二十笔实用成语 435

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二十笔实用成语 435

帖子 royl » 周二 1月 01, 2013 4:36 pm

二十笔实用成语 435

01. get hold of oneself, to
定义: 控制自己的情绪; 冷静.
例句: The woman was hurting so bad and crying hysterically. Her husband shouted to her, "Get a hold of yourself and tell me what happened." (这个女子疼痛不已并歇斯底里地大声哭喊. 她丈夫对她大声地说, "妳冷静冷静, 告诉我发生了什么事")

02. get hold of someone, to
定义: 找到某人.
例句: I tried to get hold of him last week but he was out of town. (我上个礼拜一直在找他但他去了外地)

03. get hold of something, to
定义: 取得/拿到某物.
例句: Coin collecting can be a great hobby, and when you get hold of a valuable and rare coin, you could find yourself making some handsome cash! (硬币收藏可以是个很好的嗜好, 当你取得一枚贵重的稀有硬币时, 你将会发现你自己赚进一大笔钱!)
近年来, 人民币硬币的收藏行情节节看涨

04. get home, to
定义: 回家; 达到目的; 把话说清楚, 令人了解.
例句: I'm going straight to bed when I get home. I'm too tired to take a shower. (我回家之后马上直接上床睡觉. 我实在累坏了没力量洗澡)

05. get hooked on, to
定义: (用毒品, 赌博)上了瘾; 专心于, 沉迷于(活动或嗜好).
例句: I took some classes in porcelain making, stayed with that for a while, and then got hooked on Chinese calligraphy. (我上了几堂制瓷工艺课程, 这个嗜好持续了一阵子, 其后又专心于中文书法)

06. get huffy, to
定义: 生气, 怒气冲冲.
例句: Now, don't get huffy, I was only teasing. (好啦, 别生气, 我只是逗你玩)

07. get in/into a rut, to
定义: 一成不变的生活或工作, 日复一日的老套; 陷入泥淖无法进步.
例句: It seems that humans and probably all animals like to get into a rut. We like to do the same thing again and again until we have a well-worn path. (看来人类或许所有的动物都喜欢过着一成不变的生活. 我们喜欢重复地做同一件事直到我们活在一个平凡陈旧的生活方式为止)

08. get in a snit, to
定义: (为了一点小事)动怒, 激动或烦躁.
例句: Don't get in a snit. It was a freak accident. (别激动. 这是一宗离奇的意外. 注: 意指没有必要为了这宗怪诞的意外事件动怒, 内疚或烦躁)

09. get in bad with, to
定义: 交恶, 被厌恶, 相处不合/不好/不融洽.
例句: We got in bad with each other from the start. (我们从一开始就相处不合)

10. get in bed with, to
定义: 与人紧密交往, 厮混, 勾结.
例句: There's always the danger that the inspectors will get in bed with the industries they're supposed to be inspecting. (稽查人员跟他们本应稽查的行业发生勾结, 这种危险总是有的)

11. get in deeper, to
定义: 深陷, 被卷入(麻烦).
例句: Telling another lie to cover the first one will only get you in deeper and make it worse. (拿另一个谎言来掩饰头一个谎言只会让你越陷越深, 把问题弄得更恶化)

12. get in good with, to
定义: 受欢迎, 被喜欢, 相处和睦.
例句: If you get in good with her friends, they could possibly tell her nice things about you and she could start to be interested in you. (如果你跟她的朋友相处和睦的话, 他们可能会跟她说你的好话, 由此她可能会开始对你产生兴趣)

13. get in line and wait your turn, to
定义: 排队等着轮到你. (注: 意指不要插队, 要耐心等)
例句: I politely told this little girl, "Sweetie, of course you can come back for another one, but you need to get in line and wait your turn." (我礼貌地告诉这个小女孩, "甜心, 妳当然可以再回来拿另一份, 但是你必须要排队等着轮到你才能拿.")

14. get in on the ground floor, to
定义: 及早加入, 先下手为强, 一开始就参与或投入某工作或生意以图取得优势.
例句: It is potentially a very lucrative market and those who get in on the ground floor might well make a fortune. (它是一个很有高获利潜力的市场, 那些及早加入的人相当可能会赚一大笔钱)

15. get in on the/someone's act/action, to
定义: 分一杯羹, 插手某人的生意以图取利益.
例句: We ran a successful local delivery business until other local companies started trying to get in on the act. (在其他本地公​​司抢着分一杯羹之前, 我们原本经营了一家赚钱的本地包裹递送生意)

16. get in on, to
定义: 参与, 被接受为参与者, 成为秘密知情者.
例句: This is your chance to get in on a wonderful deal with the new company if you're willing to make an investment. (如果你愿意投资它的话, 这将是你一个参与这家新公司的绝佳赚钱机会)

17. get in one's licks, to
定义: 卖力工作或尝试.
例句: As much as I would like to get it done, working during the wee hours and sleeping at the others, I'm getting in my licks as fast as I can. (我是很想把它做完, 到了凌晨还在工作​​, 实在累了就睡一下, 我尽了我的力量高速赶工)

18. get in shape, to
定义: 锻炼好身体. (注: in shape在此是健康或强壮之意)
例句: If you want to play soccer this year, you better get in shape. (如果你今年想要踢足球的话, 你最好锻炼好身体)

19. get in someone's face, to
定义: 当面给人难堪, 指责, 怒斥, 叫嚣, 烦扰或激怒.
例句: I have to deal with this pesky guy who is always getting in my face, always ripping on me, and doing anything he can to piss me off. (我不得不应付这个烦人的家伙, 他总是当面给我难堪, 总是整我, 而且想尽办法地激怒我)

20. get in someone's hair, to
定义: 烦扰某人.
例句: The grown-ups sent the children out to play so that the children wouldn't be in their hair while they were talking. (这些大人要小朋友出去玩以便在他们讲话的时候这些小朋友不会烦扰他们)



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