二十笔实用成语 440

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二十笔实用成语 440

帖子 royl » 周三 2月 06, 2013 8:03 pm

二十笔实用成语 440

01. get on for, to
定义: 向某年纪, 数量, 时间迈进或接近.
例句: It was getting on for 10 o'clock at night, so I closed things up and headed for home. (当时接近晚上十点钟, 因此我就把门窗关好, 随后回家. 注: 意指晚间十点将店铺打烊回家)

02. get on in the world, to
定义: 出人头地, 头角峥嵘.
例句: You have to stoop to get on in the world. (若要出人头地必须忍辱负重. 注: 这是一句荷兰谚语)

03. get on in years, to
定义: 年纪大, 年迈, 年岁增长, 马齿徒增.
例句: Our dog is not as frisky now that he's getting on in years. (由于他年纪大了, 我们的狗已经不是那么活蹦乱跳了. 注: 许多美国人使用具有性别的代名词he或she来称呼狗猫宠物)

04. get on it, to
定义: 去做事吧, 开工吧.
例句: Mr. Jarvis wants his car repaired by noon, so let's get on it. (贾维斯先生要求他的车子在中午之前修好, 我们就开工吧)

05. get on like a house on fire, to
定义: 两人极为投缘, 相见恨晚.
例句: I was worried that they wouldn't like each other, but they were getting on like a house on fire. (我本来还担心他们相处不来, 但他们两人极为投缘)

06. get on one's high horse, to
定义: 盛气凌人, 摆出一副高人一等的样子.
例句: She is always getting on her high horse and telling people what to do. (她总是盛气凌人, 对人颐指气使)

07. get on one's horse, to
定义: [棒球术语]外野球员极力冲刺以图接杀对方击出的高飞球; 准备离开; 动手, 起步, 开工.
例句: Get on your horse or you'll be late for work. It's nearly six thirty. (赶紧走吧否则你会上班迟到. 现在快六点半了)

08. get on one's soapbox, to
定义: 发表自己的主张, 说教.
例句: He got on the soapbox and spoke out against the illegal war of aggression. (他发表自己的主张, 大声疾呼反对这场非法的侵略战争)

09. get on someone's case, to
定义: 找某人麻烦; 骚扰, 烦扰, 挑剔或批评某人; 不让人家清静一下.
例句: Because you're new I won't get on your case too much. (因为你是新来的, 我就对你不苛求)

10. get on someone's nerves, to
定义: 激怒或烦扰某人.
例句: His constant complaining is beginning to get on my nerves. (他没完没了的抱怨开始让我厌烦)

11. get on someone's wick, to
定义: 激怒或烦扰某人.
例句: His silly questions are really getting on my wick. (他没头没脑的问题弄得我烦扰不堪)

12. get on the bandwagon, to
定义: 赶时髦, 趋炎附势, 西瓜靠大边, 支持或参与一个流行(社会或政治)运动.
例句: Before I get on his bandwagon, I need to know more about who he really is, and exactly why he thinks he is the most qualified to represent me in Congress. (在我支持他之前, 我需要对真实的他有更多了解, 以及知道为什么他认为他是在国会代表我的最胜任人选)

13. get on the horn/phone, to
定义: 打电话.
例句: When she heard there was trouble, she got on the horn to the police. (当她得知有人找麻烦的时候, 她打电话报警)

14. get on the right side of the law, to
定义: 奉公守法, 遵循法规, 不触犯法规.
例句: Now that she's out of prison she's trying to stay on the right side of the law. (由于她已经出狱了, 她努力地遵循法规)

15. get on the stick, to
定义: 开始工作.
例句: If I get on the stick I'll finish the report by this evening. (如果我开始工作的话, 我会在傍晚之前做完这份报告)

16. get on the wrong side of ..., to
定义: 得罪某人; 令某人生气, 不悦; 不受...欢迎.
例句: I do what I can not to get on the wrong side of people. (我一般尽量地不得罪别人)

17. get on the wrong side of the law, to
定义: 犯法, 过着犯罪生涯.
例句: He has gotten on the wrong side of the law since he stole a car at the age of 17. (自从他在十七岁偷了一部汽车之后他一直过着犯罪生涯)

18. get on to other things, to
定义: 去做别的事情, 忙别的事情.
例句: I want to get the problem over with and get on to other things. (我想把这个问题妥善处理之后再做别的事情)

19. get on with it, to
定义: (敦促语气)继续做下去.
例句: When I paused, he said, "Get on with it. Tell the rest of it." (当我停顿一下的时候, 他说, "继续说下去. 告诉我后来发生的事情.")

20. get on with your life, to
定义: 继续过你的日子. (注: 劝人不要停顿, 怀忧丧志, 该怎么过日子就过下去)
例句: You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and just get on with your life. (你应该停止自哀自怜, 继续过你的日子)



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