二十笔实用成语 468

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二十笔实用成语 468

帖子 royl » 周四 12月 19, 2013 4:35 am

二十笔实用成语 468

01. give someone the once-over, to
定义: 对某人有兴趣的瞧一眼; 对某人迅速地审视一翻.
例句: Instead of responding, he gave her a once-over. Not the appreciative kind she was accustomed to from men, but one fraught with disapproval. (他没有回应她而是瞧了她一眼. 他的反应并不是她所常见的男人表现出的赞赏态度, 而是一脸的反感)

02. give someone the pip, to
定义: [英国]令某人恼火, 不悦或厌恶.
例句: Celebrity gossip gives me the pip, because it's made up rubbish and not worth my time. (我就不爱听那些社会名流的八卦流言, 因为它们都是编造的废话也不值得浪费我的时间)

03. give someone the push, to
定义: [英国]解除某人职位; 结束与某人的关系.
例句: They gave him the push after only six weeks. (他只工作了六个星期就被他们解雇了)

04. give someone the rough side of your tongue, to
定义: [英国]怒斥某人.
例句: She gave me the rough side of her tongue for being overly generous to my buddies. (她怒斥我不应该对我的哥儿们过份大方)

05. give someone the runaround, to
定义: 借故推诿搪塞某人, 跟某人踢皮球.
例句: Finally I got my employer involved and he told them to stop giving me the runaround. (最后我要我雇主介入这件事, 他告诉他们别再对我推诿搪塞)

06. give someone the sack, to
定义: 将人解除职位, 炒某人鱿鱼.
例句: The company gave him the sack for improper conduct. (这家公司以不当行为的理由把他炒了鱿鱼)

07. give someone the shaft, to
定义: 不公平地或粗​​暴地对待某人.
例句: Her boss really gave her the shaft when he promoted someone less experienced instead of her. (她的老板给一个工作经验比她少的人升职而不升任她, 真是对她不公平)

08. give someone the shits, to
定义: [纽澳粗俗语]激怒某人, 令人不胜其扰, 恐惧或毛骨悚然.
例句: Can you stop sending me text messages at two in the morning? You're giving me the shits! (你能不能别在清晨两点钟发短信给我? 你让我不胜其扰!)

09. give someone the shivers, to
定义: 令某人战栗, 毛骨悚然, 提心吊胆.
例句: The look in his eyes gave me the shivers. (他的眼神让我不寒而栗)

10. give someone the slip, to
定义: 脱逃出某人的监视或追踪下.
例句: The bank robbers were able to give the police the slip at first but they were soon caught. (这些银行抢匪一开始还能逃过警方的追踪但不久之后他们还是被逮捕)

11. give someone the third degree, to
定义: 仔细地盘问某人, 拷问某人.
例句: The police ask a lot of questions. They give me the third degree. (警方问了许多的问题. 他们仔细地盘问我了一翻)

12. give someone the time of day, to
定义: 给予某人尊重或帮助.
例句: I needed their help, but they wouldn't give me the time of day. ​​(当时我需要他们的帮助, 但他们理都不搭理我)

13. give someone the willies, to
定义: 令人毛骨悚然, 心惊肉跳.
例句: Hearing noises at night gives me the willies. (半夜里听到这种声音令我心惊肉跳)

14. give someone the works, to
定义: 告诉某人全部真相; 打得某人遍体鳞伤; 虐待某人.
例句: All right, give me the works on it. (好吧, 告诉我这件事情的全部真相吧)

15. give someone their due, to
定义: 某人虽然被批评但他/她仍然应被大家承认他/她应得的公平评价, 功劳或长处.
例句: You have to give him his due. He has successfully saved the company from bankruptcy. (你必须给予他公平的评价. 他曾经把这家公司成功地从破产中挽救回来)

16. give someone their head, to
定义: 给予某人充分的自由, 听任其自由发挥.
例句: Why not give him his head and see what kind of design he comes up with. (为什么不给他充分的自由, 看看他想出的方案是什么样的)

17. give someone their marching orders, to
定义: 给予某人应如何做的指令; 令人离开或离职.
例句: The boss called a meeting and gave the new employees their marching orders. (老板召集了会议并给予了新来职员应如何做的指令)

18. give someone their walking papers, to
定义: 解除某人职位, 开除某人​​.
例句: As soon as I arrived at work this morning, my boss gave me my walking papers. (今天早上正当我来上班的时候, 我老板解雇了我​​)

19. give someone too much credit, to
定义: 对某人评价过高, 太抬举某人, 把某人太当一回事.
例句: I think you're giving her too much credit. (我觉得你对她评价过高)

20. give someone up for dead/lost, to
定义: 决定不再对某人抱任何生还希望; 对某人不抱希望.
例句: We were delighted to see you. We had almost given you up for lost. (我们真高兴看到你. 我们还以为你不会来了)



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