二十筆實用成語 445

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二十筆實用成語 445

帖子 royl » 周五 3月 29, 2013 2:09 pm

二十筆實用成語 445

01. get railroaded, to
定義: 被人誣陷入獄; (不經考慮)被強行通過.
例句: I have no money for an attorney but I can't afford to get railroaded either. (我沒錢請律師但我也不能被人誣陷入獄)

02. get ready, to
定義: 準備好.
例句: I want you to get ready for what is coming, for to do so is critical to the success of your job. (我要你未雨綢繆, 因為如此做對於你工作的成敗至關重要)

03. get real, to
定義: 看清現實, 面對現實, 別自欺欺人; [敦促語]嚴肅點.
例句: If you let him get away with this attitude in life, he may become a parasite, and nobody likes that. So do him a favor and tell him to get real! (如果你縱容他對生活的這種態度, 他可能會成為一個寄生蟲, 沒人喜歡這個樣子. 所以幫他一個忙, 告訴他要面對現實!)

04. get reamed, to
定義: 被痛斥, 被痛毆, 被詐騙.
例句: But I got reamed for saying the same thing. (但我說了同樣的話反被痛斥)

05. get religion, to
定義: 皈依某宗教, 信仰虔誠, 痛改前非, 端正言行, 謹慎小心.
例句: I get religion each time I do my income tax. I always wonder why I didn't keep better records. (每次我申報所得稅都謹慎小心. 我總是在想我以前為什麼沒把資料保存得更好)

06. get revenge, to
定義: 報復, 報仇.
例句: Do you want to get revenge, or do you want to discuss the problem and forgive him? (你是想報仇還是想討論這個問題和原諒他?)

07. get rid of, to
定義: 擺脫, 除去, 拔除, 拋棄.
例句: He kept talking and talking. She finally got rid of him by saying she had to make dinner. (他一直講個不停. 她跟他說她必須要做晚餐如此終於擺脫了他)

08. get right on to it, to
定義: 馬上著手去辦.
例句: I will get right on to it and get back to you. (我馬上著手去辦隨後再跟你報告)

09. get right, to
定義: 正確地瞭解或做得正確.
例句: If I get it right, you're not leaving until tomorrow? (如果我聽的沒錯的話, 你明天才離開?)

10. get rolling, to
定義: 開始, 開工, 開車離開, 離開.
例句: Come on, let's get rolling. It's getting late. (拜託, 我們離開吧. 天色有點晚了)

11. get run over, to
定義: 被車碾過, 被車撞; 被撞倒.
例句: Everything was hunky–dory and then all of a sudden, he fell down in the street and nearly got run over by a car. (當時情況一切正常然而突然之間, 他摔倒在街上, 差一點被一輛車碾過)

12. get rusty (doing something), to
定義: (因許久不練習)某知識或技能生疏或不熟練.
例句: Haven't written anything in a long while, and I have to say, I'm getting rusty at this writing thing. It's taking me longer to find the word I'm looking for. (有好一陣子沒寫作了, 我不得不承認, 我對寫作生疏了. 我需要更長的時間才能找到我想要表達的字眼)

13. get sandwiched, to
定義: 擠在中間, 夾在中央, 位於中間.
例句: Laos gets sandwiched by Vietnam and Thailand. (寮國/老撾國位於越南與泰國之間)

14. get screwed, to
定義: 被詐欺/欺騙/佔便宜; 吃虧/多付錢; 被人整; 被人害.
例句: I got screwed when I bought this condo. I paid too much for it. (我買這棟公寓吃了虧. 我多付了很多錢)

15. get serious, to
定義: 別開玩笑; 要嚴肅, 專心.
例句: When we discussed water safety, he told us to get serious. (當我們討論飲水安全的時候, 他要求我們嚴肅)

16. get set, to
定義: 準備(開跑, 開始).
例句: We are working hard to get set for her wedding ceremony. (我們正緊鑼密鼓地籌備她的婚禮)

17. get short shrift, to
定義: 受到漠視, 只受到短暫關注或一點時間.
例句: The lower classes have gotten short shrift from the city government. (這屆市政府一直漠視下層民眾的疾苦)

18. get shot of someone/something, to
定義: 除去, 處理某人或某物.
例句: We've had enough of this guy, it is time you got shot of him. (我們受夠了這個傢伙, 現在該是請他滾蛋的時候)

19. get sick, to
定義: 生病; 噁心, 嘔吐; 厭惡, 厭倦.
例句: Hope you make this the healthiest year of your life by adhering to the above-mentioned 10 ways to avoid getting sick. (希望你遵循上述的十個預防生病方法, 使今年成為你這一生最健康的一年)

20. get sidetracked, to
定義: 分心, 偏離主題, 被轉移注意.
例句: Now, what was I saying? I got sidetracked by that phone call. (好了, 我剛才說什麼來著? 我被那通電話分了心)



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