二十笔实用成语 397

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二十笔实用成语 397

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 06, 2012 11:37 pm

二十笔实用成语 397

01. fly a kite, to
定义: 放风筝; (试图)提出合理解释; 放出消息或风声来测试大众的反应; 以假商业本票筹措资金.
例句: I'm not just flying a kite but I have real evidence to prove my point. (我不只是提出合理解释, 我还有真凭实据来证明我的论点)

02. fly at, to
定义: 突然猛烈地攻击.
例句: She suddenly flew at me, kicking and scratching. (她突然猛烈地攻击我, 又踢又抓)

03. fly blind, to
定义: 全凭仪器驾驶飞机; 全凭直觉(做事).
例句: The problem was that my experience with office management was a big fat zero. I was flying blind, but I went about it the best that I could. (问题是我完全没有办公室管理的工作经验. 我全凭直觉办事, 但我也尽了全力把事情办妥)

04. fly by the seat of one's pants, to
定义: 全凭自己直觉操作, 随机应变.
例句: I had to fly by the seat of my pants when the supervisor left me alone for a week. (当我的主管留下我一个人单独工作一个星期的时候, 我不得不随机应变)

05. fly high, to
定义: 充满了喜悦和骄傲.
例句: We were flying high after the birth of our first baby. (在我们第一个小孩出生之后, 我们充满了喜悦)

06. fly in the face/teeth of, to
定义: 完全不符合; 悍然不顾, 公然违抗.
例句: His explanation flies in the face of the evidence. (他的解释根本与事实不符)

07. fly in the ointment, a
定义: 美中不足, 瑕疵, 缺陷, 有害的因素.
例句: We enjoyed the movie, but the fly in the ointment was that people next to me kept talking and making rude comment. (这部电影挺好看的, 但美中不足的是坐我附近的人不停地讲话和发出粗俗的评论)

08. fly into a passion/rage/temper, to
定义: 勃然大怒, 突然大发雷霆.
例句: When Tom discovered this, he flew into a rage, chasing his daughter with a switch. (当汤姆发现这件事的时候, 他勃然大怒, 拿着一根木条追打他的女儿)

09. fly into, to
定义: 飞抵, 飞进, 撞上, 突然爆发
例句: A tire blew during takeoff and flew into an engine. (在起飞的时候, 一个轮胎爆裂并飞进引擎里)

10. fly off on a tangent, to
定义: 突然转移话题, 突然改变想法或行动.
例句: Because I managed to answer some questions without answering them, then fly off on a tangent, all the while forgetting about the questions. (因为我想尽办法对有些问题答非所问, 然后突然转移话题, 自始至终不去想这些问题)

11. fly off the handle, to
定义: 勃然大怒, 突然大发雷霆.
例句: After Charlie flew off the handle he apologized for his temper. (在查理大发雷霆之后, 他为他的暴躁脾气道歉)

12. fly on the wall, a
定义: 在旁静悄悄观察, 偷窥, 窥视的人.
例句: I would only like to be a fly on the wall during the negotiations. (我只想在谈判的时候静静地旁听)

13. fly the coop, to
定义: 仓促逃离/溜走/开溜.
例句: Brian flew the coop last night. He packed a suitcase and left. (布莱恩昨夜开溜了. 他打包好一只手提箱就走了)

14. fly the flag, to
定义: 支持或代表国家/某人/某物/某运动/等等.
例句: The designer herself flew the flag for her brand and wore a very flattering black strapless jumpsuit from her spring 2012 collection. (这位设计师她为了支持她自己的品牌, 穿了一件出自她二零一二年春季服装系列的衬托她优美身材的黑色无肩带连身裤)

15. fly-by-night, be
定义: [形容词]逃避责任的, 逃避债主; 不老实的(生意人); 不可信任的; 临时的, 路过的. (注: 意指白天做了不老实生意, 晚上开溜的骗徒)
例句: That new company is nothing but a fly-by-night operation. (这家新公司只不过是个骗子公司)

16. fly-by-wire
定义: [形容词]线传操控的. (注: 飞行或驾驶控制系统的操作使用电子传动而不是用机械传动)
例句: Fly-by-wire control systems allow aircraft computers to perform tasks without pilot input. Automatic stability systems operate in this way. (线传操控系统容许飞航电脑自动执行任务而不需驾驶员输入指令. 自动稳定系统也是如此操作)

17. flying off the rack, be
定义: 被迅速地抢购一空.
例句: During the store's sales, the clothes were flying off the rack. (在折价销售期间, 这些服装被迅速地抢购一空)

18. flying visit, a
定义: 短暂, 不作逗留的拜访.
例句: He is planning on a flying visit this week to share some of his findings with me and I'll keep you posted. (他正计划这个星期来此作一个短暂拜访跟我分享一些他的调查结果, 我会跟你报告最新情况)

19. flyover country
定义: 可以忽视地区. (注: 被美国东西两岸大城市人轻视的美国中西部地区. 现在被用为被政党拉选票时忽视的地区. 这有些类似中国人所谓的"鸟不生蛋, 兔不拉屎的地方")
例句: It wasn't until the last election that I became aware that I lived in what the urban/suburban elitists refer to as "flyover country." (直到上次选举, 我才得知我所住的地区被那些都会区/城郊区的菁英份子视为"可以忽视地区.")

20. FM station, a
定义: 调频电台. (注: FM是frequency modulation的缩写​​)
例句: It wasn't until 1978 that listenership to FM stations exceeded that of AM stations in North America. (直到一九七八年, 北美的调频电台收听人数才开始超过调幅电台)



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