二十笔实用成语 426

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二十笔实用成语 426

帖子 royl » 周日 12月 02, 2012 5:46 am

二十笔实用成语 426

01. gate-crasher, a
定义: 擅自闯入者, (没有入场许可)不请自来的人.
例句: The White House gate-crasher Tareq Salahi, a Virginia vintner, says he will run for governor of Virginia. (这名美国总统官邸不请自来者塔力克•沙拉希, 一个维吉尼亚州制酒商, 宣称他将要竞选维州州长)

02. gather around, to
定义: 围拢, 聚集, 召集, 支持, 拥护, 收拢.
例句: I gathered all the kids around and told them I had something very important to announce. (我召集所有的小朋友在我身边, 告诉他们我有一件非常重要的事情要宣布)

03. gather dust, to
定义: 积灰尘, 许久没使用.
例句: If these books are going to sit around gathering dust in the garage you might as well give them to Frank. (如果这些书籍还要堆积在车房里没人使用的话, 你还不如把它们送给法兰克)

04. gather one's courage, to
定义: 鼓起勇气.
例句: I slowly walked up to the doors gathering my courage as I went. I hadn't seen this man in five years. I felt like a little schoolboy. (我一面鼓起勇气一面慢慢地走近大门. 我已经有五年没见过此人. 我觉得像一个小学童)

05. gather one's thoughts/wits, to
定义: 理清思路, 好好地想一想.
例句: I barely had time to gather my thoughts before replying. I didn't want to say anything to make her upset again. (我在回答之前几乎没时间好好地想一想. 我不想再说出让她不痛快的话)

06. gather oneself together, to
定义: 镇定下来, 打起精神, 鼓起勇气, 振作起来.
例句: I started crying in front of everyone and actually had to excuse myself to gather myself together and go back in. (我开始在大家面前哭泣, 事实上我还请求离开让我自己镇定下来之后再走回来)

07. gather pace, to
定义: 加快步伐, 势头增强.
例句: A paradigm shift is gathering pace in China as she moves from being a producing nation to a consumer society. (正当中国从一个制造国家转变为一个消费者社会, 一个生活型态的演变正在中国加紧步伐)

08. gather someone into your arms, to
定义: 拥抱/抱起/保护某人.
例句: I opened the car and gathered my daughter in my arms and carried her towards our house. (我打开车门, 抱起我的女儿, 把她抱进我们的屋子)

09. gather steam, to
定义: 加快进展, 增强势头.
例句: English as an official language has gathered steam as proponents keep going to the ballot box with measures that discourage bilingual ballots, notices and documents. (当支持者们不停地走进投票箱来支持遏止双语的选票, 公告与文件, 以英语作为官方语言的势头已经愈加强劲)

10. gather to oneself, to
定义: 召集到自己身边; 收取, 取走, 带走.
例句: "Hey, don't take it so hard," I said as I gathered the coins from the table to myself. "Let me buy you a drink." ("嘿, 别太难过," 我一面说一面收取桌上的零钱. "我请你喝杯酒.")

11. gavel-to-gavel coverage, a
定义: 全程的新闻报导. (注: gavel to gavel是全程的)
例句: CBS News also said Monday it would offer gavel-to-gavel webcast coverage of each convention over CBSNews.com. (哥伦比亚广播公司新闻部也宣布在星期一它会提供每一个党大会的全程网路广播于CBSNews .com上)

12. gawk at, to
定义: 痴呆地看.
例句: I stood there, gawking at the situation, while my mom and sister walked ahead of me, completely unfazed. (我愣在那儿, 呆呆地看着这个场面, 然而我母亲和姊姊走在我前面, 完全无惧于它)

13. gay, a
定义: 同性恋者, 男同性恋者.
例句: If a person engages in same-sex sexual encounters but does not self-identify as gay, terms such as 'closeted', 'discreet', or 'bi-curious' may be applied. (如果某个人与同性发生性交却不自认是个同性恋者, 诸如'不愿公开承认', '不愿人知', 或者'对两性都感兴趣'等说法皆可适用他)

14. gear down, to
定义: 减速, 减缓, 放缓步调, 轻松下来.
例句: Now that all you Northerners are preparing to celebrate your white Christmas we are gearing down for a warm one here. (既然你们所有的北方人正准备欢度白雪皑皑的圣诞节, 我们这里也放缓生活步伐准备过一个暖和的圣诞节)

15. gear to, to
定义: 调整, 配合, 使适应, 适合. (注: 意指为求增加效率)
例句: The newspaper geared its language to a fourth-grade reading level. (这家报纸将其语文难度调整成适合小学四年级的阅读程度)

16. gear up, to
定义: 整装待发, 摩拳擦掌, 做好工作准备; 加速.
例句: Online retailers are gearing up for what's expected to be the biggest Monday of the shopping season. "Cyber​​ Monday" will be Monday December 3. (线上零售商正摩拳擦掌地准备被认为是购物季节最销售量最大的星期一. "网购星期一"将是十二月三日星期一)

17. geared for/to/toward, be
定义: 适于, 针对于; 调整后用来搭配, 配合, 适应.
例句: My site is geared for an English enthusiasts of all ages. (我的网站是针对各个年龄阶层的热爱英语者所建立的)

18. Gee whiz!
定义: [惊叹语]表达轻微惊讶或热忱.
例句: Gee whiz! Are we really going to spend this weekend at Sun Moon Lake? (哇! 我们真的要去日月潭渡周末吗?)

19. Gee willickers!
定义: [惊叹语]表达轻微惊讶或惊奇.
例句: "Gee willickers!" Linda said, legs crossed and eyes bulging, "Are you still in the bathroom!?" ("哎呀!" 琳达说, 两腿夹紧, 鼓睛突眼, "你还在厕所吗!?" 注: 意指琳达正在尿急以及抱怨有人占了厕所太久)

20. Gee!
定义: [惊叹语]表达轻微惊讶或热忱.
例句: Gee! What happened to your hair? Did you cut it yourself? (哎呀! 你的头发怎么啦? 你的头发是自己剪的吗?)



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