二十笔实用成语 438

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二十笔实用成语 438

帖子 royl » 周四 1月 24, 2013 4:09 am

二十笔实用成语 438

01. get loose, to
定义: 逃脱, 挣脱, 放轻松.
例句: The patient struggled to get loose, but it took three guards and two male nurses to restrain him. (这名病人死命地挣脱, 却需要三名警卫和两名男护士才把他制服)

02. get lost, to
定义: 迷路, 迷失; [命令语]走开! 别烦我!
例句: Get lost! Stop bothering me! (走开! 别烦我!)

03. get lucky, to
定义: 幸运, 走运.
例句: I guess we got lucky and did it right first time. Still, I can't help but think there has to be a better way. (我估计我们大概走运所以第一次就做对了. 但我总觉得一定有一个更好的办法)

04. get mad, to
定义: 生气, 情绪失控.
例句: When she gets mad, I leave the house. She has a bad temper. (每当她生气时, 我就出门. 她脾气不好)

05. Get me your manager.
[成语句型]把你的经理找来. 请你的经理听电话.

06. get mileage out of, to
定义: 取得好处, 善加/充分利用, 用够本.
例句: I got a lot of mileage out of my TV bef​​ore it broke down. (在我这部电视机坏掉之前我已经用够本了)

07. get mixed up, to
定义: 被搞糊涂; 弄混淆在一起; 被卷入; 与...厮混在一起.
例句: I'm sorry but I got mixed up with the dates; that's why I came today. ​​(抱歉我把日期弄错了; 这就是为什么我今天才来)

08. get more bang for one's/the buck, to
定义: 钱花更得有价值; 更物超所值, 更价廉物美; 收益或回报更令人满意.
例句: You get more bang for your buck at garage sales. (你去车库旧货拍卖买东西的话, 你的钱会花得更有价值)

09. get more than one bargained for, to
定义: (某事)结果出乎意料之外; 吃不完兜着走.
例句: I bought this workout to get back in shape, and man did I get more than I bargained for. Some of the moves are really tough, my abs were burning by the third exercise. (为了回复健状我买了这个健身节目, 老天它让我吃不完兜着走. 它有些动作非常难做, 才做了第三次, 我的腹肌疼得要命)

10. get moving, to
定义: 该开始工作, 该加倍努力, 该走了.
例句: We got a lot to do today, so we had better get moving. (我们今天有很多工作要做, 所以我们最好加倍努力)

11. get mugged, to
定义: 被人持刀械抢劫.
例句: Most of Downtown Houston after dark is a good place to get mugged, raped, or shot. (在天黑之后, 大部分休士顿的市中心区都是适当的被抢劫, 被强奸或被枪杀的地方)

12. Get my drift?

13. get no business doing something, to
定义: 没资格/没权/不该做某事, 多管闲事.
例句: They've got no business telling us what to do. (他们没资格告诉我们该怎么做)

14. get no change out of someone, to
定义: 从某人处没得任何帮助, 好处或支持.
例句: You'll get no change out of Chris. He'll just say it's not his problem. (你不会从克里斯那儿得到任何的帮助. 他只会告诉你这不是他的问题)

15. get no quarrel from me, to
定义: 我没意见, 我不反对.
例句: If you want to have a drink in the privacy of your home, you'll get no quarrel from me. But if you drink and drive and kill someone, don't expect my sympathy. (如果你在自己家里爱怎么喝酒我没意见. 但你如果酒后驾车致人死亡的话, 别指望我会同情你)

16. get nothing to show for, to
定义: 徒劳无功, 毫无进展, 拿不出成绩, 毫无成绩可言.
例句: We've dumped too much money into this project and we've got nothing to show for it. (在这个工作项目上我们已经投入太多钱了, 我们却毫无成绩可言)

17. get noticed, to
定义: 被人注意; 争取别人注意, 拼人气.
例句: She'll do anything to get noticed. (为了引起别人的注意, 她什么都肯干)

18. get off a few good ones, to
定义: 说了几句机智诙谐的笑话; 说中要点, 言之有物. (注: 意指说出的笑话或批评取得别人的会心一笑或衷心同意)
例句: When Robbie spoke at our wedding he got off a few good ones. (当罗比在婚礼讲话的时候, 他说了几句机智诙谐的笑话)

19. get off cheap, to
定义: 得到轻罚, 受到减刑; (买东西)拣到便宜. (注: 意指未得到应有的处分或不付正常价钱)
例句: If you only paid $150 to have your front brakes replaced, you got off cheap. I would have expected to pay at least $250. (如果你只花了一百五十块钱更换前轮煞车片的话, 你拣到了便宜. 我认为这个工作起码要花两百五十块钱)

20. get off easy, to
定义: 被轻易放过, 被轻判或被判轻刑; 轻易过关. (注: 意指未得到应有的处分或未遇到平常应有的困难)
例句: The criminals got off easy even though they robbed the bank. (尽管他们抢了银行, 这些罪犯被判了轻刑)



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