二十笔实用成语 437

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二十笔实用成语 437

帖子 royl » 周五 1月 18, 2013 4:58 am

二十笔实用成语 437

01. get involved, to
定义: 涉及, 涉嫌, 涉入, 介入.
例句: Please, I don't want to get involved or take sides in the matter. (拜托, 这件事我不想介入或偏袒任何一方)

02. get it (all) together, to
定义: 沉着冷静, 准备就绪, 得心应手; 不再荒废学习, 不再荒唐过日子.
例句: We were planning a trip across the Taklamakan Desert, but we never got it together. (我们曾计划一个横越塔克拉玛干沙漠的旅游, 但从未准备就绪)

03. get it hot and strong, to
定义: 受到严厉斥责.
例句: I got it hot and strong by a bureaucrat for complaining tax hikes. But he can't explain the consistent pattern of increasing spending with no effort into keeping costs in line. (我因抱怨不停增税被一官僚严厉斥责. 但他没法解释始终一致的只增不减的开支模式)

04. get it in for, to
定义: 因为宿怨伺机想报复或伤害.
例句: Ever since he called the police about their dog, the neighbors have got it in for Tom. (自从他因为他们的狗报警之后, 这些邻居一直伺机想报复汤姆)

05. get it in the neck, to
定义: 被严惩或饱受批评.
例句: Jack got it in the neck because he forgot to close the windows when it rained this morning. (今天早上下雨的时候由于他忘了关窗子, 杰克被痛骂一顿)

06. get it made, to
定义: 成功; 富裕.
例句: Brandy's got it made: she has her own career, wealth and a loving family. (布兰蒂成功了: 她拥有了自己的事业, 财富以及一个充满爱的家庭)

07. get it off one's chest, to
定义: 一吐为快, 倾吐.
例句: This had been weighing on him for a very long time, and he was relieved to get it off his chest. (这件事压在他的心头很久, 他倾吐之后感到舒解)

08. get it on, to
定义: [俚语]充满热忱, 生龙活虎; 热心地开始; 做爱, 性交.
例句: If you're ready to start rehearsing, let's get it on. (如果你准备要开始排练的话, 我们就开始吧)

09. get it out of one's systems, to
定义: 一吐为快, 倾吐; 从体内排除.
例句: Sorry for the rant, I had to get it out of my systems. (抱歉跟你发了一顿牢骚, 我不得不一吐为快)

10. get it over with, to
定义: (长痛不如短痛)早了早好, 早点解决早安心, 快马加鞭地把...做完.
例句: "You want a divorce?" He said, "Let's get it over with then." ("妳要离婚?" 他说, "那我们就快点办完, 早了早好.")

11. get it right, to
定义: 把它做对/做好, 正确地听懂了.
例句: Let's get it right this time. We can't afford another blunder like that. (这一次我们一定要把它做好. 我们不能再出这样的纰漏)

12. get it straight, to
定义: 把事情弄清楚; 把问题解决.
例句: She doesn't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're.' I hope she soon gets it straight. (她不知道'your'和'you're.'之间的差异. 我希望她尽快地把这个问题弄清楚. 注: 虽然懂英语的外国人极少犯此错误, 许多美国人用your来取代you're)

13. get it through one's head, to
定义: 学到了, 了解到, 听懂了.
例句: He finally got it through his head that he needed to get off drugs if he was ever going to play again. (他终于了解到他必须要戒毒如果他还有可能再出场比赛的话)

14. get it, to
定义: 明白, 听懂了; 被责骂, 被惩罚.
例句: I get it and I don't blame you a bit for buying this. I would have done the same thing under the circumstances. (我听懂了, 我不认为你买这个东西有什么错. 在这种情况下, 我很可能会做同样的事)

15. get kicked in the teeth, to
定义: 受到粗暴或无情的对待; 受到羞辱性的挫折或刁难.
例句: Sometimes you give the world the best you got and you get kicked in the teeth. (有时候你把你最好的东西献给这个世界而你所得到的回报却是无情的打击)

16. get kicks, to
定义: 得到乐趣, 快乐, 刺激或快感.
例句: He gets his kicks from embarrassing his classmates. (他从让他同学难堪中取得乐趣)

17 get knotted!
定义: [命令语]走开! 别烦我! 神经病!
例句: Get knotted, will you, I'm trying to work! (你走开好不好, 我想要安心地工作!)

18. get laid, to
定义: [不雅语]发生性行为.
例句: Nobody cleans a house faster than a man expecting to get laid. (没有一个人清理屋子比一个发情的男子还快)

19. get little change out of someone, to
定义: 从某人处只得一点帮助, 好处或支持.
例句: Little does she know that she would get little change out of Jesse and she would definitely come off worse. (她居然不知道她从杰西那里只会得一点好处, 她肯定得不偿失)

20. get long in the tooth, to
定义: 年纪大, 年迈, 年岁增长, 马齿徒增.
例句: Dan may be a bit long in the tooth but his mind is certainly sharper than mine. (丹也许年纪大了一点但他的思考力确实要比我敏锐)



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