二十笔实用成语 311

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二十笔实用成语 311

帖子 royl » 周六 2月 25, 2012 2:52 pm

二十笔实用成语 311

01. Don't know which side your bread is buttered on.
[成语句型]居然迷糊到不知自己利益之所在. (注: 意指对你老板交付的工作挑三捡四)

02. Don't let it bother you.
[成语句型]别让这件事烦扰你; 别让它扫你的兴; 别自责; 别想它.

03. Don't let me down.

04. Don't let the bastards grind you down.

05. Don't let the bastards wear you down.
[成语句型](不尊重语) 别让这些浑蛋整垮你/折磨你.

06. Don't let the bedbugs bite.
[成语句型]晚安, 明天见. (注: 希望他/她睡得安稳)

07. Don't let the cat out of the bag.

08. Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out.
[成语句型]出门的时候, 别让门打你的屁股. (注: 意指某甲与某乙大吵一架, 愤而离去, 某乙说的刻薄话)

09. Don't let the news get to you.
[成语句型]别让这个消息影响你的心情. 别让这个消息令你心烦/气馁.

10. Don't let them walk all over you.
[成语句型]别让他们欺压你; 别让他们把你不当人对待.

11. Don't lie through your teeth.
[成语句型]别睁眼说瞎话. (注: 意指别明知是假的还说是真的)

12. Don't listen to him, he is talking through his hat.
[成语句型]别听他, 他在胡说八道/他在唬人.

13. Don't look back.
[成语句型]别回头看; 别留恋过去. (注: 意指要专心现在或未来)

14. Don't lose your head.
[成语句型]别发火; 别失去理智.

15. Don't make a fuss.
[成语句型]别小题大作; 别大惊小怪; 别无理取闹.

16. Don't make a molehill into a mountain.
[成语句型]别小题大作; 别大惊小怪; 别无理取闹.

17. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
[成语句型]别小题大作; 别大惊小怪; 别无理取闹.

18. Don't make a scene.
[成语句型]别在公共场合出丑/大吵大闹, 别无理取闹.

19. Don't make comment before all the facts are in.

20. Don't make me laugh!
[成语句型]别笑死人! 不可能! (注: 意指听人说的话荒谬不堪)



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