二十笔实用成语 501

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二十笔实用成语 501

帖子 royl » 周四 8月 07, 2014 12:17 am

二十笔实用成语 501

01. hack off, to
定义: 烦扰, 惹恼, 激怒; 砍断, 斩断.
例句: He always makes decisions without consulting with me and this really hacks me off big time. (他总是不跟我商量就自做主张, 这让我非常恼怒)

02. hack out, to
定义: 匆促或例行公事的炮制或写作.
例句: He hacks out a new microblog every day. ​​(他每天写一篇新微博)

03. had a couple/had a few
定义: 喝了两杯酒, 微醺.
例句: He's kind of outgoing, funny, talkative and always has something to talk about when he's had a couple. (每当喝了两杯之后, 他就变得有点开朗, 有趣, 健谈以及总是有话要说)

04. had a good/great/lovely time
定义: (过去某活动)玩得很尽兴.
例句: We had a great time. We were there for a class reunion and had fun meeting old classmates. (我们玩得很尽兴. 我们去那儿参加同学聚会, 很开心跟一些老同学再见面)

05. had better/had best
定义: 最好要, 最好去.
例句: I'd better call and explain why we didn't attend their wedding ceremony but we will definitely be at their reception. (我最好还是打个电话解释为什么我们没去他们的婚礼但我们一定会去他们的喜宴)

06. had enough
定义: 受够了, 受到太多挫折, 容忍太久了已经受不了.
例句: After ten minutes of his talk, I had enough of his nonsense and I left. (听了他说了十分钟话之后, 我实在听不下去他的胡说八道然后我就走了)

07. Had he not done this, we would never have been able to do that.
[成语句型]假如他没先做某事我们就不可能做好某事. (注: 请仔细看句子文法结构)

08. had her purse lifted, someone
定义: 她的钱包被偷走/扒走. (注: 注意lifted这是过去式不是过去完成式)
例句: While Bob was on the subway train, someone had his wallet lifted. (当鲍伯搭乘地铁的时候有人把他的皮夹扒走了)

09. had one + ... (PP过去分词) ..., I would have + ... (PP过去分词) ...
使用于与过去事实相反的假设. [成语句型]Had I known that the test was tough, I would have studied more. 假如我知道(过去的)考试很难, 我当初就应该(过去地)多读书.
例句: Had I known it was like this, I would have never wanted to come. (如果我早知道是这个情形的话, 我当初绝对不会想来这里)

10. had up, be
定义: [英国]被起诉, 被公诉.
例句: The man was had up for assault with intent to rape. (这名男子被以意图强奸而伤害罪提起公诉)

11. had, be
定义: 斗智斗输了, 被欺骗, 上当, 被误导.
例句: She doesn't want to buy a used car because she's worried about being had by a dishonest salesman. (她不想买旧车是因为她怕受到不诚实销售员的欺骗)

12. hail a cab, to
定义: 招呼计程车或出租车. (注: cab是taxicab的缩写, 就是计程车或出租车)
例句: We missed the bus, so we hailed a cab. (我们没赶上公车, 所以我们叫了一部出租车)

13. hail from, to
定义: 来自(某籍贯或某居住地).
例句: He hails from a small town in southeastern Texas. (他来自德州东南部一个小镇)

14. hair of the dog that bit you, a
定义: 以酒解酒. (注: 意指以"以毒攻毒"为借口白天喝酒来解昨夜宿醉)
例句: Oh, I'm so miserable. I need some of the hair of the dog that bit me. (噢, 我很不舒服. 我需要喝一点酒来解酒)

15. hair-trigger temper, a
定义: 一触即发的脾气, 火爆脾气.
例句: Marsha has become increasingly mercurial and makes little effort to tame her hair-trigger temper. (玛莎的脾气变得越来越反覆无常而且一点也不愿意收敛一下自己的火爆脾气)

16. hairy at the heel
定义: [英国俚语]危险的, 不可信任的, 没有教养的.
例句: She sure is attractive and gorgeous, but you should be careful with her because she is hairy at the heel. (她确实是美丽动人, 但你应要防着她因为她不可以信任)

17. hairy eyeball, to give someone the
定义: 以怀疑或敌意的瞄看某人; 含情脉脉地看某人.
例句: He gave me the hairy eyeball and I assured him that my behavior during that meeting was an anomaly and that he had nothing to worry about. (他以怀疑的眼光看我, 我跟他保证在那个会议我所表现的行为只是一时的反常现象, 他完全不需要担心我)

18. hairy situation, a
定义: 充满了紧张危险的状况.
例句: The roads were completely icy, and it was definitely a hairy situation even going slow. (路面上完全结了冰, 即使慢慢地开车也仍然肯定是个危险状况)

19. halcyon days, the
定义: 往昔的快乐/成功/幸福时光.
例句: She looks back fondly on the halcyon days of her career when she was just out of college. (她愉快地回顾当初她刚离开大学进入社会的快乐生涯时光)

20. hale and hearty, be
定义: 身强体壮, 老当益壮.
例句: Rudy is a hale and hearty fellow who never gets sick. (鲁迪是个老当益壮哥们, 他从来不生病)



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