二十笔实用成语 471

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二十笔实用成语 471

帖子 royl » 周二 12月 31, 2013 12:56 pm

二十笔实用成语 471

01. give up, to
定义: 让出控制权, 交出财产; 放弃; 宣布不可治疗或不可解决; 放弃自己的特殊的感情, 影响或活动; 决心投入某个特殊使命; 放弃寻找; 放弃尝试着做某事或承认失败.
例句: I gave up my seat to an elderly woman. (我让出我的座位给一位年老妇人)

02. give vent to, to
定义: 透露心声; 出气, 发泄情绪或愤怒.
例句: Tom gave vent to his anger by yelling at me. (汤姆对我大叫, 拿我出气)

03. give voice to, to
定义: 大胆说出心里话或意见.
例句: Now he has begun to give voice to his feelings for his new girl friend. (现在他已经开始说出他对他新女友的感情)

04. give way to ..., to
定义: 让路或让步给...
例句: I had to stop the car in order to give way to the pedestrians. (为了让路给这些行人, 我不得不停下车子)

05. give way, to
定义: 崩塌, 崩坍, 崩溃; 撤退; 让路; 放弃, 让步; 让位; 退让, 让出, 被取代.
例句: The dam gave way and the water flooded the farmland below. (这个水坝崩塌了并把地势低的农地也淹没了)

06. Give what excuses you will – it makes no difference.
[成语句型]你爱找什么理由都没关系, 这对整个事件都没影响. (注: 在此give what excuses you will就是你爱找什么理由都不重要; 请参考Say what you will)

07. give yourself airs, to
定义: 摆出一副高傲姿态, 自以为比别人强, 装阔绰, 摆排场.
例句: She's very rich but she doesn't give herself airs. (她是很富有但她不摆高姿态)

08. give/care a damn, to
定义: [不雅语]在乎, 关心.
例句: I really don't give a damn whether you want to stay or not – you're leaving! (我根本不在乎你是否想要留下来– 你非离开不可!)

09. give/sacrifice one's life, to
定义: 牺牲你的生命. (注: 意指为了救别人或为了自己的理想/信念/尽职而牺牲性命)
例句: The heroic teacher gave her life shielding her children from the gunman in Newtown school shooting. (在新城学校枪击案中, 这位不畏危险的老师为了掩护她的孩子们不受持枪歹徒的伤害, 牺牲了她自己的生命)

10. give-and-go
定义: [篮球术语]快速地往篮框方向互相传球.
例句: Using the classic give-and-go, Henry and I slipped past the defense and scored a goal. (利用经典的快速互传, 亨利和我溜过对方的防卫并投篮得分)

11. give-and-take, a
定义: 妥协, 相互让步; 善意的交换.
例句: A successful marriage requires a lot of give-and-take between husband and wife – more give than take. (一个成功的婚姻需要夫妻间大量的相互让步– 多一分付出, 少一分索取)

12. give-away shop, a
定义: 免费商店. (注: 在北欧尤其在荷兰及德国的免费二手货商店供应书籍, 家具, 衣服等等给需要的民众, 一律免费)
例句: Give-away shop donors are often motivated by the desire to get rid of what would otherwise be garbage without adding it to landfills. (免费商店的捐赠者经常是受激励于渴望把有可能成为废物的东西清除掉而不把它送进废物掩埋场)

13. given all that has happened in the last 3 years ...
定义: 鉴于过去三年所发生的事... (注: 在此given是虑及, 鉴于之意)
例句: I honestly cannot see how any rational person could continue to vote Republican given all that has happened in the last 8 years. (鉴于过去八年所发生的事, 我实在想不通为什么任何有理性的人还会继续投票给共和党)

14. given half a chance
定义: 只要有一点点机会.
例句: If you give yourself a half a chance, you can learn English. (你只要给你自己一点点机会, 你就能够学会英语)

15. given name, the
定义: (一个人的)名. (注: 一个人的姓氏是last name或surname)
例句: My given name is James but I go by Jimmy. (我的名字是詹姆士但人家都叫我吉米)

16. given that
定义: 考虑到, 就算, 假定, 已知.
例句: Even given that the house is not in perfect condition, it's still a great buy! (就算这栋房子的状况并不理想, 这还是一个很划算的购屋!)

17. given the day that's in it
定义: [爱尔兰]显然是因为这一特殊日子才会如此. (注: 意指因为某一特殊日子才会有某种现象发生)
例句: On St Patrick's day there's lots of people wearing green, given the day that's in it. (在圣派翠克节的那一天许多人穿着绿色衣物, 显然是因为这一特殊日子才会如此)

18. given the magnitude of ...
定义: 鉴于...的严重程度. (注: 在此given是虑及, 鉴于之意)
例句: Given the magnitude of food losses, making profitable investments in reducing losses could be one way of reducing the cost of food. (鉴于这个食物损失的严重程度, 以减少损失来致使投资获利可能是一个减低食物成本的方法)

19. given to
定义: 习惯于, 喜欢, 经常表现的行为.
例句: This guy is very much given to swearing. (这个家伙经常说脏话)

20. given what happened to me ...
定义: 鉴于发生在我的事情... (注: 在此given是虑及, 鉴于之意)
例句: Given what happened to me as a child, I understand the importance of self-esteem and having boundaries so I could fend off anyone who wants to take advantage of me. (鉴于发生在我儿时的事, 我了解自尊的重要性以及人际之间的界限由此我可以抵挡任何想要占我便宜的人)



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