fortunately, she was fleet of foot and was able to outrun those muggers. (幸亏她跑得快才有办法逃脱那些抢匪的追逐)

05. fleeting glance, a
定义: 飞快/匆匆一瞥.
例句: A fleeting glance from Marilyn would make his heart beat wildly. (匆匆地看玛丽莲一眼会让他心脏狂跳不已)

06. flesh and blood
定义: [名词]肉体本质, 人性弱点; 亲生骨肉, 儿女; 实质, 现实.
例句: It was his own flesh and blood who he refused to help when they needed money. (在他们需要钱的时候, 他拒绝帮助的是他自己的亲生骨肉)

07. flesh out, to
定义: 充实, 补足, 补充; 使其完满, 完整或更具体化.
例句: Here's the outline, Pat. You can flesh it out later. (派特, 这是大纲. 你可以随后添加细节使其更具体化)

08. flesh wound, a
定义: 皮肉之伤. (注: 意指没有伤及筋骨或内脏)
例句: I don't need to go to the hospital; it's just a flesh wound. (我不需要住院; 这只是个皮肉伤)

09. fletcherize your food, to
定义: 细嚼慢咽食物.
例句: While it isn't necessary to fletcherize your food, you should chew thoroughly before swallowing. (虽然你不需要细嚼慢咽你的食物, 你应该把食物彻底地咀嚼后再吞下去)

10. flex one's muscles, to
定义: 展示实力.
例句: Sometimes you need to flex your muscles a little and show the world that you're not to be messed with. (有时你必须要展示一点你的实力, 让世人看看你是不好惹的)

11. flick, a
定义: [俚语]电影.
例句: Matthew McConaughey shocks in gaunt frame after losing 30lbs for new flick. (为了新电影减轻了三十磅之后, 马修•麦康纳希令人震惊地显现他消瘦的身材)

12. flight of fancy/imagination/fantasy, a
定义: 奇想, 幻想, 白日梦, 不切实际的想法.
例句: What is the point in indulging in flights of fancy about exotic vacations when you cannot even af​​ford the rent? (当你连房租都缴不出的时候, 沉迷在异国情调的渡假幻想里有什么意义?)

13. fling dirt at, to
定义: 抹黑, 诬赖或诋毁.
例句: Several egregious idiots have been flinging dirt at me for weeks. (有几个卑鄙蠢货几个星期以来一直在抹黑我)

14. fling in someone's teeth, to
定义: 某人因...受到非难, 指责, 奚落; 将...的责任归咎于某人.
例句: I am not accusing anyone here but I have to work hard to defend myself and to refute the false accusation which is flung in my teeth. (我不是在这里指控任何人但我不得不尽力地替我自己辩护以及驳斥这个错误地归咎于我的指控)

15. fling oneself at someone/someone's head, to
定义: 勾引某人, 公开向某人示爱.
例句: Everyone could see by the way Tom flung himself at Jane that he was going to ask her for a date. (大家都可以从汤姆公开向珍示爱的样子看出来他将要邀她出来约会)

16. fling oneself into, to
定义: 努力以赴, 热情地工作.
例句: After the divorce he flung himself into his work to forget her. (离婚之后, 他热情地工作为了是忘却她)

17. fling/cast caution to the wind, to
定义: 轻率鲁莽, 草率行事, 将审慎态度抛诸脑后, 放手一博.
例句: After thinking about it for years, I finally flung caution to the wind, quit my job, and started my business. (经过几年思考之后, 我终于放手一博, 辞去我的工作, 开创自己的事业)

18. flip one's lid/wig, to
定义: 狂怒, 大发脾气, 激烈反应, 失去理智.
例句: My mom flipped her lid when she saw what a mess I'd made of our kitchen. (当看到厨房被我弄得凌乱不堪的时候, 我妈妈大发脾气)

19. flip out, to
定义: 狂怒, 大发脾气, 激烈反应, 失去理智.
例句: He flipped out when he heard that I had sold his car without his consent. (当听到我没经过他同意把他的车子卖掉的时候, 他失控暴怒)

20. flip side of the coin, the
定义: 反面看法, 另一方面看法.
例句: I respect your views, but the flip side of the coin is to respect the views of others, so making inciting comments is not helpful to getting people to see things from your side. (我尊重你的看法, 但从另一方面看, 这是尊重别人观点; 所以发表挑衅言论对于你想说服别人从你的角度看事情毫无帮助)



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