二十笔实用成语 420

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二十笔实用成语 420

帖子 royl » 周二 11月 20, 2012 2:28 am

二十笔实用成语 420

01. fudge the data/figures/numbers, to
定义: 假造数据/数字.
例句: The fudged jobless data says a lot when a government jobs report is so out of line with reality that no thoughtful person can take it seriously. (这些被假造的失业数据充分地说明了当一个政府的就业报告与现实不符合的时候, 没有一个深思熟虑的人会把它当回事)

02. fuel the fire/hostility, to
定义: 火上加油, 鼓动, 刺激/鼓动敌视, 推波助澜.
例句: If you stop reacting to her meanness, you will stop fueling the fire of rage she is feeling. (如果你不再对​​她恶意的行为做出反应的话, 你会停止让她感受你火上加油的愤怒)

03. fuel up, to
定义: 加燃料/汽油.
例句: On the way, we stopped at San Marcos and fueled up for our long journey home. (在路上, 我们在圣马可斯停下来并为我们长途回家的旅程加满了汽油)

04. full age, the
定义: 成年.
例句: The Court held that the financial obligation to support a child terminates when that child reaches full age. (这个法庭判决子女抚养费的责任于此名子女达到了成年年龄结束)

05. full as a boot/tick, be (as)
定义: 醉醺醺的, 酩酊大醉; 酒足饭饱.
例句: I'm full as a tick and I can't take another bite. (我吃得太饱, 再也吃不下了)

06. full bath, a
定义: 全套卫浴设备. (注: 意指浴室装置有洗脸台, 马桶, 浴缸, 冲浴等设备)
例句: We have a basement bedroom available with a walk-in closet and full bath. There is a separate basement entrance by the way. (我们有一套地下室的卧室可出租, 它包括步入式衣服间与全套卫浴设备.顺便一提, 地下室进口是单独分开的)

07. full blast, at
定义: 全功率地, 大规模地; 聚精会神地; 响彻云霄地.
例句: The car radio was on at full blast. We couldn't hear what the driver was saying. (这部车的收音机声音开得太响. 我们没法听清楚驾驶人在说什么)

08. full bore, at
定义: 全力地, 全速地.
例句: Everything here is done on the fly at full-bore. (这里每件事都是全力地快速进行而完成的)

09. full disclosure, the
定义: 全面披露, 全面公告.
例句: Mediation is only as good as the efforts of full disclosure and both parties being focused on resolving outstanding issues. (纠纷调解只能在全面披露与双方专心地解决悬而未决争议的努力才会有效果)

10. full dress, the
定义: 正式礼服. (注: 规定出席仪式或社交场合的正式礼服)
例句: On carnivals or festivals, Miao women usually attend in full dress, wearing head ornaments weighing several kilograms. (在狂欢节或喜庆日的时候, 苗族女子一般穿着正式礼服, 重达几公斤的首饰参与盛会)

11. full head of hair, a
定义: 满头的头发. (注: 意指没有一点秃头)
例句: I am fortunate, at age 50, to have a full head of hair. It's no longer the jet-black hair of youth but I still have hair. (我算幸运, 在五十岁的年龄, 还有满头的头发. 虽然不再是年轻的一头黑发但我还有头发)

12. full house, a
定义: [扑克牌术语]满堂红或称葫芦. (注: 意指任何三张相同数值的牌加上另两张相同数值的牌)
例句: In our last game of poker, you dealt me​​ a full house. (在我们上次扑克牌游戏里, 你发给我一付满堂红的牌)

13. full marks to someone
定义: [惊叹语]赞美某人/某物, 给某人高度评价, 加油, 打气.
例句: I understand your hesitancy in giving full marks to your physician in terms of visit satisfaction. (就看病的满意度而言, 我理解你为什么在给你的医师高度评价上犹豫不决)

14. full monty, the
定义: 全套的东西, 全裸表演.
例句: I ordered the full Monty: toast, sausages, eggs, tomatoes, and baked beans. (我点了全套早餐: 吐司面包, 香肠, 鸡蛋, 蕃茄, 和烘豆)

15. full of baloney, be
定义: 满嘴假话, 蠢话.
例句: Respectfully, I think this guy is full of baloney. I know I'll draw fire here but if I had to choose one thing I'd choose honesty. (不好意思, 我认为这个人满嘴假话. 我知道我会在这里引起别人的愤怒, 但如果我必须选择一件事的话, 我会选择诚实)

16. full of beans, be
定义: 活力充沛, 精神抖擞; 表现愚蠢, 胡说八道.
例句: She seems to be full of beans today. ​​She must be excited about meeting her boyfriend. (她今天看起来精神抖擞. 她肯定是很兴奋要跟她男友相会)

17. full of bull/crap/shit, be
定义: [不雅语]满嘴胡说八道.
例句: The moral of the story is: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut. (这个故事的教训是: 当你在满嘴胡说八道的时候, 闭上你的嘴)

18. full of hot air, be
定义: [俚语]夸张的, 夸夸空谈的.
例句: Many politicians are full of hot air. They make profuse promises, but they don't keep them. (许多政客喜欢夸夸空谈. 他们满口应承, 但他们从不履行它们)

19. full of it, be
定义: [不雅语]胡说一通, 捉弄人的, 调皮的.
例句: Sometimes he's right on the money, but on this topic, he really is full of it. (有时候, 他的意见非常准确, 但在这个主题上, 他胡说一通)

20. full of life/spirit, be
定义: 充满生命, 活力, 精神.
例句: Our planet is so full of life, wonder and excitement in all forms and colors. (我们这个地球以各种形式与色彩充满了活力, 奇观以及振奋)



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