二十笔实用成语 455

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二十笔实用成语 455

帖子 royl » 周一 8月 26, 2013 2:56 pm

二十笔实用成语 455

01. get/have a bash at, to
定义: 试图做某事, 尝试一件新活动.
例句: I've never done it before, but I'll have a bash at it. (我以前从来没做过它, 但我愿意尝试一下)

02. get/have a go at, to
定义: 拼拼看, 尝试, 试试看.
例句: Let Sally have a go at it. (让莎莉来试试看)

03. get/have an angle, to
定义: 使用诡计, 怀有私心或不可告人的理由或特殊目的; 有效的阻挡; 取得优势.
例句: I don't have an angle. I bring in donuts to work every once in a while, yeah they cost a few bucks, but I like doing it. (我没什么特殊目的. 我三不五时带些甜甜圈来办公室, 没错它们是要花几块钱, 但我喜欢这样做)

04. get/have an eyeful, to
定义: 尽收眼底, 美不胜收, 大饱眼福; 充满了令人惊讶场面.
例句: Tom got an eyeful on the beach when a woman took her top off right in front of him. (当一名女子在他面前脱掉她的比基尼胸罩, 汤姆在这个海滩大饱眼福)

05. get/have an in with, to
定义: 趋炎附势, 与某权势者有交情.
例句: The person has an in with the person who is doing the hiring. They've always said, "It's not what you know, but who you know." (此人跟负责雇用的人有交情. 这就是为什么人们常说, "有本事还不如认对人.")

06. get/have someone covered, to
定义: 保护某人; 掩护某人; 替某人代工当他因事离开; 供应并满足某人所需, 某人之某物不足由你补足.
例句: Don't worry about the money. We've got you covered. (别担心钱. 我们已经把它付清了)

07. get/keep/stay on someone's right side, to
定义: 取得某人的好感或赏识.
例句: Jane had a hard time staying on the right side of her difficult supervisor. (珍费了不少劲才取得了她刁钻古怪上司的好感)

08. get/make an early start, to
定义: 大清早开工, 早点开始/行动.
例句: Today I'm going to take a new route to work and I want to get an early start. (今天我要走一条新路线上班, 我想要早点开工)

09. get/put bums on seats, to
定义: [英国]吸引大量观众观赏表演或比赛. (注: 在此以幽默口吻说出将越多的观众的bums屁股放在席位上)
例句: Until you are well enough known to put bums on seats, you'll have to audition for every acting job you do. (除非你成为吸引大量观众的知名演员, 否则你将必须面试你每一个要找的表演工作)

10. get/put one's life back together, to
定义: 回归正常生活. (注: 意指经历过创伤或失去亲人之后渐渐回复正常生活)
例句: Tina tries to put her life back together after the tragic loss of her young daughter. (在惨痛地丧失了她年幼女儿之后, 蒂娜试图回复她的正常生活)

11. get/put/stick one's oar in, to
定义: 多管闲事, 干预某事或加入自己的意见.
例句: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have stuck my oar in when you were arguing with your wife. (对不起. 我不应该在你跟你妻子争论的时候加入我的意见)

12. get/put/wear one's game face (on), to
定义: (进入竞赛)摆出不苟言笑的脸色, 板着脸.
例句: When not wearing his game face, he was a quiet personable guy. (当他不板着脸的时候, 他还是个相当和蔼可亲的人)

13. get/receive one's commission, to
定义: 被任命官职, 被任命为军官.
例句: Shortly after attaining my degree, I received my commission in the Navy as an Ensign. (在取得我的学位不久之后, 我也取得海军授予我的少尉官阶)

14. get/receive one's just deserts/reward(s), to
定义: 得到应得的赏罚, 遭到报应.
例句: Tom got his just deserts, no sympathy here. (汤姆得到应得的报应, 我不同情他)

15. get/rise to one's feet, to
定义: 站起来.
例句: At the time, I was so weak, I could hardly get to my feet. (当时, 我非常孱弱, 我几乎站不起来)

16. get/set/start the ball rolling, to
定义: 炒热气氛; 推动一件活动使其有进展; 振兴一个低落的事业.
例句: My experience is that once we get the ball rolling, others will want to join us. (我的经验是, 一旦我们使这个活动有进展, 别人就会加入我们)

17. get/take (the) flak, to
定义: 遭到强烈批评或反对.
例句: I got heavy flak from a number of abortion supporters for simply stating that I don't like abortions and would love to see an alternative. (仅仅说出我不喜欢堕胎并极希望见到另一个选择, 我遭到数个堕胎拥护者的强烈抨击)

18. getaway car, the
定义: 歹徒做案逃逸现场使用的接应车辆.
例句: While two armed thugs were robbing the cashier, another employee snuck out and found the getaway car running. He hopped in the vehicle and hid the car. (正当两名持械抢匪抢劫收银员之时, 另一职员偷偷溜出去发现逃逸车辆引擎没熄火. 他跳进这部车辆把它藏起来. 注: 意指抢匪抢完了钱之后逃离现场却发现他们的车子不见了)

19. get-rich-quick scheme, a
定义: 快速致富秘诀/骗局. (注: 常用来指出许多假广告, 以一夕致富的骗局来引诱人购买其不实的致富捷径或手法)
例句: Most get-rich-quick schemes promise that participants can obtain this high rate of return with little risk, and with little skill, effort, or time. (大多数快速致富骗局保证参与者可以取得低风险的高回报率, 无需技能, 努力或耗费时间)

20. getting ridiculous, be
定义: 越来越荒谬, 简直不像话/没道理/胡来.
例句: The only way I can try to avoid genetically modified foods now is by buying certified organic! This is getting ridiculous! (现在我唯一能够试图避免基因改造食品的方法是购买经过认证的有机食品! 简直不像话! )



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