二十笔实用成语 313

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二十笔实用成语 313

帖子 royl » 周三 2月 29, 2012 9:42 am

二十笔实用成语 313

01. Don't put the champagne on ice just yet.
[成语句型]先别太早庆祝. (注: 意指事情是否会成功还言之过早. 把香槟酒瓶放在冰块中冷却意指是准备要庆祝某事成功)

02. Don't put words in my mouth.
[成语句型]我根本没这个意思. 别硬栽我没说过的话. (注: 抗议别人扭曲你所讲的话的原意)

03. Don't put yourself at risk.

04. Don't quit on me.
[成语句型](对机器)别抛锚; (对电脑)别当机; 别放弃, 继续下去; 别跟我不辞而别.

05. Don't quit your day job. You are not that funny.
[成语句型]别把你白天的工作辞掉, 你还没那么有趣. (注: 意指对某人的笑话不欣赏并挖苦他说你辞掉工作转而以说笑话维生的话你会饿肚子)

06. Don't quote me on this.
[成语句型]别引用我的话. 别告诉别人这是我说的. (注: 意指我所说的话只是我的私人意见, 并不百分百正确或者我不想让人知道这话是我说的)

07. Don't rain on my parade!
[成语句型]别浇我冷水! 别扫我的兴!

08. Don't rock the boat.
[成语句型]别多事, 别添麻烦, 别破坏现状. (注: 意指多一事不如少一事)

09. Don't rub it in.
[成语句型]别触及别人痛处; 别哪壶不开提哪壶.

10. Don't run around like a chicken with its head cut off.
[成语句型]镇静下来, 别慌慌张张地像个无头苍蝇. 稳住神儿, 别瞎忙得晕头转向.

11. Don't rush me.

12. Don't rush.
[成语句型]别急就章; 慢慢来.

13. Don't say I didn't warn you.

14. Don't say/breathe a word.
[成语句型]只字别提. 什么话也别说出去.

15. Don't second-guess.
[成语句型]别事后批评. 别怀疑.

16. don't see eye to eye
定义: (两人)没有共识, 看法不一样/不同/迥异.
例句: One of the reasons I don't see eye to eye with Women's Lib is that women have all the liberty they should wish to have. (我的看法与妇女解放运动不同的原因之一是, 女人已经拥有了她们想要拥有的自由权)

17. don't see it that way
定义: 看法不是这样, 不认为如此.
例句: In my view, he needs a new car. But he doesn't see it that way. As long as his pathetic little junker can transport him, he will not buy a new one. (依我看来, 他需要一部新车. 但他并不认为如此. 只要他那部可怜的老爷车还能开的话, 他是不会买一部新的)

18. Don't shed crocodile tears.

19. Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger.
[成语句型]别怪我, 我只是送信的人. (注: 意指要求接受这个坏消息的人别迁怒于他, 因为许多人把传递坏消息的人当作敌人或恶人)

20. Don't spill the beans.
[成语句型]别说溜嘴/漏嘴. 别泄密. (注: spill the beans即泄露机密)



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