二十笔实用成语 366

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二十笔实用成语 366

帖子 royl » 周一 6月 25, 2012 11:47 pm

二十笔实用成语 366

01. fall into the trap of, to
定义: 上当, 受骗, 掉入陷阱; 涉入不能自拔的情况; 被人陷害或欺骗.
例句: I fell into the trap of visiting a website to which I subscribed by paying money. Later on, I realized the information I paid for was free on other sites. (我访问过一家网站, 付了费订购资料却上了当. 后来我发现这些我所购买的资料在别的网站是免费的)

02. fall into the wrong hands, to
定义: 落入恶人手中, 被敌人所劫持, 把持, 持有, 擒获或控制.
例句: If this sort of information fell into the wrong hands, we could be in big trouble. (如果类似这种资料落入恶人手中的话, 我们可能有大麻烦)

03. fall like ninepins, to
定义: 许多人受伤, 大量的...失败, 倒闭或衰退.
例句: When inflation and interest rates soared to 20%, stock markets plunged by 80% in real terms, big banks fell like ninepins and unemployment was triple the present level. (如果通膨和利率攀升百分之二十, 股市实质下跌百分之八十, 大量的大型银行将倒闭, 失业率也将是现在程度的三倍)

04. fall off one's perch, to
定义: 死亡.
例句: When the canary fell off its perch, the coal miners immediately vacated the mines and ran for their lives. (当金丝雀死亡的时候, 这些矿工立即撤离这个矿场和逃命)

05. fall off the back of a lorry/truck, to
定义: 偷来的. (注: 意指诙谐的说某物是从卡车上掉下来的)
例句: I don't know where he gets this stereo – I suspect, it fell off the back of a lorry. (我不晓得他从哪里弄到这套音响– 我怀疑它是偷来的)

06. fall off the pumpkin/turnip truck, to
定义: 刚出道, 没经验, 容易上当. (注: 经常以否定语气说: 我不是刚出道, 没经验, 容易上当)
例句: I've been on this job for 30 years and didn't fall off the pumpkin truck. (我做这个工作已经三十年了, 我可不是刚出道的)

07. fall off the wagon, to
定义: 又开始酗酒或吸毒.
例句: He fell off the wagon after he stopped drinking for three years. (在他戒酒三年之后他又开始酗酒)

08. fall off, to
定义: 掉下来; 减少; 减轻; 减肥; 进入一个新的方向; 船转向往避风头的方向.
例句: The number of tourists to visit the island has fallen off quite a lot recently. (来这个岛屿游玩的游客人数最近减少了许多)

09. fall on deaf ears, to
定义: 被人置之不理, 被人充耳不闻.
例句: If you talk to the workers about management's problems, your message will fall on deaf ears. (如果你跟工人谈论管理部门的问题, 不会有人理你)

10. fall on hard times, to
定义: 陷于穷困.
例句: Since he lost his job, his family had fallen on hard times. (自从他失去这个工作之后, 他的家庭就陷于穷困)

11. fall on one's face, to
定义: 面朝下趴在地上, 五体投地地敬拜, 摔个狗吃屎; 彻底失败, 弄得一败涂地或灰头土脸.
例句: The guy got caught up in his own charisma and fell on his face. (这个小子沉迷在自己的魅力里, 把自己弄得灰头土脸)

12. fall on one's feet/legs, to
定义: 站起来; 克服困难, 转危为安, 回复旧观.
例句: Whenever John gets in trouble, he always falls on his feet. (每次约翰碰到麻烦的时候, 他总是有办法克服困难)

13. fall on one's sword, to
定义: 自杀; 接受失败; 被迫辞职; 牺牲自己, 为个人或团体的行为负责.
例句: I know I caused the problem, but I'm not the only one to blame. I won't fall on my sword. They'll have to fire me. (我知道我造成了这个问题, 但我不是唯一要负责的人. 我不会牺牲我自己. 他们只有解雇我)

14. fall on stony ground, to
定义: 对要求, 警告或劝导充耳不闻/置之不理.
例句: Ten years ago, the idea of​​ free energy would have fallen on stony ground. (十年前, 免费能源这个概念也许会被人充耳不闻)

15. fall on/upon, to
定义: 突然, ​​恶毒地攻击; 遇见, 碰到; (无意间)注意.
例句: Then, my eyes fell on him. He was skinny, with gentle blue eyes, and a quiet but stable demeanor. (随后我注意到他. 他那个时候瘦骨嶙峋, 拥有一双温柔的蓝眼睛, 和安静但稳重的举止)

16. fall out of favor, to
定义: 退流行的; 不再受欢迎.
例句: Stocks become undervalued for a variety of reasons, such as an overall market decline or when a specific industry falls out of favor. (股票被评估过低有多种原因, 例如当股市整体下跌或一个特定行业不再受欢迎)

17. fall out of love, to
定义: 不再与某人恋爱, 失恋.
例句: She points out that while some couples believe they've fallen out of love with each other, actually they haven't. They've only lost the motivati​​on to love. (她指出, 尽管有些夫妻认为他们已经不再相爱, 其实他们并非如此. 他们只是失去了爱的激励​​)

18. fall out of use, to
定义: 不再使用.
例句: The landline has fallen out of use most of the time. My grandparents are the only one to use it. (这台地线电话大部分的时候已经没人使用. 我祖父母是唯一使用它的人)

19. fall out with someone, to
定义: 与某人争论; 不再与某人为友.
例句: I hate it when you fell out with someone you love over something silly. (我实在不喜欢当你跟一个你所爱的人为了一件小事争吵)

20. fall out, to
定义: 脱落; 跌落; 争论或因吵架而分手; 出列, 脱队; 变为, 发生.
例句: My hair fell out after I bleached it. Will it grow back? (在我漂白之后, 我的头发脱落. 它会不会再长回来?)



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