二十笔实用成语 467

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二十笔实用成语 467

帖子 royl » 周日 12月 08, 2013 6:25 pm

二十笔实用成语 467

01. give someone the evil eye, to
定义: 愤怒地瞪某人一眼. (注: 特别是不友善或恶毒的眼光)
例句: When I testified in court, the prisoner gave me the evil eye. (当我在庭上作证的时候, 这名犯人以恶毒的眼光瞪着我)

02. give someone the eye, to
定义: 眉目传情; 抛媚眼, 传送秋波.
例句: She gave me the eye all through lunch and I was lost for words at times. (她整个午餐跟我眉目传情弄得我有时候窘困地说不出话来)

03. give someone the finger, to
定义: 向某人伸出中指; 羞辱某人. (注: 伸出中指是极不礼貌或极为挑衅的行为)
例句: When the kids were told to leave the store, they gave the manager the finger and ran off. (当这帮小孩被告知必须离开这家商店, 他们向管店的经理伸出中指之后就一哄而散)

04. give someone the gate, to
定义: 与某人断绝关系, 解雇, 与情人断交; 令某人离开或撵走某人.
例句: Upon hearing this, the bouncer refused to believe that my ID was genuine and gave me the gate. (听完了这些话之后, 这个夜总会的保安人员拒绝相信我的身分证是真的然后把我撵走)

05. give someone the gears, to
定义: [英国]为难, 纠缠, 烦扰, 或折磨某人.
例句: When dad said you would have to pay for cleaning the carpet, he was giving you the gears. (当爸爸说你必须要赔偿清洗地毯的费用时, 他是在为难你)

06. give someone the glad eye, to
定义: 向某人抛媚眼, 频送秋波; 让某人知道你对他/她有意.
例句: I gave her the glad eye all night and she didn't seem to notice. (我整晚向她眉目传情而她却似乎没注意到)

07. give someone the glad hand, to
定义: 装作热忱欢迎某人, 别有居心的热烈招呼.
例句: The politician spent the morning giving the people at the shopping center the glad hand. (这名政客整个早上热烈地跟购物中心的民众打招呼)

08. give someone the golden handshake, to
定义: 给某人提早退休提供慷慨的解职/离职/退休福利.
例句: I have been out of work for almost two years now. On that Thanksgiving, they gave me the golden handshake and told me they never want to see me again. (迄今我已经失业快两年了. 在那个感恩节,他们给我优渥的离职福利并告诉我他们不想再见到我)

09. give someone the green light, to
定义: 同意或批准某人可以从事某工作.
例句: He has been given the green light to begin building a wind farm. (他被批准可以开始建造一座风电场)

10. give someone the heebie-jeebies, to
定义: 令某人焦虑, 紧张或不安.
例句: She gave me the heebie-jeebies when I saw her gazing at me intensely. (当我看到她极度严肃地凝视着我, 她让我感觉不安)

11. give someone the hump, to
定义: [英国]令某人忿怒, 情绪低落, 不痛快.
例句: Losing gives me the hump. (每次我玩输了我就不痛快)

12. give someone the idea/impression, to
定义: 给某人某个印象, 让某人以为, 觉得. (注: 给别人的印象或感觉是主观的, 所以别人有可能产生误解)
例句: I don't want to give you the impression that I'm some sort of Casanova. (我不想给你一个我是某种风流浪子的印象)

13. give someone the jitters, to
定义: 使某人焦虑不安尤其在某重大事件之前.
例句: Going to a job interview gives me the jitters. (前赴一个求职面试总是令我焦虑不安)

14. give someone the kiss of life, to
定义: 给予某人口对口人工呼吸或心肺复苏术来进行急救; 重振某人的精神, 信心或斗志.
例句: I pulled him out of the lake and gave him the kiss of life. (我把他从湖里拖上来, 对他施行口对口人工呼吸来急救他)

15. give someone the length of one’s tongue, to
定义: 严厉指责某人; 把某人臭骂一顿.
例句: I don't want to look at your girlfriend's picture. I just want to give you the length of my tongue for posting her picture here. (我才不想看你女朋友的照片. 我只是想要指责你不应该把她的照片在这里张贴)

16. give someone the lie (in his/he​​r throat), to
定义: 指责某人撒谎.
例句: So instead of standing there baring your teeth, speak up and give her the lie. (所以与其站在那儿龇牙咧嘴地愤愤不平, 你应该理直气壮地说出事实并且指责她撒谎)

17. give someone the lowdown, to
定义: 告诉某人真相, 重要消息, 内幕消息或丑闻.
例句: Nick gave me the lowdown about this exciting exhibit. It will be well worth going to see. (尼克告诉我这个精彩展览的重要消息. 这个展览绝对是值得一看)

18. give someone the needle, to
定义: 以冷嘲热讽激怒某人; 批评某人; 杀死某人.
例句: We kept giving Bill the needle about his new girl friend, apparently we went too far. (我们不停地讥讽比尔的新交女友, 显然地我们做得太过份了)

19. give someone the nod, to
定义: 给予某人许可, 同意.
例句: Till my dad gave me the nod, I'd never promised Janie anything. I always told her that I would propose to her only after my dad's approval. (直到我父亲同意之前, 我一直没有跟珍妮做出任何承诺. 我一直告诉她只有取得我父亲的许可之后我才会向她求婚)

20. give someone the (old) heave-ho, to
定义: 与某人断绝关系, 解雇, 与情人断交; 将某人赶走.
例句: We were given the old heave-ho when we couldn't pay the rent on our apartment. (当我们无力付出我们公寓房租的时候, 我们被房东赶出来)



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