二十笔实用成语 400

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二十笔实用成语 400

帖子 royl » 周四 10月 11, 2012 8:14 pm

二十笔实用成语 400

01. fool in grain, a
定义: 如假包换/十足的傻瓜.
例句: The man is a fool in grain, and whatever he does would surely do it in the silliest way. (这个人真是个十足的傻瓜, 不管他做什么他总是用最笨的方法做)

02. fool of the first water, a
定义: 如假包换/十足的傻瓜.
例句: You're a fool of the first water. How in this world could you do it? (你真是个如假包换的傻瓜. 你怎么会做出这件事?)

03. fool someone, to
定义: 欺骗/糊弄/愚弄/欺骗某人.
例句: Tom was fooling you. He owns a Ford, not a Ferrari. (汤姆在糊弄你. 他的车子是福特, 不是法拉利)

04. fool with, to
定义: 游手好闲, 厮混, 虚度光阴; 动手动脚, 拨弄, 翻动, 嘻笑玩闹; 婚外风流, 搞性关系; 招惹麻烦, 扰乱, 捣蛋, 激怒.
例句: You had better not fool around with me. (你最好别招惹我)

05. fool/foolish enough to believe someone/something, be
定义: 居然笨到会去相信某人/某事或物.
例句: It should go without saying, but anyone foolish enough to believe everything they read in the Internet is certainly in need of more education. (这应是显而易见的事, 但任何人笨到会相信他/她在互联网看到的所有消息确实需要更多的教育)

06. foolish to think otherwise, would be
定义: 如果不是这样想应该是愚蠢的. (注: would在此等于should)
例句: Everyone likes to be praised for a job well done and you would be foolish to think otherwise. (每个人都喜欢别人肯定他所做的出色工作, 一个蠢人才不认为是如此)

07. foolproof method, a
定义: 极为牢靠的办法, 保证不出错的方法, 万无一失的方法.
例句: Follow my foolproof method, "2-minute, 2-minute, 2-minute, 2-minute", you will have perfect medium-rare steaks in 8 minutes. (遵照我这个"第一面两分钟, 第二面两分钟, 再第一面两分钟, 第二面两分钟"万无一失的方法, 你就能在八分钟内做出完美的三分熟牛排)

08. fool's errand, a
定义: 徒劳无功的任务.
例句: It's a fool's errand spending billions of dollars on weight loss each year. (每年花费几十亿美元在减肥上是个徒劳无功的任务)

09. foot soldier, a
定义: 步兵, 战士, 活跃份子/志工, 基层职工.
例句: Antibodies are the body's foot soldiers in the war against foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. (抗体是身体对抗例如细菌与病毒等体外入侵者的战士)

10. foot the bill, to
定义: 付款, 付账, 付费.
例句: The company will foot the bill for his move to Austin. (这家公司会付他搬迁到奥斯汀的费用)

11. foot-dragging
定义: [名词]拖拖拉拉, 故意拖延, 有气无力.
例句: I called the claim office to see if my application had been processed, but apparently the foot-dragging is still going on. (我打电话给理赔部门查询我的理赔申请是否已经被审核好了, 但显然他们还在故意拖延)

12. footloose and fancy-free, be
定义: 自由自在的, (单身)没有感情或婚姻拘束的.
例句: After her recent divorce, she was footloose and fancy-free, with no family and serious career to tie her down. (最近离婚之后, 由于没有家庭和繁忙工作的羁绊, 她回复了自由自在的单身生活)

13. leave footprints on the sands of time, to
定义: 名留青史; 雁过留声, 人过留名.
例句: Just as our forefathers left footprints on the sands of time, our current generation should do likewise. (就像我们先祖曾名留青史一样, 我们这一代人也应如此拼搏一翻)

14. for a count of three
定义: 从一数到三之久.
例句: Let's take a couple of deep breaths beginning with breathing in for a count of three, holding for a count of three, releasing for a count of three and then repeating. (让我们做几次深呼吸, 先从一数到三慢慢吸气, 再屏住气约数到三之久, 再从一数到三慢慢吐气, 然后再重复数次)

15. for a dare
定义: 被人挑战, 看你敢不敢.
例句: I've done crazy things for a dare but you can never dare me to strip. That's the only dare I won't take on. (我曾被人挑战做出疯狂的事但你不可能挑战我脱光衣服. 这是唯一我不会接受的挑战)

16. for a dog's age
定义: 好久, 一段长时间. (注: 对狗来说十年是个长时间)
例句: We haven't seen Aunt Sophie for a dog's age. (我们好久没见到苏菲姑妈了)

17. for a fact
定义: 毫无疑问地, 千真万确地.
例句: "I can't believe that Tom's quit." "It's for a fact!" ("我真不敢相信汤姆辞职了." "这是千真万确的!")

18. for a few extra bucks
定义: 为了多几块钱; 再加几块钱.
例句: I don't mind doing it for myself but I sure wouldn't want to do it for a few extra bucks. (为我自己做这件事我没问题但我不会为了多几块钱而做它)

19. for a long time
定义: 多年, 许久, 长时间.
例句: If your account has been inactive for a long time, we may delete it. If this happens, your login information will not be available. (如果你的帐户闲置了多年, 我们会撤销它. 一旦这个情况发生的时候, 你的登录资料将不存在)

20. for a man of his stature
定义: 以某人的身份地位.
例句: Tom begins to believe that his wife is too plain for a man of his stature, and he takes up with a beautiful, refined and highborn young woman. (汤姆开始感觉到, 以他的身份地位他的妻子姿色过于平庸, 因此他追求一个美丽, 有教养以及出身名门的年轻女子. 注: 这里的plain也可以翻译为"出身平凡")



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