二十笔实用成语 396

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二十笔实用成语 396

帖子 royl » 周五 10月 05, 2012 12:18 am

二十笔实用成语 396

01. flog a dead horse, to
定义: 重复讨论一个没意义, 没用的话题或议题.
例句: I think you're flogging a dead horse. He's already made up his mind. (我觉得你在重复讨论一个没意义的话题. 他已经做好了决定)

02. flog something to death, to
定义: 重复某一故事, 笑话或概念使人听多了失去兴趣.
例句: Stop talking about this! You've flogged it to death. (别再提这件事! 你已经说了许多遍了)

03. floor it, to
定义: 冲刺行驶. (注: 意指将油门踩到底)
例句: He floors it from every stoplight, and drives erratically through heavy traffic. (他每次从绿灯起步时把油门踩到底, 而且在拥挤的交通里横冲直撞)

04. floor plan, a
定义: 建筑物平面设计图.
例句: A floor plan is not a top view or birds eye view. It is a measured drawing to scale of the layout of a floor in a building. (一份建筑物平面图并不是个顶视图或鸟瞰图. 它是一个依比例绘制的建筑物平面设计图)

05. floored by, be
定义: 受到震惊, 惊讶或惊奇.
例句: I was floored by his candor and honest self-assessment. (他的直率态度和坦诚的自我评估令我吃惊)

06. floozy/floozie, a
定义: [不尊重语]轻佻随便/不三不四的年轻女子.
例句: We just got engaged and now you're chasing some floozy?! (我们才刚刚订婚, 你现在就追个不三不四的女人?!)

07. flop, a
定义: 彻底的失败.
例句: Although I enjoyed the debate on Tuesday night, but it was a total flop. It was a bit one-sided. (虽然我还蛮喜欢星期二晚上的辩论, 但它是个彻底失败. 它有些偏颇不公)

08. flophouse, a
定义: [俚语]廉价肮脏的旅社.
例句: She earns enough to live in a trendy studio flat instead of the crowded flophouse where the more lowly-paid dancers bunk. (她有足够的收入住进一套时髦的单身公寓而不是那些低工资舞蹈演员过夜的廉价旅社)

09. flotsam and jetsam
定义: [名词]垃圾, 没用或没价值的内容; 被丢弃掉的杂物; 穷困的无家可归者.
例句: Your report would be much better if you could get rid of a lot of the flotsam and jetsam and clean up the grammar a bit. (如果你能够清除这一大堆没价值的内容和些许的文法错误, 你的报告会好很多)

10. flower child, a
定义: 花派嬉皮, 1960时代的年轻嬉皮主张泛爱与和平.
例句: It was the custom of flower children to wear and distribute flowers or floral-themed decorations to symbolize altruistic ideals of universal brotherhood, peace and love. (穿戴与散发鲜花和以花为主题的装饰是花派嬉皮的惯常行为用来象征全世界手足情谊, 和平与相爱的无私理想)

11. flowery speech, a
定义: 花言巧语, 词藻浮华的话语.
例句: He gave a flowery speech on "the broken immigration system", while not enforcing the deportation of criminal aliens. (他发表了有关"这个行不通的移民系统"词藻浮华的演讲, 却不执行对犯法外国人的驱逐出境)

12. flown in from, be
定义: 从某地搭机来, 从某地空运来.
例句: The president requested that fresh yogurt be flown in from California daily, and when it came to breakfast he also favored lighter options. (这个董事长要求每天从加州空运过来新鲜的酸奶, 谈到早餐, 他也比较喜欢清淡的选择)

13. flu, a
定义: 流行性感冒. (注: flu是influenza的缩写)
例句: I came down with a bout of the flu, and had little to no energy, with not much of an appetite. (我得了流行性感冒, 全身乏力, 也没什么胃口)

14. fluff one's lines, to
定义: [戏剧术语]吃螺丝, 忘记或说错台词.
例句: The actor kept fluffing the same line. (这个演员不停地吃同一句台词的螺丝)

15. fluke, a
定义: 幸运, 侥幸, 偶然机会.
例句: By a pure fluke I ended up in an internship at a psychiatric hospital, and everything went smooth ever since. (由于一个纯粹的偶然机会, 我意外地成为一家精神病医院的实习医师, 自此之后我一切顺利)

16. flunk a test, to
定义: 考试不及格或没通过/过关.
例句: It was to my utter surprise that I flunked the test. But then, the vast majority of students failed it too. (我完全没料想到这个考试我居然没过关. 不过, 绝大多数的学生也都考不及格)

17. flunk out, to
定义: 被学校或大学开除.
例句: If you flunk out of college, you will have to find a job. (你要是遭到大学退学的话, 你必须去找个工作)

18. flunky, a
定义: [不尊重语]走狗, 打手, 下人, 马屁精.
例句: He calls the shots. He's used to being treated like he's somebody important. So when one of his flunkies gets the royal treatment instead, he wants to know why. (他平常发号施令. 他已经习惯当老大. 所以当他的一个走狗受到王室般的礼遇, 他想要知道为什么)

19. flurry of ..., a
定义: 短时间发生的令人兴奋事件; 突然同时引发了一系列的…
例句: The incident could create a flurry of interest in safety issues. (这个事件可能会引发了一系列有关安全问题的关注)

20. flutter one's eyelashes at, to
定义: 眨眼; 频送秋波; 挤眉弄眼.
例句: She cutely bit her lip as she fluttered her eyelashes at her date. (当她频送秋波给她男友的时候, 她迷人地咬着她的嘴唇)



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