二十笔实用成语 428

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二十笔实用成语 428

帖子 royl » 周一 12月 10, 2012 1:37 am

二十笔实用成语 428

01. get ... across, to
定义: 把...解释清楚使人明白.
例句: We're too shy to speak a word to each other, so I thought of other ways to try to get my message across that I he can contact me later. (我们因为太紧张两人无法说一句话, 因此我想起以别的方法试图让他明白他以后可以跟我联络. 注: 意指男女双方初次见面的尴尬局面)

02. get ... from one's mother's side, to
定义: 得到母系家族所遗传下来的特性, 疾病, 优点, 缺点等等.
例句: I got baldness from my mother's side. In truth, you can inherit baldness from either parent. (我的秃发是我母亲家族所遗传下来. 事实上, 你从你父母双方都有可能得到秃头)

03. get a bang out of, to
定义: 从...中感到刺激, 从...中感觉到过瘾.
例句: Tom gets a bang out of shooting clay pigeons. (汤姆从射击飞靶中得到刺激)

04. get a bead on, to
定义: 仔细瞄准, 看准一个目标或计划; 取得资料, 了解状况; 准备要应付.
例句: As soon as I get a bead on how widespread the problem really is, I will set up a meeting about it. (一旦我了解了这个问题涉及有多广之后, 我会安排一个会议来讨论对策)

05. get a big hand, to
定义: 得到热烈掌声.
例句: I got a big hand for my rendition of Chopin's "Prelude in E-Minor" last night. (昨晚, 我演奏完了萧邦"E小调前奏曲"之后得到热烈掌声)

06. get a big thrill out of, to
定义: 得到兴奋, 刺激的快感.
例句: I'm a successful businessperson, but also one that gets a big thrill out of having an impact on our community. (我是一个成功的生意人, 但我也因为能够给予我们社区造成影响感到兴奋)

07. get a bit teary, to
定义: 变为情绪化, 流眼泪.
例句: On the way home, I got a bit teary. I'm so proud of myself for overcoming my first day on the job. It was an extremely hard day. ​​(在回家的路上, 我热泪盈眶. 我对我自己能够克服新工作的第一天引以为傲. 这一天确实很难过)

08. get a bloody nose, to
定义: 受到挫败或羞辱; 被某人打得鼻出血.
例句: A mini war between Greece and Albania did happened, I think it was 1948 and the Greeks got a bloody nose. (一场希腊与阿尔巴尼亚的小型战争确实发生过, 我想它发生于1948年, 希腊一方受到挫败)

09. get a box on the ears, to
定义: 被打一记耳光(特别打在耳朵上).
例句: It was a very minor dispute that was just a push and shove and apparently one person may have got a box on the ears. (这是一件推推挤挤非常轻微的争吵, 显然地, 一人也许被打了一记耳光)

10. get a break, to
定义: 得到一个机会或好买卖, 赚到便宜.
例句: I got a break when he sold the car for less than it was worth. (他以低于合理价格卖出这部车让我赚到便宜)

11. get a chance to, to
定义: 得到一个机会.
例句: If you ever get a chance to sit her down and tell her "Everything's going be alright." (如果你有机会请她坐下来, 告诉她"一切都会没问题的.")

12. get a charge out of, to
定义: 从...中感到刺激, 从...中感觉到过瘾.
例句: Ming gets a charge out of Pamela's memos. They're humorous. (明从阅读潘美拉写的内部通知找到刺激. 它们很风趣)

13. Get a clue!
[成语句型]别那么蠢! 别一无所知! (注: 意指要某人先把事请弄清楚)

14. get a crack at something, to
定义: 尝试着做某事虽然你并没把握成功.
例句: I couldn't wait to get a crack at it after so many people had failed the job. (有那么多人没法做好这件工作之后, 我迫不及待地想要尝试它)

15. get a crush on someone, to
定义: 对某人强烈但短暂的迷恋.
例句: I've got a crush on her but I don't know what to do next. She already refused another guy but still flirts with him. Should I try for another girl? (我已经迷恋上她但我不知道下一步该怎么办. 她还在跟一个她已经拒绝求爱的男子打情骂俏. 我是不是应该再找另一位女孩吗?)

16. get a dirty look, to
定义: 被某人嫌恶; 见到某人对你皱眉, 不悦或怒容; 被人忿怒地瞪一眼.
例句: I got a dirty look from the teacher when I cracked a joke in class. (当我在课堂上说笑话的时候, 这位老师忿怒地瞪我一眼)

17. get a dragon by the tail, to
定义: 碰上了棘手不好对付的问题或敌人.
例句: It looks like we got us a dragon by the tail. (看样子我们碰上了不好对付的问题)

18. get a fair crack of the whip, to
定义: 得到公平的待遇或机会.
例句: You just wanted to get a fair crack of the whip but it wasn't to be, so you have just got to move on. (你只是想要得到公平的机会但情形并不是如此, 所以你不如干脆换一个新工作/新环境)

19. get a fair shake, to
定义: 得到公平的待遇或机会.
例句: Do the poor in this country get a fair shake? (这个国家的穷人得到了公平的待遇吗?)

20. get a fat lip, to
定义: [俚语]被人打肿嘴唇, 被揍一顿.
例句: Stop bothering her or you will get a fat lip. I assure you. (别骚扰她否则你会被揍一顿. 我跟你保证)



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