二十笔实用成语 433

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二十笔实用成语 433

帖子 royl » 周日 12月 23, 2012 4:09 pm

二十笔实用成语 433

01. get burned, to
定义: 被骗, 受到伤害, 损失或误解.
例句: I got burned for helping Bev with her divorce. They blamed me for instigating the ending of her marriage. (由于帮助贝芙办理离婚手续我被人误解. 他们责怪我促成她婚姻的终结)

02. get busted, to
定义: [俚语]被警方逮捕, 被警方查获.
例句: Shane got busted for trafficking. He sold cocaine to some kids. (谢恩因为走私毒品被警方逮捕. 他贩卖古柯碱给一些小孩)

03. get busy, to
定义: 赶快工作吧, 去做吧.
例句: Get busy and cut the grass before your father comes home. (在你爸爸回家之前赶快去割草吧)

04. get by, to
定义: 以最小的努力完成任务; 勉强过日子, 糊口; 侥幸逃过不被发现, 批评或处分.
例句: He is able to easily get by on his salary because he doesn't spend a lot of money. (他能够以他的薪水轻易地过日子因为他不花什么钱)

05. get carded, to
定义: 被要求出示证件以便检查年龄因为烟酒不能卖给未成年消费者.
例句: We all get carded when we buy cigarettes or beer. (当我们买香烟或啤酒的时候, 我们都要岀示证件证明我们是成年人)

06. get carried away, to
定义: 情绪失控的, 得意忘形, 太过份兴奋.
例句: Don't get carried away by today's news or you'll be crushed by the misplaced optimism. (别对今天的新闻过于兴奋否则你会被这个不切实际的乐观弄得大失所望)

07. get caught up, to
定义: 做未做完的工作; 以前做坏事, 现在被人抓到了; 被卷入或被...缠住.
例句: I have to get caught up on my studies. I already missed two classes. (我必须要把我新的功课做完. 我已经缺了两堂课了)

08. get caught, to
定义: 冷不防; 被发现, 被抓到, 被逮捕. (注: 这个片语可以与其他形容词混合使用例如加上red-handed就是做案失风被捕)
例句: What if I get caught doing work without have a building permit? (要是我没有建筑许可就进行扩建工程如果被抓到的话会有什么后果?)

09. get chummy with, to
定义: 与...友善/成为好友.
例句: During my younger, wilder days, I had very few friends and subsequently ended up getting chummy with a lone artist. (在我年少轻狂的岁月里, 我的朋友很少, 日后最终跟一个孤独的艺术家成为好友)

10. get cleared with, to
定义: 取得同意或许可.
例句: Get cleared with your doctor before you embark on the weight-loss program. If you have never exercised before, you would be wise to work with a good trainer. (在你开始这个减肥课程之前, 先取得你的医生同意. 如果你以前从未做过运动的话, 跟一个胜任的教练一起做运动是明智的)

11. get cold feet, to
定义: 对事瞻前顾后, 裹足不前, 畏首畏尾.
例句: We're getting married next Saturday – that's if my girlfriend doesn't get cold feet. (如果我的女友不临阵退缩的话, 我们将在下星期六结婚)

12. get cracking, to
定义: 该开始工作, 该走了.
例句: We will have to get cracking on this work if we want to finish it before dinner. (如果我们想要在晚餐之前把它做好的话, 我们应该开始工作了)

13. get credit for, to
定义: 被归功, 接受表扬; 取得学分, 退款或认可.
例句: He didn't actually write the essay, but he got credit for it. (实际上, 这篇短文并不是他写的, 但被归功于他)

14. get crushed, to
定义: 被完全地镇压或击溃; 被打碎; (被弄得)很不痛快.
例句: Well someone's hope got crushed because I spent nothing on gas and made it to Yangmingshan and back with half a tank. (嘿嘿, 有个人的希望被粉碎因为我没花一毛钱加汽油就以半缸油开上阳明山再开回来. 注: 意指有人认为他不可能以半缸油开上阳明山再开回来)

15. get decimated, to
定义: 遭到大量毁灭, 重创; 被击溃, 被打得落花流水.
例句: Small towns have withered and died with the loss of their manufacturing plants while the town's small businesses got decimated and replaced by big conglomerates. (由于失去它们制造工厂, 小城镇日渐衰弱和失去活力而在此期间城镇内的小型企业也被大型企业集团大肆摧毁和取代)

16. get down and dirty, to
定义: 采取无情行动; (竞赛时)使出无所不用其极手段; 猥亵下流; 把手脚弄脏.
例句: Sometimes you have to get down and dirty to know what's really going on in the world. (有时候, 你必须要使出各种手段才能对世事真相全盘了解. 注: 这里的成语know what's going on就是keep yourself well-informed的意思)

17. get down on one's hands and knees, to
定义: (四肢在地)趴下来; 卑躬屈膝.
例句: I got down on my hands and knees, and turned on the flashlight. After a couple of minutes of looking, I found out where the leak was and fixed it. (我趴在地上把手电筒打开. 看了两分钟之后, 我找到了漏水的裂缝并把它修好)

18. get down on one's knees, to
定义: 下跪.
例句: I wouldn't change my mind even if he got down on his knees and begged me to love him again. Not a chance! (即使他跪下来求我再爱他一次我也不会改变我的主意. 他休想!)

19. get down right to it, to
定义: 严肃地谈论主要的细节; 直言无隐地谈及问题核心.
例句: If we want to get down right to it why don't we pay women on assistance to be foster mothers, and stop project housing and WIC? (如果我们直言无隐来谈论问题的核心, 为什么我们不干脆付钱给拿政府福利的女人让她们成为代养母亲, 关闭公营住宅和停止提供营养品给低收入孕妇与幼儿?)

20. get down to bedrock/brass tacks, to
定义: 严肃地谈论主要的细节; 直言无隐地谈及问题核心.
例句: We finally got down to brass tacks and decided to work out a schedule for the payments. (我们终于谈到主要的细节并决定做出一份付款时间表)



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