二十笔实用成语 442

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二十笔实用成语 442

帖子 royl » 周五 2月 22, 2013 6:39 pm

二十笔实用成语 442

01. get one's head around/round, to
定义: 弄清楚, 明白地了解, 想通; 同意, 愿意接受.
例句: He's tried to explain the game rules dozens of times but I just can't get my head around them. (他试着跟我解释这个比赛规则许多遍了但我实在还是弄不清楚它们)

02. get one's head out of the clouds, to
定义: 面对现实, 别做白日梦, 别好高骛远.
例句: You can dream at home, but please get your head out of the clouds when you come to work. (你可以在家梦想, 但当你来上班的时候请你别好高骛远)

03. get one's head together, to
定义: 冷静思考, 将思路理出个头绪, 好好地想清楚.
例句: I need to take some time off and get my head together. (我需要休假一阵子, 好好地把事情想清楚)

04. get one's hopes up, to
定义: 寄予太高的期望. (注: 经常用在否定语气上例如: 不要对某事抱太高的期望)
例句: Now don't get your hopes up, but I plan to appeal your conviction. (别抱太高的期望, 但我准备要为你的判罪上诉)

05. get one's jollies/kicks, to
定义: 在...中取得乐趣, 乐在其中.
例句: I get my kicks from solving jigsaw puzzles. (我从玩智力拼图游戏里得到不少乐趣)

06. get one's knickers in a knot/bunch/twist, to
定义: 大惊小怪; 为小事不必要地激动或紧张.
例句: Now, before you get your knickers in a twist, let me explain the situation. (好了, 在你为了点小事激动之前, 先让我解释一下这个情况)

07. get one's knife into someone, to
定义: (对某人怀恨在心)俟机报复或伤害某人.
例句: I can't wait to get my knife into him. (我真迫不及待地想要报复他)

08. get one's knuckles rapped, to
定义: 受微惩, 指责或申诫.
例句: Better watch your tongue if you don't want to get your knuckles rapped. (如果你不想被申斥的话, 你最好注意你的言语)

09. get one's lines/wires crossed, to
定义: 弄错, 误解, 误会某人的意思; 做错.
例句: I got my wires crossed and called his home phone instead of his work phone. (我弄错了, 我打到他家里的电话而不是他工作的电话)

10. get one's marching orders, to
定义: 接受继续前进或继续工作的命令; 被解雇, 被判出局或被罚下场/出场.
例句: He got his marching order after the referee cautioned him twice for foul play. (他因犯规被裁判警告两次之后被罚出场)

11. get one's message across, to
定义: 说清楚自己的意见或想法.
例句: I want my voice to count as much as possible. Therefore, I am going to use my words carefully and get my message across. (我希望我的发言被人重视. 因此我在措词​​上务求严谨缜密, 把自己的意见说清楚)

12. get one's mind around/round, to
定义: 弄清楚, 了解; 接受.
例句: He explained DNA, but I can't get my mind around it. (他跟我说明脱氧核糖核酸, 但我没法理解它)

13. get one's mind in the gutter, to
定义: 想歪了, 想到下流的事情例如色情之类. (注: gutter是低俗下流的意思)
例句: I must have had m​​y mind in the gutter. I'm sorry I'll behave from now on. (我肯定是想歪了. 抱歉, 我以后不会再胡思乱想了)

14. get one's mind off ..., to
定义: 使自己忘却或不去想某个问题或烦心的事.
例句: I usually meet up with my friends on the weekends. This is definitely a good way to get my mind off my work. (我平常在周末跟朋友们聚会. 这显然是一个忘却我工作的一个好方法)

15. get one's mojo working, to
定义: 施展个人的魅力或神奇能力.
例句: We need to get our mojos working again. (我们有必要再度施展我们的神奇能力)

16. get one's money's worth, to
定义: 花钱合算, 钱花在刀口上, 花得满意.
例句: You will definitely get your money's worth by reading the product reviews beforehand. (如果你事先阅读消费者对这个产品评论的话, 你肯定会把钱花在刀口上)

17. get one's oats, to
定义: 发生性交, 过正常性生活.
例句: Dan seems a lot happier these days, I think he must be getting his oats. (丹最近似乎快乐许多, 我想他的性生活肯定正常)

18. get one's own back, to
定义: 报复, 报仇.
例句: He saw the award as a way of getting his own back for all the snubs by his colleagues. (他把这个奖励视为对他同事们给予他一切蔑视的一种报复)

19. get one's (own) way, to
定义: 得逞, 随心所欲, 为所欲为, 独行其是.
例句: My daughter gets angry when she doesn't get her way. (每当我女儿不能随心所欲的时候, 她就发脾气)

20. get one's point of view across, to
定义: 让人明白你的观点.
例句: I often find it difficult to get my point of view across and blame the other person for not listening. (我经常感觉有困难让人明白我的观点而且责怪另一人不想听我说话)



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