二十笔实用成语 298

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二十笔实用成语 298

帖子 royl » 周二 2月 07, 2012 9:07 pm

二十笔实用成语 298

01. do one's level best, to
定义: 全力以赴.
例句: If I get an opportunity to work with your company, I will do my level best to prove myself. (如果我在贵公司取得工作机会的话, 我会全力以赴来证明我自己. 注: 这句话显然是求职信中的一句话)

02. do one's nut, to
定义: [俚语]心烦意乱; 发狂; 大发雷霆.
例句: Earlier today, I did my nut at Marshalls after a woman literally followed me around the entire men's clothing department. (今天早些时候, 在马歇尔百货公司一名女子就这样地跟随我走了整个男装部整得我发狂)

03. do one's own thing, to
定义: [俚语]追求自己生活方式, 做自己喜欢的事或自己擅长的事.
例句: My parents let me do my own thing. They only wanted me to do well in my studies, which I did. (我父母放手让我做自己喜欢的事. 他们只希望我成绩优秀, 我的成绩确实很好)

04. do one's part, to
定义: 尽责, 尽职, 尽自己一份心力.
例句: If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. (如果大家都尽自己一份心力, 这个项目肯定会成功)

05. do one's thing, to
定义: [俚语]追求自己生活方式, 做自己喜欢的事或自己擅长的事.
例句: He is an individualist and enjoys doing his thing when and where he chooses. (他是个特立独行的人, 喜爱随兴致所至做他自己喜欢的事)

06. do one's utmost, to
定义: 尽力而为, 全力以赴.
例句: I felt confident of myself and had done my utmost to push back the inevitable fears that had come upon me in the hours prior to that fateful meeting. (我感觉对自己有信心, 我已经尽我一切力量抵挡在那个命运攸关会议之前突然来袭的无法避免的恐惧)

07. do oneself in, to
定义: 自杀; 将自己置于困境.
例句: He's been so depressed lately that his friends are afraid he might do himself in. (他最近一直都很沮丧, 他的朋友害怕他会自杀)

08. do oneself justice, to
定义: 表现称职.
例句: As time moved on I became increasingly unsatisfied with how I ran that day. ​​I didn't do myself justice and I knew it wasn't going to get any better. (随着时间改变, 我变得越来越不满意我那一天的赛跑. 我表现得不称职, 我当时也知道情况不会有任何改善)

09. do oneself proud, to
定义: 争气, 令自己骄傲/自豪.
例句: That was a great dinner, Nora. You did yourself proud. (娜拉, 这真是个很棒晚餐. 妳该为此值得自豪)

10. do oneself up, to
定义: 穿着打扮自己.
例句: You will never see Jenny venturing out into the street without fully doing herself up to look beautiful and presentable. (只要珍妮出门时你永远会看到她完全把自己打扮得光鲜亮丽地上街)

11. do out of, to
定义: 诈欺或剥削(别人).
例句: He was worried that the company would do him out of the large bonus that he was expecting. (他担心这家公司会剥削他所盼望的那一大笔红利)

12. do out, to
定义: 打扫, 清理, 涂去, 擦去; 装饰, 装潢(房间).
例句: We have had the kitchen done out with oak cabinets, marble countertop, built-in oven and cooktop, and light blue tiles. (我们把这个厨房装潢了橡木厨柜, 大理石流理台, 嵌入式烤箱和炉台, 以及淡蓝色地砖)


13. do over, to
定义: 重做(某事)一次.
例句: Oh, no! I forgot to save my report before I turned the computer off! Now I'll have to do it over! (唉呀! 我忘了在关电脑之前把我的报告存档! 我现在必须重做它一次!)

14. do right by someone, to
定义: 公平, 认真, 正确地对待某人.
例句: The dealers that benefit the most are the ones that give their service reps the freedom to do right by the customer and not be restricted by what a manager requires. (这些代理商受益最多的是那些给予他们服务销售员自由发挥认真对待客户而不受经理的要求限制)

15. do someone (any) harm, to
定义: 伤害某人.
例句: Her exceptional fighting skills keep her safe and help protect her from a group of thugs who mean to do her harm. (她卓越的战斗技巧确保了她的安全和保护她抵抗一群想要伤害她的流氓)

16. do someone a good turn, to
定义: 帮某人一个忙.
例句: When someone did her a good turn, she would like to reciprocate in her own way. (当某人帮她一个忙, 她总想要以她自己的方式回报)

17. do someone a mischief, to
定义: 严重伤害, 残害, 杀死, 捣蛋某人.
例句: His face turned red and dangerous, and for a second she feared that she had gone too far, that he might do her a mischief. (他的脸色变为赤红并带着威胁, 一时之间她恐怕她做得过火促使他可能会严重伤害她)

18. do someone a power of good/a heap of good, to
定义: 对某人有许多益处, 给某人带来许多欢乐.
例句: You should take a vacation somewhere exotic. It'd do you a power of good. (你应该去一个富有异国情调地方渡假. 它会给你带来许多欢欣愉乐)

19. do someone credit, to
定义: 归功于某人, 给某人带来荣耀与尊敬, 让别人对某人有良好的印象.
例句: It would do you credit to cut down the hasty generalizations and to stay on the topic. (如果你摒弃不经思考的结论以及不离题的话, 你会让别人对你有良好的印象)

20. do someone dirt, to
定义: [俚语]视某人为粪土, 羞辱某人; 行事不道德; 传播流言蜚语, 抹黑.
例句: "Maybe this David guy is just trying to do her dirt?" "I can't see any reason he'd have to lie." ("也许大卫这个家伙只是想要抹黑她?" "我看不出有任何理由他有必要说谎.")



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