二十笔实用成语 473

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二十笔实用成语 473

帖子 royl » 周五 1月 17, 2014 3:37 am

二十笔实用成语 473

01. glory in, to
定义: 尽情享受; 欢喜庆祝; 心满意足; 引以自豪.
例句: Betsy tends to glory in doing things just exactly right. (贝琪总以把事情做得恰如其分而自豪)

02. gloss over, to
定义: 以欺骗性手法粉饰, 文饰, 掩饰真相.
例句: The accountant tried to gloss over the money that they lost last year. (这名会计试图掩饰他们去年亏空的钱)

03. glossy magazine, a
定义: 使用光亮纸张印刷的杂志. (注: 多为介绍流行服装或名人或名星的杂志)
例句: Everyone knows that the glossy magazines are full of fakes. The models are airbrushed, digitized, and photo-shopped to look however the editors want them to look. (大家都知道光亮纸张印刷的杂志充斥了假玩意儿. 那些模特儿照片被气笔修改过, 数字化, 再以软件把她们合成任何剪辑者想要的形象)

04. glove compartment, a
定义: [汽车用语]仪表板上的贮物箱.
例句: I opened the glove compartment and started going through the contents, and decided I would like to get that little place organized once and for all. (我打开了仪表板上的贮物箱, 开始检查里面的东西, 我决定要一劳永逸地把那块小地方整理妥当)

05. gloves are off, the
定义: 正式翻脸, 放手一搏; 真刀真枪地争吵或打架; 毫不留情地竞争或比赛.
例句: Tom got mad and yelled, "Ok, the gloves are off!" And he started cussing and pounding the table. (汤姆怒不可遏地大叫, "好, 咱们放手一搏吧!" 然后他开始咒骂和敲打桌子)

06. glow with pride, to
定义: 得意洋洋.
例句: When students come to me, glowing with pride, ready to share a story of success, I ask them to stop for a moment and savor the feeling. (当学生走到我的面前, 得意洋洋, 准备分享一个成功故事, 我要求他们暂时停下来先尽情地享受这个感觉)

07. glued to the set/TV, be
定义: 痴迷地看电视就好像黏着电视.
例句: Jack loves sports. He's glued to the set every Saturday. ​​(杰克热爱运动. 他每个星期六就痴迷地看电视. 注: 意指杰克每周六就痴迷地看电视上的运动节目)

08. glued to your seat, be
定义: 痴迷地坐着就好像黏在椅子上.
例句: As soon as the movie started, Holly was glued to her seat. (自从电影一开始放了之后, 郝莉就一直痴迷地坐在她椅子上观看)

09. glutton for punishment, a
定义: 明知山有虎, 偏向虎山行的人; 不畏艰苦任务的人.
例句: Some of us like to think we are taking on a challenge while others might think we are a glutton for punishment. (我们中间有些人宁愿认为我们正在接受挑战然而其他人可能认为我们是明知山有虎, 偏向虎山行的人)

10. G-man, a
定义: 美国联邦调查局干员.
例句: Throughout the epic battles between gangsters and G-Men, the "Tommy Gun" played a pivotal role. (在整个史诗般的警匪战斗期间, "汤米枪"扮演了关键的角色)

11. GMT
定义: 格林威治标准时间, 格林尼治标准​​时间.
例句: The rocket will be launched at 10:00 AM tomorrow GMT. (这个火箭将于明晨十点钟格林威治标准时间发射)

12. gnash one's teeth, to
定义: 磨牙, 咬牙切齿, 愤愤不平.
例句: His opponents have been gnashing their teeth in frustration since he won the game. (自从他赢得了这场比赛之后他的对手一直愤愤不平地深受挫折)

13. gnaw at, to
定义: 折磨你因为你烦恼或关切某事.
例句: This problem has been gnawing at me day and night. (这个问题一直在日以继夜地折磨着我)

14. gnaw your vitals, to
定义: 某事令你烦恼万分, 侵噬你内心.
例句: She says she's fine, but I can see that something is gnawing her vitals. (她虽然说她一切安好, 但我可以看得出某件事一直在令她烦恼万分)

15. gnomes of Zurich, the
定义: (不尊重语)苏黎世的侏儒. 注: (意指以神话故事里的躲在地下洞穴的小矮小来讥讽在苏黎世神秘兮兮地管理国际银行的金融家)
例句: This particular group of people were called the gnomes of Zurich and were thought to run everything in Switzerland and cause most of the world's economic and financial problems. (这个特定的一群人被称为苏黎世的侏儒并且被认为主管瑞士的一切事务以及造成世界上大部分的经济和财务问题)

16. GNP, the
定义: 国民生产毛额, 国民生产总值.
例句: The GNP of the country that I visited last year has been decreasing for several years. (这个我去年参访过国家的国民生产总值数年来一直递减)

17. go a bundle on, to
定义: [俚语]十分喜欢.
例句: I don't usually go a bundle on romance novels, but this book is really good. (我平常并不十分喜欢爱情小说, 但这本书确实很精彩)

18. go a long way toward ..., to
定义: 对...具有深远的助益或影响.
例句: Your car will go a long way toward meeting your needs if you do regular maintenance every three thousand miles. (如果你每三千英哩做你定时维修工作的话, 你的车子将会满足你长期的需求)

19. go a long way, to
定义: 可以持久的, 大有帮助; 有长足的进步或成就.
例句: All parents hope that their children will go a long way in their lives. (所有的父母都希望自己的儿女在未来人生取得长足的成就)

20. go about one's business, to
定义: 管自己的事, 专务自己的事.
例句: I was the quiet type who went about my business, never meddling in others affairs. (我是一个默不作声只管自己事的人, 我从来不插手或干预别人的事务)



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