二十筆實用成語 335

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二十筆實用成語 335

帖子 royl » 周二 4月 17, 2012 9:50 pm

二十筆實用成語 335

01. dumbass, a
定義: [不尊重語]笨蛋.
例句: You have to put the key in the ignition and start the engine before you can drive the car, dumbass! (你必須先把鑰匙插進點火開關再啟動引擎才能開車, 笨蛋!)

02. dumbbell, a
定義: [不尊重語]笨蛋.
例句: What a dumbbell I am! I locked the keys in the car. (我真是個笨蛋! 我把鑰匙鎖在車裡)

03. dumber than a bag of hammers, be
定義: [不尊重語]笨死了, 比一袋錘還笨.
例句: My biggest complaint about almost every horror movie is that the victim seems to be dumber than a bag of hammers. (我對幾乎所有的恐怖片最大的不滿是受害者似乎比一袋錘還笨. 注: 意指許多恐怖片裡的受害者被編劇描述成違反常理地笨, 一路被加害者凌虐, 無法作有效反抗)

04. dumber than a box of rocks, be
定義: [不尊重語]笨死了, 比一箱子石頭還笨.
例句: To say this guy is dumber than a box of rocks is an insult to rocks everywhere. (要說這個人比一箱子石頭還笨簡直是對石塊的污辱)

05. dumbing down, the
定義: 傻瓜化. (注: 在美國, 有一個看法就是教育, 新聞媒體與電影過份的簡化教育與傳播的材料使接受者不用思考才會有傻瓜化之稱)
例句: The dumbing down of America over the last 100 years did not happen by accident. It was intentionally designed and implemented by the enemies of America. (過去百年把美國人傻瓜化並不是偶發的事情. 它是被美國敵人有意地策劃和執行的)

06. dumbo, a
定義: [不尊重語]傻瓜.
例句: Hey, dumbo! You're driving on the wrong side of the road! (嘿, 傻瓜! 你在逆向開車! 注: 意指駕駛人開上對面來車的車道上)

07. dummy, a
定義: [不尊重語]傻瓜.
例句: I'm afraid his little brother is kind of a dummy. He has been in second grade for three years! (我恐怕他的弟弟有點像個傻瓜. 他二年級已經連續讀了三年!)

08. dump on, to
定義: 不尊重, 毀謗; 推諉.
例句: They dump on Karen too much. They give her the large classes. (他們把太多的工作推諉給凱倫. 他們丟給她幾個大班級去教)

09. dump someone, to
定義: 離開, 拋棄或離棄某人.
例句: Sid and Marie had a fight, so he dumped her and began seeing someone else. (席德和瑪麗大吵一架, 因此他拋棄了她, 開始跟別的女人約會)

10. dump, a
定義: 年久失修, 凌亂不堪的地方.
例句: Your place is a dump, you should buy yourself a good vacuum cleaner and make the house spick-and-span. (你的住處凌亂不堪, 你應該給自己買一台好的吸塵器, 把你的房子整得明窗淨几, 一塵不染)

11. dumpster diving, the
定義: [名詞]在垃圾桶裡找食物或可用的東西.
例句: By reusing resources destined for the landfill, dumpster diving becomes an environmentalist endeavor and is thus practiced by many pro-green communities. (將注定要送到垃圾掩埋場的資源重新使用, 垃圾桶裡尋找可用的東西成為一個環保人士努力活動, 因此被許多親綠化社區實踐)

12. dunce, a
定義: [不尊重語]傻瓜.
例句: The girl is such a dunce because she doesn't know any better. (這個女孩傻得要命因為她不懂事)

13. Dunkirk spirit, the
定義: 敦克爾克精神. (注: 意指二戰初敦克爾克大撤退時表現的共體時艱, 拒絕接受失敗的精神)
例句: We had a large number of volunteers, and even though everybody was absolutely drenched, they were all smiling. I'd agree it was the Dunkirk spirit. (我們擁有大量的義工, 儘管大夥都全身濕透, 他們都臉露微笑. 我同意這是由於敦克爾克精神所使然的)

14. dupe, a
定義: 容易上當者, 受愚弄者.
例句: Prosecutors have said that Smith was not an unwitting dupe when he committed the murders, as his lawyers say. (檢察官們說史密斯在犯下這個謀殺罪的時候並不是他律師所形容的一個不知情的受愚弄者)

15. during good times and bad times
定義: 在富裕以及貧困之時期; 榮辱與共, 風雨同舟.
例句: I have a budget that I live within during good times and bad times. The city, state and federal governments should too. (我有一個在富裕以及貧困之時期的量入為出的預算計劃. 市政府, 州政府以及聯邦政府也應該如此)

16. during the course of conversation
定義: 在談話中; 在言談中.
例句: I took my wife along to visit a friend of mine one Saturday, and during the course of conversation she blurted out to him, "I never cared for cowboy movies." (一個星期六我帶著我太太訪友, 在言談中她脫口而出跟他說, "我從來不愛看牛仔電影.")

17. During the interview, they asked about my previous jobs.
[成語句型]在面試時, 他們問及有關我以前的工作情形.

18. during the night hours
定義: 在夜間中.
例句: Diurnal fishes are active during the light hours, nocturnal fishes rest during that time and are active during the night hours. (日間活動的魚類在日間活動, 夜間活動的魚類在白天休息, 在夜間中活動)

19. during the tribulation hour
定義: 在患難時刻中.
例句: So when the UFOs attack during the tribulation hour, people will believe it is demon aliens instead of men-of-war. (因此當這批不明飛行物在患難時刻中發起攻勢, 人們會相信這是魔鬼外星人而不是星際戰艦)

20. during this time
定義: 在這個時期中.
例句: I want to thank you for your kind support during this time of my mothers passing. (在這個我母親過逝的期間中, 我要感謝你的親切扶持)



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